Issue #6

With the matters that needed to be discussed concluded, the group removed the barriers around the room before returning to the party and enjoying their night.

The rest of the night was pretty much a blur but to Emma and Sebastian, this was their chance to show their dominance. Even if no one knew who exactly was behind the scenes, everyone knew that the pair were related to them.

Thus, they made many connections that would be turned into business relationships over the following days. This would allow their business empires to expand even more.

The connections they tried to make in order to get closer to the top dogs would allow the pair at the top to become even more out of reach than before.

When the party came to a close, almost everyone who attended the party left happily. Most because of the business connections they were able to secure while some were due to the 'entertainment' Sebastian had organized for some of the men to leave with.

The Frost Family didn't return to the Institute but to a private penthouse that Emma owned. The girls returned to their rooms for the night while Jack and Emma stayed up in the den.

"This is why I hate parties. Always have to clean up afterward," Emma quietly complained to herself

Jack laughed before planting a kiss on the woman's cheek.

"Yet you insisted on being the one in charge of the party, knowing you would have to clean up some trash."

"Why of course," Emma replied. "I can double Frost International's revenue which means much more profit. Besides, dealing with most of this trash is nothing more than a thought."

As much as being the hosts brought them some glory, it also brought them trouble. It was pretty much a ritual that the younger and foolish members of the club would try to go after the top members of the club after the gala with various forces.

Of all the 'trash' that was nearby, Emma made many of them shove one of the tools they were carrying into their prison pockets before shutting down their minds. For the few that had protection from telepathic powers, Jack dealt with them.

Using his invisibility and intangibility, Jack was able to sneak around and perform surprise attacks on all the assassins. Even if he could kill them all easily with a single attack, this was slightly more entertaining to him.

But even as he took his time, it didn't take him more than 3 minutes to deal with all. And with all the trash taken care of, Emma and Jack were able to head to bed without worries.

Shaw's side also had to deal with the same thing and his was a bit... messier due to a difference in powers and not staying with the two telepaths of his forces. But after having a few rooms of his mansion destroyed, Shaw was also able to rest peacefully for the night.

And with that, the Hellfire Gala officially came to a close.


Over the next week, Emma was busy dealing with business matters so she took a leave of absence from the school. While she was gone, Jack took over everything that she was supposed to do which meant her ethics classes and Generation X lessons.

When he was not taking over Emma's duties, Jack was also working on other matters himself. And he had finally found the first real step in the experiment he was developing.


Inside his lab, Jack was studying the body of a clone of Emma. He had rapidly aged the clone even faster than the others so the clone was already in her 30s even if the other clones were in their late teens at most.

Jack had gotten several blood samples from the original Emma and had been experimenting on them when he was able to get the answer that he wanted. After a few tests runs, Jack was finally able to perfect his experiment so he decided to test it on the clone.

Jack injected a formula into the clone which altered the clone's DNA that changed a few particular points on the X-Gene.

When the formula had run its course, the clone of Emma's body shifted from her normal fleshy form into a humanoid diamond form. Seeing that the process was a success on the clone, he was excited.

Jack's research differed from Sinister's in several ways. Sinister focused on cloning and mixing the DNA of different mutants to create the ultimate mutant. But Jack thought differently.

That method could only improve future generations. He wanted to make sure every mutant got a chance for improvement.

So Jack focused on unleashing the full capability of the X-Gene. He had gotten the idea after learning of Beast suddenly changing from an ape-like appearance to a feline-like appearance.

So after studying DNA Sinister got of Beast 15 years prior to his change and after his change, Jack was able to see the difference in his X-Gene. The changes were minor but they were there. And that was all Jack needed.

'Now for the fun part of the experiment. Let's see just how tough this form for Emma is.'

Jack wanted to access the clone's mind but found that his telepathic powers couldn't reach her. He then began beating on the clone's body but found that he was unable to cause any damage to it.

Then it just became an hour of him using his various powers to kill the clone of his fiancee. It took some effort but he was finally able to kill her after fusing several different of his most powerful spells.

"So her durability skyrockets. She also is immune to telepathic powers. I wonder if she can use them herself. Oh, well. We can find that out after asking the woman herself."

Jack packed up several vials of his formula before flying back to the Institute. While he wasn't sure when he would give them out, it was better to have them on hand in case of an emergency.

But on his way back, he could feel a calling sensation above him. Thinking it might be something important or interesting, Jack flew through the sky and atmosphere. Before he knew it, Jack was flying near the dark side moon.

But what he didn't expect to see was a lush island floating in the middle of space. Not a settlement on the moon. Not a spaceship or station that looked like an island. But an actual tropical island in the middle of space.

'Definitely interesting. I wonder if it's fun too.'