Chapter 5 - "Fair" Judgment (2)

Lucius seeing his parents and older sister fighting and demonstrating an aura of Battle Essence frightening and tyrannical scaring even the judges who sweated cold and did everything to remain standing under the pressure they exerted with the powers of the 3 clashing, all the judges just looked and were even more impressed by that family of demigods of war, but what scared them most was to see Lucius still standing, not moving and just watching the pressure like it was a cool summer breeze, it didn't feel like the pressure of an elephant stepping on and using all the weight he had to destroy their bodies, he just watched the aura they all had with overwhelming power and grandeur, treating the aura as just an ant pressure, all the judges were afraid of the 3 sitting on the throne who were true Battle essence monsters and had the strength to reign undefeated, but now their fear has been directed towards that boy who hasn't condensed his spiritual weapon but can handle it the tyrannical pressure of those 3 demigods, the fear of the judges who were brave veterans of a bloody war that started the Darius dynasty and didn't fear anyone out there, just the strongest and those destined to be the strongest, the emperor the empress and the imperial heiress fulfilled the 1st requirement, but Lucius not only fulfilled the 2nd but surpassed it and was already strong, so strong that he could take it all head-on and didn't mind the intrigue, the judges at that time put something into their minds as a warning to themselves:

'Never underestimate Lucius Darius'

Lucius just ignored the looks of the judges and watched the scene with disdain, they thought they were Strong but he would make sure to rub in their faces the power he would have in the future and would be as great as the power they have now. But how did Lucius withstand that gigantic pressure?; Simple, Battle essence control, Lucius control in Battle essence Borders on perfection these days, he himself builds the magic firearms of his company and spends huge amounts of stamina and vitality together with Battle essence internally controlling tons of Battle essence in the atmosphere and makes the Strongest weapons in the world today and he makes thousands of them every day and every day they run out quickly, controlling the Battle essence in the atmosphere is as easy as breathing for Lucius, but even if he does, he can't use it effectively in battle and to use it he needs to condense his spiritual weapon, if he wanted to, right now he would condense and make his spiritual weapon, but when he tried he noticed something that put him on alert, his soul was growing and getting stronger, more resistant and scarier with each passing day and it reminds the growth of a whirlpool, every day his soul absorbs the essence battle in tons and when he spends his stamina until it's all gone, your soul sucks more Battle essence and doesn't stop until it's full of stamina and when it fills up again, the amount increases and it takes time to spend, it's not much different from your past life but now the stamina stash of him increases more than before and sometimes even his body strength and his control over Battle essence increases and becomes stronger and more perfect, he always repeats the process of running out of stamina and it returns in 1 hour fully full and bigger in amount and exhaust it again and so repeating the process over and over, he has done this every day since he was 8 years old and for him it's as normal as breathing and it's a mandatory process for him

So long doing this has earned him a strong, tough body like the body of an {Essence Warrior}. The essence warriors are the warriors who have condensed their spiritual weapon and already have Superhuman powers, their parents and older sister are high rank Essence Warriors with their mother being at rank 10 and their father at rank 11 and their sister at rank rank 5 being the youngest Essence Warrior to reach rank 5, she is a scary being on the mainland, but they don't come close to Lucius who even though he's not an Essence Warrior already has the strong body of a rank 3 Essence Warrior, his strength and genius surpass his sister to thundering levels, he just doesn't surpass her as he still waits for his soul to transform and get stronger, as something tells him that when his soul transforms completely and reaches the stage of "matured". His strength will become as potent as Anissa's strength these days, so he just waits patiently and unhurriedly, as haste is the enemy of perfection. Seeing that the current fight between his sister and mother against his father was taking up precious time from him, Lucius shouts angrily:


He screams in a powerful voice that resonates in everyone's ears there, he didn't hurt them because all of Lucius excerpts were beings with superhuman bodies and could easily withstand that scream, but many were scared because when Sonora hit them, they felt a powerful and pure Battle essence that resonated against the bodies of those affected and left another mark of Lucius on them because at that age and not being an Essence Warrior, he already controlled the battle essence at this level, now not only the judges feared Lucius' future but his parents and sister also who immediately realized that they released their auras there maximum near Lucius and Lucius was already so strong and his Battle essence control already reached that level of forming a Battle essence barrier so strong that it easily held their aura. At that moment the feelings of Anissa and Tetsa showed pride and happiness for Lucius' future and Dante only felt anger and a slight trace of fear for the future of that bastard who according to him and he was sure that boy was not his Son

Dante clenches his fists tightly, controls his anger and says with authority,

"Fuck the formalities, Lucius Darius...I sentence you to 10 years at the borders as a soldier in the demon scouting and exploration troop and you'll only get out of there when you kill 100,000 more bugs or unlock a state area in our territories from the enemy front!"

When he finished speaking, Tetsa and Anissa's aura immediately filled with rage and quickly Tetsa responded authoritatively:

"I am against the Emperor's decree and use my Imperial Medallion of the Void Empire to nullify the Imperial Order of Dante Darius V!"

Anissa responds shortly afterwards with anger in her voice:

"I too am against the imperial order and use the secular decree of heir to the throne given to me by huzir dedamut - 1st emperor of the empire of iron bloods!"

That punishment took them by surprise and they would never have imagined that Dante's anger towards Lucius was so great that he would send the boy himself to a place filled with demonic insects. The demonic insects are the Aliens that invaded this world and many other worlds in this solar system, it is unknown where they came from or why they attack this solar system, the only thing humans know is that a few centuries ago, the entire planet it was dominated by the human race and other races such as beasts, elves, dwarves, orks and many other types of magical beings, but one day while the races were all in a bloody war, insects descended from the skies with limitless hunger and violence, there was a unilateral massacre of insects killing all kinds of living beings with superior consciousness, except animals and beasts that did not have access to battle essence in their bodies, these animals were left alive and were ignored along with plants and trees, nature itself was preserved but the sentient and high consciousness Beings who had Battle essence running through their bodies were all killed and eaten without mercy, no matter their age, sick or not, all were killed and eaten without stop and every living being with high consciousness was almost eradicated from the planet just like that

Currently the human continent of Tula still exists and daily defends itself from insect attacks and before Lucius' weapons existed, every day at least 1,000 soldiers died at the borders in an attempt to defend the continent, humans before had thought of the idea of ​​leaving for other continents and exploring other realms to see if other races survived the onslaught of insects, but after Lucius' weapons were traded and sold to the armies of the 3 human empires, the death rate at the borders dropped from 1,000 to 0. Killing the insects now it was as easy as killing a fly, know these bugs were as big as elephants and had the strength of an elephant, but with Lucius' weapons killing the bugs was as easy as killing flies with a fuse and after a few years defending, the Empires decided to attack and then went to the old empire of the white and black elves, the white and black elves unlike other fantasy tales, were a united race in this world, the white elves were specialists in normal everyday matters like planting, mending and caring, they were the geniuses of the Battle essence which is not called Battle essence in the elf empire, but the well-known "mana". The Mana of the elves and the Battle essence of the humans is not very different in use, but the elves knew how to use it better, they were masters in the use of mana and always made technological equipment of the modern earth like a "smartphone" made of blue diamonds that used ambient mana as a sort of network of messages that could communicate all over the world and they also created "airplanes" using boats and using the boat to navigate the skies using ambient mana as water, the white elves were true geniuses of the technology and created many of modern earth's technological equipment using rustic tools and mana. Since the dark elves were warlords, the method of using the Battle essence that humans use today was created using an ancient "soul shaping" technique stolen from the elves by the humans, but this technique for the elves had many flaws. as it depleted the body stamina and mental stamina of both elves and humans, it was powerful but had a high cost to use it, even if there are many essence warriors in the human empire, none of them can use the technique with 100% effectiveness and to the elves this technique was useless and outdated, the dark elves are warriors who become "one with mana". They breathe mana, feed on mana and dress with mana, are a warrior people who protect the elven empire and during the invasion, the elves led the rank of insect kills, their armies slaughtered insects using only swords and pure skill, the war on the side of the elves seemed stable and all was well with the elf empire

But on the human side, 90% of humanity died and the rest fled to the strongest continent in the human empire: Tula, it's been 100 years since the exodus of humans towards Tula, humanity is currently weak and poor, the humans are dying faster and the human growth slows down every year, it seemed that humanity would taste the bitter taste of extinction poison, but then came Lucius' firearms showed hope for humanity again and now the Human Empires intend to send soldiers heavily armed to the elven continent to explore and find out if they survived, if they are alive then the humans will start negotiations and donated firearms to the elves and powerful war equipment, if all are dead then the exploration troops have to collect any machine, book, notes, weapons, treasures and many other valuable materials of the elf empire because even being dead, the elves were Beings that were many millennia the front of the humans and anything else from the elven empire was of extreme value to the humans. The exploration mission will take place in 2 years and only veterans and experienced soldiers and Strong will participate in the exploration of the continent and the 3 Empires will donate soldiers, the Iron Empire would donate 10,000 veteran soldiers who are also high level Essence Warriors to help and in this "fair" trial, Dante wanted to send Lucius to participate in the exploration mission, Lucius wasn't even an Essence Warrior and it would be a clear death penalty to send him to the exploration mission, Anissa and Tetsa used their best benefits as empress and imperial heiress, but then all his hopes die when dante coldly speaks:

"I use the Soul Oath Decree to send Lucius Darius on the exploration mission for 30 YEARS"