chapter 6 - "fair" judgment (3) & God of greed & Goddess of justice

Secular decree of the heir of the iron empire - a law established in the iron empire by the 1st emperor, this law says that every 100 years the heir of the empire has the right to achieve anything within the limits of the iron empire, even against the emperor, many heirs used this law to get stronger, plan rebellions and take the throne before its time, this law in the iron empire is somewhat unknown as only the nobility was involved in the actions of the heirs who used this law, the heiress the bastard emperor Dante Darius; Anissa Darius, used secular law to prevent the disguised death penalty that Dante gave to his brother Lucius Darius and with Empress Tetsa Voy'D, one of the princesses of the void empire, one of the last 3 empires of mankind, used the medallion of the void, a type of order in the void empire that every heir is entitled to use every 100 years, but unlike Anissa and can only use the law every 100 years and only within the limits of the iron empire, Tetsa Voy'D can use this medallion of empire across the continent of Tula that the entire empire will be obeying Tetsa and only Tetsa, she can choose to eradicate the Iron Blood Empires and the White Saint empire in a massive continental war that would destroy humanity and even faster than normal since Lucius' weapons would be used during this hypothetical war, but the women didn't count that Dante would wear a mighty card up his sleeve, the iron emperor's soul oath, the soul oath is like tetsa's locket but good more pot Since he can summon not just soldiers to fight for him, but the entire iron empire, from a 5 year old to a 100 year old, a war involving civilians was a totally won war for the iron empire it currently has. more than 10 billion people living on his lands along with 1 billion soldiers, if he used that soul oath for a continental conquest, the war would be won for Dante, because the white empire and the void empire together don't even give 50% of the population power of the iron empire, even in this hypothetical war, the victory would be for the iron empire, it would also be a victory for the invading insects, because a war at this level would destroy the fragile defenses of the Tula continent, Dante wanted Lucius away from his empire and would waste this single-use treasure to make that happen

Tetsa and Anissa used their biggest trump cards but they didn't expect Dante to also use his most powerful joker and destroy their chances of protecting Lucius from a terrible future, Anissa looked at Dante with pure hatred and Tetsa just looked at him out of the corner of her eye and all the positive feelings that Tetsa had with Dante died in that moment, the moment he showed not caring about killing his own son and not caring about using everything he had to reserve a horrible fate for him and using the basis to accuse him. to a terrible punishment, the crime of having beaten useless soldiers for trying to rape a slave of Lucius, then silence reigned in the throne room, the judges just stood there and didn't care to defend the prince and just agreed, their work in this judgment was to guide the emperor through his decisions and if those decisions were wise for the good of the empire, but they wouldn't do it, they're just Dante's lackeys and only trust wake up without caring since even saying no, Dante would surely send Lucius to the exploration troop and nothing would stop him, but inside Anissa's Mind, Tetsa used her psychic powers acquired after years of training in Battle essence, she he recounted his new plan not to free Lucius from the charge, but to prepare him and train Lucius so that he survives in the exploration of the elf empire.

After a few seconds, Tetsa uses her powers to tell Lucius her plan, he listens intently and then using his acting skills, Lucius lowers his head as a sign of surrender which makes Dante show a satisfied smile, but while hanging his head , Lucius shows a scary smile that showed pleasure and excitement, being above Lucius, Dante can't see the devilish smile and when Dante would legally decree Lucius' indictment, Tetsa gets up and levitates until she is face to face with Dante who watches curious about her attitude, he would say something but is interrupted by Tetsa who shouts with an authoritative tone:

"I use the void empire medallion to change the sentence!.... Lucius Darius will be sent to serve the exploration troop in 3 years when he turns 18!....he and his slaves will go as a special team of the empire of the bloods of iron and will be a team separate from the other soldiers!...and as for the term 30 years or the taking of a new state territory for the human empire, these terms will be kept with the clause that Lucius and his slaves will receive the best equipment and to balance and keep the prosecution fair, Lucius will have to kill 1 million insects and to prove that he did kill the insects, at each end of the annual cycle, a team from the empire will be sent to fetch the insects' heads !"

As Tetsa finishes her statement, Anissa says coldly:

"I use the imperial secular decree to enforce the use of the imperial medallion of the void empire!"

Dante silently listens to the women, he thinks and knows that if he enforces his old sentence and tries to overturn Tetsa's charge, the void empire will be compelled to intervene and for sure a war could break out on the mainland and even with the empire of iron being the strongest in the human race today, it is not strong enough to stand up to the colossal horde of insects that slams the door and brings them closer to extinction.

But it was the only way, he wanted Lucius out of his life and he wanted to see that bastard who claimed to be his son, dead and out of his life, he didn't care about the means, only the results mattered.

Dante then speaks in a calm voice:

"Is everyone in agreement?"

The judges then respond:

"Yes!! Your Majesty!!"

The judges were all nervous at that time, a war could have broken out here and now, the fate of mankind currently depended on how this judgment would end and even though they were very strong and mighty warriors, the judges were not invincible and knew that a war at this time would kill the humanity that finally saw a speck of hope in this world of chaos, war and endless death. They didn't want to be remembered as the idiot humans who preferred to indulge their own will and have the human race extinct rather than stop being selfish and thinking in the greater good, they decided to calm their own ego and tried to put a stop to this noxious family discussion. Lucius raised his head and looked at Dante who stared back, Dante's eyes saw coldness and intention to kill Clara coming from that boy and Lucius saw only contempt on Dante's part, they both hated each other and nothing on this planet can reconcile them, Lucius himself not knowing why so much hate for him, he didn't care to know and just showed hate for the other side, Dante was not a good father to him, unlike Anissa and her younger sisters, Dante always showed affection for the younger sisters and respect for Anissa, but for Lucius he oozed boundless hatred and Lucius wanted to know why, but after so much being ignored and even being thrown like a piece of garbage by Dante every time he came over to talk to him, Lucius stopped caring a long time ago and just wanted revenge on Dante for so much hate and he would do it the best way possible

Lucius turned and started walking towards the door with his back to Dante, which was a lack of respect in the iron empire, but he didn't care, he just walked calmly and didn't care about the judges who didn't care either. they cared a lot for Lucius and went away disappearing mysteriously into thin air, Lucius kicked the door with all the strength he had.


The iron door broke and behind the door, a row of 6 soldiers was protecting the throne room, they were thrown flying like rag dolls, Dante seeing it clenched his fists until his hands bled and gritted his teeth hard, he wanted to go after Lucius when Tetsa interrupted her reasoning by saying coldly:

"May I know why you hate him so much?"

Dante looked at Tetsa with disgust and contempt, he replied:

"I already told you woman, that bastard SON OF THAT MONSTER!..."

He interrupts his moment of fury and then says calmly:

"Anissa...get out...I want to talk to your mother in private"

Anissa gets up from the throne of the heir, since Lucius left, she wanted to follow him and calm her brother's fury, but she waited to watch her parents talk, but Dante told her to leave, spoiling his plan to collect Boas. information from Dante to help Lucius, but she heard something interesting, Dante thought that Lucius was not his son, but someone's son, which was impossible as Lucius is clearly a younger version of Dante

She saved her thoughts for later, she then quickly disappears from the room as if she had teleported, she runs through the immense corridors of the Castle while looking for Lucius, but all attempts fail because of all the places in the Castle she has searched, Lucius wasn't there, he had left a few seconds ago but had already returned to the city?; impossible for that to happen because Lucius' speed was slightly stronger human and Anissa's speed was already beyond what human eyes could follow, Anissa then stops running and looking for Lucius, she had looked in every corner but hadn't found him nowhere, she even looked in the Castle's ladies room but Lucius wasn't there. A myriad of thoughts ran through Anissa's head, good and bad thoughts, good would be the thoughts that he's back in town and must be with his women and bad are the thoughts that Dante sent someone to punish him or that some soldier who was hurt on his way out of the throne room has gone to get revenge, they were stronger than Lucius at frightening levels and even stronger than Anissa, she thought of many things but then she stopped thinking when something crossed her mind, Anissa had gone many places but she hadn't gone to the room that belonged to her

Anissa quickly runs at full speed to her quarters on the other side of the Castle to compare where she was when she stopped to think where Lucius was. She saw her bedroom door and increased the speed, when she opened the door and her whole body entered the room together, she felt a strong hand grab her forearm and using the strength released during her run to the bedroom, the owner of the hand threw Anissa on the bed in her room, the bed was gigantic and would fit 5 people easily, Anissa falls on the bed, she didn't feel that hand use force to redirect her to the bed, only used her own strength to throwing her full in, she was impressed by the person and when she was falling on the bed and rolling over, she heard the bedroom door close and lock from the inside, she couldn't see the person's silhouette and could only see when it stopped to roll over in bed after the fall and then saw the person who threw her there so easily, was a tall, strong, crimson-haired boy with eyes as black as a night without stars or moon, she saw the boy and sighed with joy and relief , it was Lucius , Lucius walked to the bed and went upstairs without lying down r, he stood up and walked over to Anissa, Anissa saw him getting close and wanted to straighten her appearance because after so much running around the palace she was already sweaty and her clothes that looked like a standard female female type military uniform were messed up and together the sweat that dripped all over his body, brought a mesmerizing beauty to Anissa, Lucius seeing it approached more and more of Anissa until he was on top of her, she was lying down and he was standing, he looked at the position that Anissa was lying down ,it was a position that tightened her clothes on her perfect body and showed a beauty worthy of a Goddess resting after a long journey helping people with good heart in life's problems, Lucius then realized that she would try to get ready and if that happened ,all that divine beauty of hers would disappear, Lucius then uses his bare feet to step on top of Anissa's hands and then he crouches down and when his face is close to Anissa he whispers in front of the to her lips in a seductive voice:

"Whoever gave you permission to slave..."

Then he steals her lips, a hot, passionate kiss ensues and when they both part with wet lips, Anissa replies:

"I'm love"