An Interesting turn of events

Several dead birds lay sprawled around my room, their rotting smell giving the air a beautiful fragrance.

'Ah, it smells so good that my stomach is churning again,' I thought as I kicked one of corpses out of the way.

The birds were all failed necromancy experiments, but just because they didn't meet my expectations doesn't mean that they were complete failures.

By keeping them in my warm moist room, I've been experimenting on the process of decay, one of the many fields of necromantic research.

As I closed my door shut, I could hear several kids complain about the smell emanating from my room.

"Tasteless existences" I muttered

"Okay, Sparry number 30, will you be the one?" I murmured to myself as I took a seat at the only table in the room.

A brown bird lay dead on the table, small specks of blood visible on its chest area.

"Here we go," I said before placing my hands over the bird's corpse, replaying the same thoughts that filled my mind back when I first met Skelly.

Suddenly, a black mist emanated from my hands, its density a mere wisp as it jumped into the bird's corpse.

"Finally," I sighed in excitement, staring at the lifeless corpse with a smile on my face.

Several seconds passed, those seconds became minutes, which in turn became an hour.

'Another failed experiment,' I thought finally, tossing the bird to the ground.

Lately I feel like I've been getting closer, however, something seems to be eluding me.

'Anyway, I should start preparing for my torture session with Tristan,' I thought excitedly, as I pulled out a drawer full of needles.

'Where did you get the needles?' some of you may be asking. Well, I stole them from the caretakers. I need them to kill the birds without destroying their bodies too much.

Plus, the squeaks they make as I slowly puncture their chest, and pop their hearts are quite satisfying.

I grabbed a few of those needles and picked up a knife I had stolen from the kitchen before placing them all in my pockets and heading out.

As I walked out of the orphanage building, the midday sun blinded me, its radiant warmth an unwelcome feeling.

Erandel was what people called 'A noble's city,' in that it was the city where the royal family lived, as such, it was filled with nobles.

And of course, where there are rich fellows, there are massive buildings and 'beautiful- not my words- structures.

The pathways were made of grey cobblestone, while the sidewalks were painted a bright yellow. To be honest, it all kind of felt tacky to me, but what do I know, I'm just a village boy turned orphan.

The library was a massive white structure a few blocks away from the orphanage. In front of it was a statue of some ugly-looking old man, probably the noble who founded it, with a fountain right beneath it.

As I walked towards the door, the receptionist gave me the usual glare, it was a sort of tradition we had come up with.

"Niela," I spoke up, holding out my hand towards the receptionist.

"The commoner's section is over there, don't let me catch you wandering about," she replied flatly, handing me a library tag.

I quickly walked towards one of the empty seats in my allocated section. The commoner's section was but a drop in the ocean which was the library, but I couldn't complain. After all, I was reading all this free of charge.

I grabbed a book on farming techniques to pass the time while I waited for Tristan. I had already picked out a spot to do my deeds, now all that was needed was patience.

'This bitch,'

Nearly two hours passed and she hadn't arrived. I guess this is what people call being stood up.

'Sigh, I guess I'll just have to make do with birds for now,' I thought before closing the book and preparing to leave.

Just then a well-dressed girl barged into the library, she seemed to be in a hurry.

"Hey, you can't go in without a tag," screamed Niela, looking at the girl with an annoyed expression.

The girl ignored her screaming and quickly glanced around the library before landing her eyes on... me?

"You, there," she shouted, before dashing up to me.

'A second chance?' I thought with a smile on my face.

"Can I help you?" I asked, inspecting the girl's body.

'A little too big to hide in under my bed. Perhaps I'll bury her behind the orphanage and dig he up later,' I thought.

"Hello, can you hear me? What are you spacing out for?" interrupted the girl, before dragging me deeper into the library.

'What is up with girls an interrupting my thoughts,'

"W-Wait, where are you taking me? This is the noble's section, if I'm found here my membership will be revoked," I complained, pulling my arm out of her grasp.

"You really are an odd one. Normally when people see me they try their best to garner my favor," she said, a sort of surprised expression on her face.

'Who does this bitch think she is?'

"May I ask who you are and why it is you grabbed me?" I asked politely, hiding my urge to kill her where she stood.

"Oh, I quite like this part," she replied, clapping her hands excitedly.

"I'm princess Eleanour, third in line to the throne. And as for why I grabbed you, I snuck out of the palace and I need help hiding," she continued, a smug look on her face.

'I can't kill a princess,' I thought with a defeated sigh.

"No," I replied flatly, before turning to leave.


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