Royal troubles

"W-What? You're leaving?" stuttered the princess as I walked down the aisle.

"Yes," I replied flatly.

You had to be stern with humans or they wouldn't listen, a design flaw in my opinion. Can you hear me god?

"W-Wait," she said, running up to me before grabbing my hand.

'Sigh, truly a troublesome business,'

"Princess, as much as I would love to help you, if a commoner like me were found aiding your escape I would be hanged before I got the chance to explain myself," I explained calmly, before pulling my hand back.

"I-I won't let them happen. If I'm caught I'll say you had nothing to do with this,"

'What a naive little bitch. Are all nobles so idiotic to think that that's how the world works,' I thought to myself, holding back the urge to burst out in laughter.

"Princess, even if that were true. I see no benefit in helping you. If I may be so rude, as a commoner I gain nothing from having your favor,"

"You don't hold back your punches do you?" she replied, a defeated expression on her face.

"I'm sure that there are others you can go to for help. Now I have to get going,"

"Y-You like reading right. That's why you're here isn't it?" the princess asked, a crude smile on her face.

'What? Are you going to bribe me with books? Does she really think my life is so worthless,'

"As much as I like reading princess, I don't think that any book would be worth my life," I replied.

'However, if she has books on necromancy in her collection, then that might be worth the risk,' I thought excitedly, before putting my hands in my pockets.

"Though, it might be worthwhile if I could lay my hands on a few books on magic. You don't have any, by any chance, do you, princess?" I asked in a coquettish manner.

The princess broke out into a fit of giggles, her hands covering her mouth in a way befitting of a rich noble.

"What use does a commoner have for magic books? Most of the magical bloodlines are already nobles, or are you saying that you've discovered yourself to have magical talent?" asked the princess, her giggles still faintly audible even as she tried to hide them.

"I merely have an interest in magic. It's not anything as far-fetched as thinking I have magical talent," I replied to her with a smile.

'Claiming I have magical talent when I can't even use one spell is a fool's endeavor,'

"I'll consider it, which element are you most fascinated with? Perhaps fire?" she asked.

"Do you perhaps have a book on necromancy?"

"What?" she asked, a disgusted look on her face.

"I mean, I've heard a lot of things about it, and I would just like to confirm whether they were true, or merely folk tales meant to scare kids," I explained, hoping that I hadn't messed up the deal by being so forthcoming.

"P-Perhaps, I'll have to check. People who are capable of necromancy are far and wide in between, so there's a slim chance of my family having such a thing in our personal library," replied the princess in a thoughtful tone.

"Anyway, let's get on with my hiding shall we,"

"Ahh, right. First of, ditch the clothes, you're so easy to spot in those garments," I said, giving her an up and down.

"P-P-Pervert," she screamed, her face red as she took a step away from me.

'Really now princess? Even if I were a pervert, there's really nothing to see on that washboard body of yours,'

"Y-You misunderstand princess. I'm merely doing this for the sake of increasing your odds of not getting caught. Why is it that you're hiding anyway?" I asked to diffuse the situation.

"Ahh, I guess someone like you wouldn't really get," she said, calming down.

'No shit I wouldn't,'

"The palace just feels so suffocating. There's nothing to do, no one to play with. My other siblings are all invested in court politics, leaving me the odd one out. And I just wanted to feel some fresh air for a bit," she replied, a bitter smile on her face.

'So your reason for putting my life at risk is because you were bored?'

"I-I see. Well, I'll try my best to entertain you while you're out on your little field trip," I replied.

The princess once again broke out into a fit of giggles, this time a different sort of smile on her face.

"You're funny. Though I hope you know that a commoner and someone in line to the throne will never be allowed to be together. I-It's forbidden you know," she replied, her face turning red at the last part.

'Is she retarded?' I thought to myself, before saying,

"Perhaps you could borrow some of my clothes,"

"Y-You want me to wear your clothes? You really are a pervert," she said, the last part coming out a mere whisper.

However, even though she said this, her face was still tinged red, and her breathing was a little erratic.

'You say I'm a pervert but aren't you getting a little too excited?' I thought silently.

After making sure that there were no guards walking around in front of the library, we snuck our way to the orphanage.

"Wait here,"

"Y-You want me to wait outside?" she asked incredulously.

"R-Right. I forgot that you were on the run," I commented.

"Okay, come with me, but you'll have to wait outside my room. There are a few things I can't let you see,"

"Things you c-can't let me see, fufufufu. What are you hiding?" she asked with a perverted smile on her face.

'Is it just me, or is she getting stranger by the minute. Perhaps all girls are like this,'

As we scurried through the orphanage hallways, her attire drew a lot of attention. Especially from the boys, they all seemed flustered at the sight of her.

"Is that Balin's girlfriend?" whispered a few kids as I walked past them.

'Please, don't start any weird rumors that might bring trouble to me later on,'

"B-Balin, there you are. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the library, I had unfinished chores," said a familiar voice as a girl slid in front of me.

"Oh, who's this?" asked the princess, peaking her head over my shoulder to get a good look at Tristan.


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