Girls are troublesome

"My name's Tristan. Who are you?" she replied. Something seemed to be bothering her because the veins on her neck were quite visible -sigh, I wish I could stab them with something-.

"Hmpf. My name's Eleanour, third pr-"

"That's enough of an introduction Eleanour. I'm kind of in a hurry, so you'll have to excuse me," I said, covering the idiot's mouth.

"That's odd. You never mentioned her before," continued Tristan, a sort of dangerous look in her eyes. I felt as if someone were going to attack me at any moment.

'And what is all this about 'never mentioned her before'? Don't say things that will make us look closer than we actually are,' I thought to myself, shoving the princess down the hallway.

"Fufufu, it seems you've got yourself an admirer," whispered the princess through the spaces in between my fingers.

"Actually, it's odd that he hasn't mentioned me to you before. After all, I'm his girlfriend," she shouted, a sort of malicious tone in her voice.

'What?' I thought, a feeling of exhaustion already overcoming me.

"What did this bitch just say," grunted Tristan under her breath, her fists clenched into small compact balls.

"Pfft, it's only a joke, you know. Boys don't like girls that can't take jokes," continued the princess, her giggles audible throughout the entire hallway.

I tried my best to push her along, but it seems I failed at keeping her mouth shut.

'Sigh, why do I get the feeling this isn't over,' I thought to myself as the male dormitory came into view.

"Okay, wait for me outside," I instructed before walking to my room.

"I'm coming wit-"

"Princess I'd like you to respect my privacy. As I said, there are things I can't allow you to see,"

"T-Then where will I change?" she asked, trying to come up with an excuse to enter.

"Were you planning to change in my room?"

"N-N-No, not unless you wanted me to," replied the princess, twirling her hair.

"You will change in the bathrooms," I replied flatly before turning back to my door.

"It seems no one here can take a joke," the princess said, slight disappointment audible in her voice.

"Perhaps it's you that kids too much, princess," I said, before entering my room.

I grabbed a pair of shorts, and a plain shirt, before returning to the waiting princess.

"The bathrooms are that way," I said, pointing to the female bathrooms.

"T-Thanks," she replied before leaving.

'I honestly can't wait to get my hands on those books. I wonder what I was missing,' I thought to myself as I waited for the princess to return.

"Ahh, help!" screamed a familiar voice from the bathrooms a few moments later.

'She can't even change without causing a scene? Why did I have to be paired up with such a troublesome princess? Perhaps I really should just kill her and flee the city,' I thought to myself. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of killing the princess as I ran towards the bathrooms.

"What's going on?" I asked, storming into the girl's bathrooms without much of a second thought.

"This ruffian, get her off me,"

"Y-you bitch, what do you want with Balin? You're probably trying to bribe him into some shady dealings, arent you," replied another familiar voice.

"I see, truly a troublesome business" I murmured to myself.

'I honestly wish this day would go on faster,'

"Tristan, may I ask why you are attacking the princess?" I asked politely. I honestly couldn't care less, but etiquette demanded I ask.

"S-She's trying to do some shady dealings, isn't she? Why would someone wearing such fancy clothing be following you around?" she asked, still pulling at Eleanour's hair.

'That's kind of rude,'

"I'm merely helping her with something. Now please let her go," I pleaded, trying to peel her off the princess.

Sadly in my attempt to remove her, I grabbed onto her chest. Honestly, there was nothing there, but the second I touched them she seemed to go stock still.

'Is this perhaps a sort of weakness that all girl's have?' I mused to myself as Tristan fell to the ground.

A moment of silence filled the room, the only sounds were the heavy breaths that Tristan exhaled. Her face was peach red, and her body seemed to shudder with every breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked, touching her shoulder, but as if on instinct, her body shuddered away, scared of my touch.

'Well, whatever,'

"Prin- I mean Eleanour, I take it you're done changing. If it isn't too much to ask, can we please leave?" I asked, in more a -you're going to listen to me without question- kind of way than an actual question.

"Y-Y-Yes," the princess stuttered, looking at me with wide eyes.

We once again made our way through the orphanage hallways, and even as she was dressed in commoner's clothing, all the boys seemed to be intrigued by her.

'Pathetic specimens,' I snorted to myself as I left the orphanage.

"So where to now princess?" I asked her, hoping she would change her mind and just head back to the palace.

"T-That. I haven't explored the city yet, so I don't know what fun things there are to do. That's why I chose someone my age to help me in my, as you called it, field trip," blushed the princess.

'Of course,' I sighed inwardly.

The things I found fun were quite... different. If I had asked the princess to go animal killing, or do necromantic experiments in a dark room, or fantasize over torture techniques, do you think she would oblige?

"I heard that running around the market district was fun. Aparently there are a lot of interesting things to look at,"

'Probably not as fun as the black market though,'

"Eh, the market. If you say so," she replied, before we began walking on our way.

'What's that creep looking at?' I thought to myself as I noticed a man wearing a brown robe staring at us.


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