avas point of view. my heart is yours and you stomped on it,shot it, lit it on fire and watch the fire dwindle down and stomped on the ashes. so forgiving you is out of the picture and out of the question. my trust is out the window you opened the window while driving and let it fly out it is now a thousand miles behind us.but at least i am goingto give you a sliver of hope. i will one day trust you enought ot give you my burnt heart again.but this time will be different i want you to treat me better than you did before i know you treated me like a queen before but this time treat me like a goddess.and tomorrow you will go to your dad and jacob and tell them you fucked up so they can beat your ass."
i can see that light has now entered his eyes in the hope i will take him back." i will take you back but i am only giving you this one chance you fuck up again and i am out i dont care if we are married and we have four kids and i am pregnant with the fifth kid. you fuck up again i am out i am done. this is your only chance to prove you understand you fucked up make sure you tell your dad that i took you back so he wont do anything about our wedding.but they also know you are on thin ice the ice is so thin you loose your balance and it will break."
he hugged me immeditally when i said i will take him back and when i was done talking he kissed me and i kissed him back, after the kiss he tells me "i am so happy you took me back i wont fuck up this time we will die old together."