she is a better wife than i thought, i used to see her being a wife to my idiot brother but its different when its happening to you.she is the perfect wife and he tossed her away like yesterdays trash, i hope he suffers a hundred times more than i did. well i will make sure he does i am going to rub it in that i stole your wife and she is happy with me now, being with her i havent thought about going and sleeping with a hoe i cant wrap my head around how he was able to run away like a little kid and stay away for a month and on top of that cheat on her a second time. he claims to be drunk when he slept with the other woman but wouldnt you notice the touch is different and your skin crawl because that would happen to me if a girl tried to seduce me my skin would crawl and i would feel sick and even if i was drunk i would still notice it wasnt ava touching me my sweet sweet ava. i became a love skick puppy folloing her around like i have no home,no life, like i am a begger asking for help. she just laughs at it but i know it makes her happy knowing she can see what i am doing at all times. lets face it she has trust issues right now but i dont care i cant get enough of her a second away is like an eternity i have to see and kiss her and even hold her i just have to have her every second of the day i dont know what happended to me but i started acting like this after the first kiss she gave me.
whats worse is that her kids know what happened they came clean a month ago and said they were listening because they heard a gun shot andthey also know we are mafia. see brother we wanted to wait a little bit longer before telling the kids but you had to cheat again and now your kids know we are fucking killers. they are also pissed at axel at the moment for what he did i dont blame them we all are mad at him he hurt my baby.she turned feral it was the act of god that i was able to bring her back from a kiss who knows what would have happened if i couldnt bring her the girls dont talk to axel unless they absolutely have to they started calling him axel and it makes me laugh on the inside and maybe a few times on the outside.
i can tell it pisses him off but what pisses him off more is they started to call me daddy and i call them my babies. that pisses axel off even more everytime he hears it he goes off on them saying" he is not your father i am if you call me axel fine but also call him jacob your my flesh and blood not his your my kids". but they just snarl at him after he rants and bitches and honestly its not helping him at all its just making them hate him more he is going to loose is ehole family if he dont stop but i think he can only see red since i took ava and the girls and the girls like me more. its your fault my idiot brother i cant believe we are related. we are miles apart on how we manage the mafia life syle and how we are at husbands for ava its sad really.