Chapter 8 - The Plan

Calcium Sulfate or Barium Sulfate... interesting.

It may be possible to separate either of these but I'm not sure if either one is the only one that is contained inside that "Personal Tracking Liquid". It's safer to assume it's not the only compound that the liquid consists of.

*583 New Infected*

*365 New Recoveries*

*600 DNA Points Gained*

Finally! I've managed to amass just about 1000 Points, there's something I've always wanted to buy from the store, The "Prototype Cure"

The cure is extremely useful in the long run, I can use it to inject myself and it would show me the relevant materials to form a cure that is effective against my virus. However, this information is a double edged sword, if it manages to get into the wrong hands, I'm basically doomed because other people would formulate a cure against me.

*First thing on today's agenda, get the Prototype Cure.

It has been a few days since Shiki was discovered due to the sudden mutation from not Long ago. Although "Black" wasn't a main topic for researchers to create a cure on, it wouldn't be too bad to assume that they were atleast wary of "Black". So Shiki should start making preparations before future mutations like this happen yet again.

Before heading out, Shiki wanted to test something out. He placed a well sized cup before cutting his hand, collecting a fair bit of blood inside of it. He poured in the remaining amount of blood from the previous experiment and managed to get a good 250ml of blood. He placed the cup about a meter away from his stove and turned it on, leaving the fire there for the entire duration he was out.

He honestly couldn't be bothered whether the dorm caught fire, he didn't pay for it anyways.

The test was to see whether the liquid could distinguish between himself and another source of blood.

He remembered the 3 main features of the liquid,

Body Temperature

Determine Location

And Tracking Human Emotions

It was safe to say that the first 2 were confirmed as true because the cops found out there were dead students at the dorm, without anyone reporting and they hadn't even entered the room at that time. Recalling closely, Shiki could remember that they didn't open the door solely because the dust collected over the door knob had no signs of disturbance. So they already knew that the students were dead inside.

When a human body goes below a certain temperature, the person is probably dead or either in hypothermia ( below 35 Degree Celcius)

I assume that is how they could assume the students is dead.

Although it still leaves the last part, "Tracking Human Emotions" the most absurd part of the liquid. It was hard to believe whether this was a hoax on the website where he attained the information from but it would be safe to assume it's false solely because of how ridiculous it sounds.

Shiki's plan was to set up a decoy of a good portion of his own blood at home, keeping it relatively near human body temperature using the stove. The cup sat a good 2 metres from the stove so the only way to provide heat would be via radiation(heat waves)

Now his plan was set. He didn't have any tools to help seal off the wound on his hand so he instead cauterized the wound using the flame from his stove. He heated a kitchen knife and slowly pressed it against his cut, he shuddered a bit and grit his teeth before dropping the knife on the floor.


Shiki proceeds to leave his apartment and head towards the store yet again.


20 Minutes later

Before making it to the drug store, he dropped by the convenience store to purchase a box of cereal crumbs and a few cartons of Apple juice.

*762 New Infected*

*544 New Recoveries*

*800 Points Gained*

The boss shows him the way into the underground compartment upon making eye contact.

"Welcome back Mr Black, you've seen to have come back quite quickly. Is there something you need?"

"One prototype cure boss"

Upon hearing, the boss furrowed his eyebrows before showing me the way.

Shiki felt as though someone was monitoring his every move, making his blood crawl. It wasn't the boss but it felt like someone afar probably knew what he was doing every step of the way.

Shiki purchased the Prototype cure and immediately requested to use the nearby toilet. Likewise, the boss granted him the permission to do so.

*1000 DNA Points Spent*

Sheik I checked every place for a hidden camera just in case, inside the door knob, on the ceiling lights, underneath and within the toilet bowl. It was all in the clear.

He jabbed the syringe into his left hand as a panel shot up infront of him


For one tablet of medicine, 50g

1. 10g Fern Moss

2. 10g Vanilla Extract

3. 30g Lime Juice

(Author : Please don't do this recipe IRL, I don't know what in god's name this devil concoction is)


Thank god cereal crumbs isn't on the list, now I can eat freely. But the recipe here is really strange though. I remember the medicine I used to take when I was still sick, they had all those big medical words that I didn't know about and it couldn't be made by just anyone, you would definitely need equipment to make it.

However this recipe is special, I'm sure just about anyone is able to gather the ingredients needed to make a cure. This must be to make it easier to defeat other diseases, the ones that humans came up with weren't the most effective in defeating diseases.

Shiki made one last check of the toilet cubicle he was in before leaving the store. The boss must have probably been tired of seeing his face multiple times over the week.


Name : Black

Type : Virus

r0 - 1.1

Infected - 840+

Killed - 8

DNA Points - 851


Coughing 1

Drug Resistance 1

Environmental Resistance 1

Mosquito Infection 1
