Chapter 9 - Friend or Foe?

Walking back from the store...


Shiki turns the knob of his door and was unexpectedly met by a group of cops, all sitting on his bed

"Your under arrest for Location Spoofing" one of them said as he slowly stood up from my bed

Desperate, Shiki dashed towards the stairs and made a mess on the way there. The trash piled up by the other students were all by the stairs and Shiki simply toppled all of them, halting the cops movement.

He was already by the school entrance. Shiki took a look behind, every single cop slowly laddering themselves down from the third floor, his eyes grew big in astonishment.

How the hell were they doing that????

Gunshots were flying past him as he took a sharp turn to the right, disappearing into the city crowd

Damn... I messed up

Pushing past the densely crowded areas, he managed to escape far enough where he couldn't see the cops anymore - an alleyway

A Dead End



"Mobilise all units, we can't let him get away!"

"Surround The Central marketplace and deny entry or exit to the place! He cannot escape at all costs!"

Not long after Shiki escaped from his apatment, the entire vicinity around him was already cordened off. Slowly, the entire force made their way inwards. They knew where he was by the Personal Tracking Liquid, so there was no need to rush.



Current status : Panting like hell

Cleanliness : Sweaty as hell

Current thinking : Where the hell are they???!!

Shiki leaned back against a wall, panting as sweat drips constantly from his forehead

"What the hell have I gotten myself into.."

They should be coming soon... they know where I am since the Tracking Liquid is in me, it won't be long before they surround me


Slowly, the cops circled into the position Shiki was at calling out to him to surrender himself towards them

"Give yourself up before we hurt you!"

They finally reached the alleyway where Shiki's position was shown...

"Boss, he disappeared!"


The tracker no longer showed where Shiki's position was at. Furthermore, the last position he was shown at was a dead-end in an alleyway, how did he escape? The cops were just dumbfounded, was there a flaw in their formation?


Exhale... Inhale .... Exhale ....

Shiki felt a light tug on his shoulder before being pulled of into a wall, it was somewhat similar to a revolving door. It was well camouflaged with alleyway wall, making it hard to discern that there was an entrance in the wall.

I looked at the person who grabbed me, wearing something like a green hoodied-coat/jacket which hid their appearance, they were relatively short... like maybe 1

"And lock it... just like that! Done!"

"Oh, a little girl... how cute"

Immediately turning around and pulling on both my ears, "Who the fuck are you calling little HUH?! Is this how you treat the person who saved your god damn ass? I wouldn't mind throwing you back out there to rot in hel-"

"Now... now calm down Himiko, there's no need to act like this.."

"WHYY YOU!!" ,she turns around and snaps on the guy behind her.

The guy walked forward, ignoring her presence, "Hi, my name is Zach, what's yours?"

"You probably have a lot of questions right now but you shouldn't be so afraid. After all, we saved your life."

Sure enough, if they hadn't saved me back then I would have already been caught.




"The Tracking Liquid!! Can't they tell where am I right now? Aren't you guys in danger?" I yelled

"Shhhh, keep it down. There's no need to worry so much about the liquid, there is a special thin layer of metal, which disrupts the location sensory of the liquid. It blocks out frequencies that are transmitted from you to the satellite. Your existence is completely erased off their database for now." Zach whispered to my ear.

I look at them for a while, still unsure whether or not to trust them. As long as they don't realise what I am, I should be fine.

"I'm sure you're feeling pretty stressed out currently, so you should take a rest in one of our rooms. We can talk later during dinner, are there any preferences?"

"Cereal Crumbs!"

"Quiet down, I'll take note of that. Hmmpph-" Himiko said as she quickly turned around and went inside one of the rooms

"Don't mind her, she's not good around strangers. Come, I'll show you to your room."


Shiki followed Zach down the hallway and was brought to a room.

"If there are any questions, you can call anytime." Zach said, before closing the door.

*1092 New Infected*

*732 New Recoveries*

*800 DNA Points Gained*


*You have unlocked the 2nd strain*


2nd strain?

Shiki then remembered that after a virus mutates for a while. They can form different types of strains, with varying levels of immunity, symptoms, etc...

So Black has already evolved to this stage? at this shocking rate??

It hasn't been a month since Black has surfaced but the amount of total infections for Black were nearing 2000. In virus terms, you would probably be seen as a prodigy.

Of course, there were some up and downs. Like the unexpected deaths that occured due to the sudden mutation... but I guess every other disease controller experienced something like this.

FOV-2 must have done something to infect and kill at such a rate...


Meanwhile, at the place where FOV-2 was held captive

"Please... just let me go...", over the course of the past few months, her morale was crushed. Many innocent lives were taken by her hands, forced by others. Nearing half a million infections and 50000 deaths, FOV-2 was known throughout the world as a new deadly virus.

Her hands were chained while her legs were shackled to the ground, blindfolded and unable to see any light. All she could do was aimlessly play as the pawn for whoever who was controlling her.

She had a rough idea of what they were doing. The messages constantly popping up in her head of the people she killed in cold blood. No one would have ever wanted to have a death forced upon their own hands...


Name : Black

Type : Virus

r0 - 1.1

Infected - 1100+

Killed - 8

DNA Points - 1651

—Evolution— (Strain 1)

Coughing 1

Drug Resistance 1

Environmental Resistance 1

Mosquito Infection 1

Strain 2 ~ Unknown
