Chapter-20[A Talk about Past-1]

Han Xiao reached the ground floor and found James chatting with a woman wearing a maid uniform with silky black hair and having square glasses on her eyes.

Every maid wore the french style maid uniform that goes to their toes, making them look beautiful and elegant at the same time.

'Qiong Xiao, the head maid of this place at the same time, James's fiancee.'

Even though every maid here was sent by Han Xiao's mother, they had their own lives too, except for some special maids that his mother cultivated herself, and Qiong Xiao was not a part of those maids. She had joined later on but her management skills were top-level, and her social skills too.

Han Xiao walked toward them with his mood still ruined from the previous incident but being the master at a poker face, he was able to hide it pretty well. He had no hard feelings against Yao Ji or anything at all, but his heart don't like the feelings he was feeling.

James and Qiong Xiao stopped talking while the latter bowed in Han Xiao's direction saying, "Greetings, Young Master."

Han Xiao nodded and asked, "Am I not interrupting anything right?"

But his voice was cold, 'Shit...damn it, I need to calm down.'

Qiong Xiao quickly shook her head, "No, Young Master. Please order me if you have anything that you need my assistance with."

Han Xiao mentally took deep breaths, and spoke in a somewhat calm tone, "Just inform Tingyao and send her to Main House to fetch some people to look after some property that I am planning on buying."

Qiong Xiao nodded earnestly, "I understand, Young Master, I will inform her as soon as possible."

"No need to hurry, I still have to look over the properties so they needed to be ready by tomorrow, no need to make her hurry."

Tingyao was his personal maid...the one he made to stay away from him at any moment. The previous him hated the clingy behavior of others and his maid was way too clingy for his taste, but at the same time, he wasn't able to make her return as she was sent by his mother...the personal maid that his mother cultivated when he was just a little guy.

Qiong Xiao nodded and went into the mansion. Han Xiao looked at James who was looking at him with a worried gaze and asked, "What happened?"

"Young Master, what happened to you now?"

'Haa...really, those who are with you from a younger age know you the best...'

"Nothing, just thinking that emotions are not just my game." Han Xiao answered while shrugging.

"Young Master, emotions are not something that could be played like a game, you need to experience them slowly and steadily and suffer through them, whether happiness or sadness," James advised with a worried look and continued, "And that experience will help you move forward in your life."

Han Xiao nodded, "Then share an experience of yourself as you had never talked about your past.", and continued, "I will sit beside you during the drive, share it at that time."

James nodded at the same time he racked his brain to think of the experience that his Young Master would enjoy and learn from it.

Liang Li too came towards them as they both walked out of the door and silently followed them.

Reaching the place where the car was parked, Han Xiao sat on the passenger seat beside the driver, making Liang Li look at him with a questioning look and asked, "Young Master, why are you sitting here? Your seat is in the back."

"I want to hear somethings from James, so I will sit here for now." Han Xiao answered and then took his phone as he opened the maps again.

A worried look appeared on Liang Li's face, ' should be due to what happened before...'

Liang Li backed away and waited for the other two to come and James sat on the driver's seat.


Jessie looked at Yao Ji with a troubled expression, she wanted to just grab Yao Ji and go toward her Bocchan but she can't. Yao Ji wasn't any other girl, she was the daughter of Yao Family, a family on par with a family she served, and at the same time, her Bocchan's friend.

'Damnit! Why is she behaving like a maiden in love...wait she is but can't she just behave like a daughter of the Yao Family properly...even though I know her for a long time, but she still is like this...Haa...'

Yao Ji had come to the Main House of the Han Family many times during her younger days, so Jessie had seen her and been played with her as she was taking care of her Bocchan along with Liang Li.

"Miss Yao...Miss Yao!" Jessie called Yao Ji.

Seeing that she was not getting any answer, Jessie started to shake Yao Ji making the latter come out of her thought, and looked around in panic.

"Where is Han Xiao?!" Yao Ji asked as her sight spotted Jessie and stood up.

"Young Master is out now, probably waiting for us to come," Jessie answered as she started to walk out of the room.

But before she take 3rd step, a dash of light passed through her.

"Thanks, Aunt Jessie!"

Yao Ji said as she ran past Jessie with a large smile on her face and her eyes showing the most happiness she had ever shown.

'Wait...did she just call me Aunt...?'

Jessie aggressively stared at the door where Yao Ji just ran and quickly followed while muttering, "But how did she run like that?"


Liang Li sat in the back seat, while Han Xiao sat on the passenger seat while gazing out of the window, at the trees that stood tall in his mansion. The trees have bright green leaves as it was summer season, and the wind blowing fluttered the leaves making the trees look fascinating.

And the fresh air that was roaming in all around the whole mansion due to the high amount of trees in the mansion and the mansions in the surroundings, the fresh air that was nearly impossible to find in today's society.

'...Haa, I wonder, how long could this peace be maintained?'

Han Xiao thought as he gazed out of the window before his sight landed on the side mirror and saw Yao Ji running there with a smile on her face.

'I guess, she is happy that I backed away...'

And behind Yao Ji was Jessie.

Yao Ji quickly opened the door of the back seat and entered only to find Liang Li sitting there with a troubled and thoughtful look on her face.

"Where is Han Xiao?" Yao Ji asked hastily.

Liang Li woke from her thought and answered while shrugging, "Young Master is sitting in the front. He had something to discuss with James."

"Ohh..." Yao Ji disappointed muttered and sat in her seat.

Meanwhile, Jessie looked at Han Xiao through the window before asking, "Bocchan, you could sit in the back without any problem."

"I have something to discuss with James, so I will sit here." Han Xiao replied while still staring toward the garden.

Jessie nodded and stared at James saying, "Don't let Bocchan become bored."

James nodded with a tired expression, 'Why did my sister become like this....she used to cling to me like a child but now...'

Seeing that, Jessie too went to the back seat, and James started to drive towards the 'Star Real Estate.'

"So, tell me about the experience that I was asking about." Han Xiao asked with a curious look.

James nodded and started by asking, "Young Master, you know that both me and my sister, Jessie are orphans, right?"

Han Xiao nodded. He knows this much about those near him.

"But we were not orphans from birth, we both were sold to the Church of Light by our fanatical parents when we were only 7 years old." A look reminiscent appeared on James' face.

Han Xiao attentively listened, 'Church of Light...? Wait...wasn't this the church from where that holy maiden had come in the this is suspicious, why would they need kids?'

"We were trained by them to use cold weapons from a young age while also learning every art we could master. But it wasn't just that..." James tightened the grip on the steering wheel with a frustrated look on his face.

"We both were able to master everything they threw at us...I don't know the reason as I was young but we were fed some kind of drugs, that I got to know later on...but others who failed to learn even with the drugs were taken from the facility where we were trained. We never heard of them again, or where they went, but one thing I knew at that time was that it was everything but good." James continued.

Han Xiao could feel anger oozing from James as he continued.