Chapter-21[A Talk about Past-2]

"So, I and Jessie worked hard to impress the people from the church to our best. We were even given the best facilities with more progress we showed...but being like that matured us mentally more quickly. We started to feel like leaving in a prison, the desire of gaining freedom rose in our hearts. And along with us were two other boys and one girl. We all were only 10 years old at that time." James' face started to turn red in anger but he maintained his focus on driving perfectly.

"So, we made a plan to fool everyone in the facility...and succeeded but only for naught as we realize that we were only playing in the hands of the Cardinal in the church. But maybe the fate was with me and my sister, or maybe not, but the two boys lost their lives to provide a way for the three of us to escape and we succeed...but I don't know how but the girl, Ariana, that was with us was caught by the Church. I am Jessie don't remember anything regarding that, but we don't care and ran for our lives...."

Han Xiao opened his eyes wide as he heard that name, 'So, my guess was correct...there had been some connection of everything...'

Ariana was also the name of the Holy Maiden or priestess that joined Yan Feng in the novel, and it was said that the party she had come with was killed by the monsters that spawned all over the world.

Suddenly, James rotated the steering with a frustrated expression on his face and cursed under his breath, "Damn it!"

Han Xiao stared at the front and saw that they were just now about to crash into a car that suddenly stopped in front of them.

'Who the f*ck drive like this?'

Stopping the car in the middle of the highway that was moving all the and the speed of the cars in this highway was more than 100 Km/hr, was the most foolish thing.

"Who in their right mind was that person?" James asked out loud as he continued driving but not before taking the picture of the car from the back camera which perfectly caught the number of that car.

"Another fool, I guess." Han Xiao answered in a calm tone and continued, "Now, tell me, what happened later on."

"Yes, Young Master."James said while his anger calmed a little too and continued, "It was a winter night and snowfall everywhere. The whole world was covered in a white veil for both of us. We weren't able to see a single thing on our path, our bodies were completely cold. We would have already lost if not for the training we were forced to go through. We continued to walk, till someone extended his to both of us."

"And that person was from Han Family, right?" Han Xiao interfered with a knowing look in his eyes.

James nodded with a remising smile on his face, "Yes, Young Master, but it was none other than your father, Han Zhuang. He saved us at that time and took care of us and bought us in this country and gave us both a new purpose to live."

A grateful look appeared on James' face as he continued, " And, I had never forgotten that grace."

"I see...but had you never thought about revenge?" Han Xiao asked with a small smile.

He had finally felt relaxed after hearing that, and as for feeling sad over it? No. He only felt curious and cautious of the Church.

James shook his head, "We wanted to take revenge before but after receiving the care, we let go of it. And we were never able to find the place where the facility was...and not only that, but Master also hadn't given us the information regarding that. And, it had been 18 years since that incident. Our past already stopped haunting us."

'Past stopped haunting...I wish it could have happened with me too in my past life but I guess it was never in the feeling I got after the revenge was fulfilling and heart-wrenching...' Han Xiao thought with a glint of sadness passing through his eyes.

"So, Young Master, did you learn anything from my experience?" James asked.

Han Xiao shrugged, "I may tell you in the future, not now."

James silently nodded while also relieved inside as Han Xiao's expression finally relaxed a little now. Even though he doesn't show much, but he deeply respected Han Xiao as he too had seen how the little Han Xiao grew.

After another 5 minutes of drive, they stopped in front of a magnificent building.

Star Real Estate was one of the best Real Estate Companies in Chengdu Town with a market capitalization of around 1.45 Billion USD. It was the top dog of the Real Estate business in Chengdu town while standing at the top.

Han Xiao had decided to purchase the property from here because the Owner of Star Real Estate was the Father of someone in his circle that he had a good relationship with, but the main reason was the good service they provided. They had never received too many bad reviews from anyone since the start of their carrier.

Han Xiao step out of the car and was greeted with the magnificent sight of the building. The marble on the floor was covered with red carpets. There were also some unique carvings on both sides of the stairs, but it also had a touch of modernness to it, making it have a perfect touch of both modernness and classiness meshed together, displaying the high quality of the building. The people walking through there avoided the red carpet with the fear of dirtying it.

'Now, this is what you should call a building which perfectly incorporates and works according to the trend...It would make rich attracted while the poor stay away from it, focusing on purchaser's class more...'

Han Xiao thought as he sized the palace like building. He too had knowledge on Infrastructure but his knowledge is that in the general category but even with that, he could tell that this building was made this way to completely focus on the class of the purchaser.

Star Real Estate only wants the people who could afford to enter, no one else other than them.

Beside Han Xiao was Yao Ji, and behind him were Liang Li and Jessie. They all looked as though they had come to rob the place, wearing all black like gangsters. James had gone to park the car as he can't put his trust in the workers.

"This is quite a good place, it should be Song Li's dad's right?" Yao Ji asked while exhibiting a small smile.

"Yes, it is." Han Xiao answered neutrally.

A weird look formed on Yao Ji's face as she felt something wrong with Han Xiao's response but discarded it quickly.

Han Xiao stepped on the carpet, '...Only now did I feel the feeling of being rich...I could never imagine walking in a place like this before except when I was with her...'

Something in him broke, the restriction of the money from his past life finally broke in his mind. He was never rich in his past life to enter a building like in front of him as instead of making money, he was focused more on different stuff.

"Welcome, Mister and Misses." A greeter standing in the front bowed to Han Xiao and his group. She was wearing a clean and elegant qipao with her hair tied in a ponytail, along with her delicate face.

[A/N- The qipao is also used as a uniform at restaurants and hotels and on airplanes in Asia.]

'A beauty tactic....' Han Xiao thought as he gazed at the girl in front of him.