Chapter-23[Property Purchase-2]

"Sir, you could call me Jiang Li, and could you please tell me whether the supermarket stores you are buying are for opening a new store or changing the layout to create something new in it?" The youthful receptionist, Jiang Li asked with a small smile on her face.

In the room with white walls covering all four sides, made of sound insulation material, there was a wooden rectangular table in the center with leather sofas made for two people on both sides.

Han Xiao and Yao Ji sat on a single sofa while Jiang Li sat on the other sofa with documents that she had fetched before coming here placed in front of her.

"For personal use, and show the one with a large underground area to store things. And it would be best if there are more underground floors in that building." Han Xiao informed with a calm look on his face.

Underground floors were the thing that was going to be the safe shelter in the apocalypse, and Han Xiao wanted the best for future use as that may become his personal space in the future.

A confused look appeared on Yao Ji's face but she stayed quiet. She may have come with Han Xiao, but she knew that she had no right to interfere in his work, not until something happened.

"Yes, I will check that, and sir, what would you like in refreshments?" Jiang Li asked with a light smile as she took her phone out.

Han Xiao shook his head, "Nothing, you should just search for the place first."

"Y-Yes, I will do that!"

Saying that Jiang Li placed her phone back and started to go through the documents in her hand that contained the information on the buildings similar to the supermarkets in the whole Chengdu Town.

After 2 minutes, she took three separate documents from the file and lined them in front of Han Xiao.

"Sir, these all are the buildings that match your preference. But I had found an Old University building too which had 7 underground floors, but that building needed too much maintenance and there are some legends about that building." Jiang Li informed with honesty. She didn't want Han Xiao to purchase that building as whatever he bought today would help her too much, but it matched his preference way too much than any other building.

Han Xiao lifted his head from the documents and asked, "Are you talking about Wanghua Private University?"

He knows about that University as it was known to be one of the most famous Universities in the whole China, but due to an accident in the past, around 20 years ago, where many students lost their lives, that University was shut down and was put on a sale as it was a private University opened by someone.

Even Yao Ji looked interested in the conversation, but there was still an annoyance in her eyes from the previous thing.

"Yes, Mr..."

"Han Xiao, and this here is Yao Ji." Han Xiao as he just remembered that he never informed his name or Yao Ji's name.

A confused look appeared on Jiang Li's face, she sneakily turned her eyes and sized Yao Ji from head to toe with another figure appearing in her mind, the figure of a girl, who was the rising entertainment star, 'Wait! She is Yao Ji! Entertainment Star! And the daughter of Yao Family!'

A look of realization appeared on Jiang Li's face as she realized Yao Ji's identity but stayed silent. Even though constant excitement was budding in her, Yao Ji wasn't someone she could disrespect at all.

And her curiosity for the boy, Han Xiao sitting beside Yao Ji grew. After all, a simple nobody can't sit beside Yao Ji...

'Wait...!!! Han...! Han Xiao! The Young Master of Han Family! Why are they here!?'

Her legs started to tremble as she gazed at those two sitting in front of her with awe, shock, and reverence. Han and Yao Family...both hold names that can't be handled by any normal person, and it was never like Han Xiao had hidden his name, just his face from the general public, and as he was sitting with Yao Ji, someone who was known in both the Entertainment Circle and the Higher Society Circle.

So, someone who was with Yao Jihad to be someone of the same class as her or someone super talented but Han Xiao's name cleared her doubt.

Han Xiao and Yao Ji both saw that but ignored it, with the first one would have tried to hide if he was still the original but he wasn't and the latter don't care as long as it doesn't turn into a hectic thing for her.

"Y-Yes, Sir Han...I-I am talking about Wanghua Private University!" Jiang Li continued with her voice quivering. Her eyelashes continuously fluttered with sweats appearing on her forehead. Her hands holding the documents about Wanghua Private University trembled too.

"No need to be nervous. We are not going to eat you or anything, so show me the documents of the Wanghua Private University." Han Xiao spoke in a reassuring tone as he saw Jiang Li behaving like a little lamb trembling in front of a butcher, knowing its fate.


In between her answer, Jiang Li bit her tongue, but still quickly gave Han Xiao the documents with a blush creeping on her face going down to her neck and tears gathering in her eyes from the pain.

'Jiang Li! Get a hold of yourself! Don't insult yourself!!'

Han Xiao grabbed the paper and started to look through them but not before glancing at the condition of Jiang Li.

That was one of the reasons why he liked to hide his identity. Seeing someone trembling in front of you, and making them unable to converse was not a good thing for both him and the other person.

Shaking his head mentally, Han Xiao goes through the information on the document or only mainly the major points.

[1. The original owner, Wang Dua is fed up with the University Building as more and more cases of murder and other stuff were reported from the area near the University Building and there were some people years ago buried dead bodies behind the University Building.

2. The incident that happened years ago in the University Building when two female students lost their lives after their bodies were found in their dormitory, completely disfigured, and from the postmortem reported that they were brutally raped before succumbed to death from the torture.

3. Similar cases to that appeared in the university after that before some boys started to commit suicide, and one of the boys whose girlfriend suffered from the same fate went insane and killed many people in the University before being found dead in the garden.

4. Many People had claimed that they had heard the noises of crying coming from the University Building.


' this is interesting, and the details of this building would work best for me, 7 floors underground is enough to create a medium-level base and I had around 6 days to modify it...This will be the place I am purchasing...' Han Xiao thought as he decided in his heart.

Yao Ji's body trembled as she read through the documents too while leaning her body on Han Xiao's but not touching as she felt weird about that, being born in Yao Family, she was taught about the differences and the way she should act in front of others way too deeply, it was ingrained on her bones.

As a girl, Yao Ji felt disturbed just by reading whatever was written on the document as she felt the pain that those girls may have suffered. She was neither a good person, nor a saint as she too had her fair shares of acts that were filled with cruelty done, but even imagining what happened to those girls sent chills down her spine.

"I will purchase this building, and could you give me a tour to that place?" Han Xiao spoke with a fire burning in his eyes. He wanted to commence his plan and make a base for himself to gain a better chance to survive in the Apocalpyse World.