Chapter-24[Property Purchase-3]

Jiang Li quickly nodded her head, "Yes! Sir Han, I will give you a tour to that place."

But internally, she was crying. She would never want to go to a cursed place like that.

But was she in a position to say no?

She wasn't. The ones who were sitting in front of her were none other than the Han Xiao and Yao Ji, the people who could have her life ruined at a single thought. It was a child's game for them to annihilate her, and that was just a fraction of what they could truly do.

"Are you sure that you want to purchase this place?" Yao Ji asked with a worried look in her eyes.

The things she had read were enough to make her never go near a place like that, much less even think of purchasing it. She was already loathing that place.

Any girl would do the same in her position if they knew about the crimes that had been committed in that place.

Yao Ji ceased her eyes and gently reminded, "You could look for another place, there are many places with the infrastructure similar to this one. And you may like those better than this cursed place."

Han Xiao shook his head at her worry, he had already decided. And there was something else about this School Building that made him interested in it, 'A Zombie farm on the backside...this place would be perfect...'

With the start of the Apocalypse, the places that suffered the most were those near Graveyards as the dead bodies in the form of Zombies started to pour out of their coffins, plunging the whole world into terror. But those zombies were also the things that helped others too much to become strong.

So, how could Han Xiao say no to a ready-made Zombie Farm that will be in his backyard? He will never say no as that would become something he would regret all of his life.

"No, this place would be something that will be my future place of action, and if you are feeling uncomfortable, you could just stay here, or I have someone else drop you to Hua Mei Entertainment." Han Xiao replied without lifting his head from the documents. His tone was cut and clear as though he didn't care what she choose at all.

Han Xiao's words also made the belief of the girl in front of him more firm as he directly accepted Yao Ji being an actress more firm.

Yao Ji sighed while feeling a little angry too but kept that anger buried in her heart. She was his friend, nothing else more than that. And her position was just reminding him, more than that was just an invasion of his privacy.

Han Xiao lifted his head and lightly smiled as he asked, "Shall we leave now?"

Jiang Li meekly nodded her head, with the blush on her face deepening even more as her eyes met with Han Xiao's abyssal black eyes. The eyes that seemed to suck her soul into them. She stood up from her seat, with her legs still quivering from the previous shocks that she previously experienced. She was even having difficulty remaining standing properly.

Haan Xiao and Yao Ji both stood up, with the latter still having a horror and scared look in her eyes which was perfectly hidden from the world.

'...Should I go back...? No! I need to ask him about before!' Yao Ji wondered while glancing at Han Xiao.

Jiang Li walked out of the door with Han Xiao and Yao Ji following behind her and was greeted with the sight of a blond-haired woman and a blue-haired woman talking to each other.

"Bocchan! Is your work done?" Jessie smiled brightly as she saw Han Xiao walking out of the room, while completely ignoring the poor little girl, Jiang Li.

Jiang Li bitterly smiled for a moment before it faded away and her body stopped trembling too after seeing and feeling Han Xiao and Yao Ji doing nothing to her, but she was scared for another thing now.

She was scared to go to that wretched building, but at the same time, she was not able to say no cause if Han Xiao bought that building, it would help her a lot, through the commission money she will gain as the price of the building was way too high.

Han Xiao nodded toward Jessie with a light smile on his face, "Yes, I found the perfect place from my next action, now we will be visiting that place."

Saying that he passed the documents to Jessie, who along with Liang Li started to read them while following behind Han Xiao and the other two as they walked out of the building.

On the way, many employees glanced at Jiang Li with envy as though they had already known that she got a big party under her hand this time. This was true as they could all see that Han Xiao and others were wearing expensive clothes and other stuff so this much was easy for them to discern.

Han Xiao and others walked out to see James standing out of the car, leaning on the driver's seat door, gazing at the sky with a complex look on his face as though he was contemplating something.

Hearing the footsteps, James came out of his thoughts and turned behind him to see Han Xiao and others. He immediately went forward with a small smile forming on his face, "Young Master, is your work done?"

"Yes, now we just need to look at the place." Han Xiao simply replied and sat in the back seat.

Jiang Li looked around before receiving a nod from Liang Li and also sat on the back seat with a complicated look flashing through her eyes. Her every action was that of delicate care as she tried to make sure that nothing happened to the car after this was the first time she even sat in a car this expensive.

Liang Li sat beside Jiang Li while Yao Ji took her seat beside Han Xiao and looked at him like she wanted to ask something but seeing him looking out of the window, she stopped.

Jessie sat on the front seat with James and told him about the place.

A complicated look formed on James' face as he listened to the description of the place told by Jessie, "Haa...Well, we could do nothing at all. If Young Master had decided to purchase that place, then all we could do is to keep him safe. And, you too, be cautious all the time. We don't know what type of place that is or anything else."

Jessie nodded, "Don't worry, I have everything already ready."

Jessie then showed him the gun hanging on her waist, and also the knife strapped on her left thigh. James nodded with satisfaction and started to drive.

Han Xiao sitting in the backseat looking at the time on his watch, to find it being 2:03 PM with a light flashing through his eyes, 'Today was quite hectic...but I just hope that everything goes well now...'

"What happened?" Yao Ji asked after seeing Han Xiao looking at the watch with a complicated gaze. She had been continuously observing him so it was easy for her to tell that he thought of something complex.

Han Xiao shook his head before turning toward Yao Ji, with his eyes staring at hers, and answered, "Nothing, just thinking that everything goes well now."

Saying that he started to look out of the window. Yao Ji stared at him for a minute before mentally sighing.

Jiang Li who was sitting in front of them with her whole body being completely stiff saw their interaction, and a thought appeared in her mind, 'This seemed like the fight that newly made couples had...'