Chapter-25[Wanghua University]

In around 30 minutes of silent drive, Han Xiao and others reached the Wanghua University Building. All around the building was a creepingly silence. There was not a single trace of anyone near that except the empty shops that were near the building.

Han Xiao stepped out of the car and glanced at the building in front of him. The whole university building was way too much large, and it increased the creepiness of this place even more. There was not a single sound all around the area except the sound of the engine coming from the car.

Yao Ji too stood beside Han Xiao and observed the building. She had never in her imagination thought of such a creepy place to exist even though it was only 40 minutes drive from their school.

And it was natural as she was busy with her work most of the time. Her life as a rising actor and daughter of the Yao Family was not an easy one. She was only able to make time in her schedule because she wanted to be with Han Xiao and being a year older than him, she wasn't able to be in the same class as him.

'To think that this place was never explored in the novel...or more like the author was lazy as the novel was already way too much slow-paced and if he added this place, it would take a whole volume to completely explore this place considering the pace the Author had...' Han Xiao thought with a small smile on his face.

He had thought of kidnapping the Author in his past life to write more, but that will ruin the whole plot the novel was following. Forced Writing will never be a good option.

"Young Master, this place is quite good actually. If developed correctly, a lot of things could be done in this area." James commented as he saw the potential in the area after coming out of the car. He may be a little worried but being scared was the last thing that would happen as his past wasn't something that would make him frightened with just a building.

"Yes, It is. Though this place needs way too much work before it is working properly." Han Xiao replied with gaze at the building attentively.

Jessie also nodded seeing that building, while Liang Li looked a little uncomfortable but not much. But the one who was feeling worse was Jiang Li, whose entire body was trembling at the sight of the building.

'...Why am I even here?!'

Han Xiao glanced at Jiang Li for a moment before asking, "Could you give me the map of this place?"

Jiang Li quickly nodded and started to go through the file in her hand with panic evident on her face and after finding the right document that was the map of the university, she passed it to Han Xiao.

'Isn't she way too scared, it's just a building and nothing else...' Han Xiao shrugged mentally and took the map in his hand and started to look over the map.

'I see...huh, it is quite big, and from the front, we are only seeing a fraction of the university. But the main part is the underground floors, which were created for using other stuff and labs...this place is the best for transforming into a base...'

Han Xiao then glanced back at Jiang Li after lifting his head and reminded her, "You could stay here in the car if you want. No one is forcing you to join us." He then turned his head and looked at others before continuing, "And this is the same for all of you if you don't want to, then you don't have to, just stay here till I explore the outer peripheries of the university."

Jiang Li looked around herself and saw everyone silent. She understood that they all were going into the building. She then looked around herself, with nothing except the empty shops, and the sound of wind fluttering the trees with dead branches all over them.

'Staying here is scarier!' Deciding in her heart as staying outside alone in the place with nothing except the cold atmosphere that sends chills down to anyone's spine, it was better to be with someone.

"Sir Han! I will go with you!" Jiang Li exclaimed with a small smile on her face, but deep down, her eyes showed desperation.

Han Xiao nodded, and turned around, walking toward the large metal gate that had rust building on it. The gate was already opened as there was no lock-in. Well, a lock wouldn't be effective as the gate had no place to plug the lock.

Han Xiao placed his hand on the gate and opened it with the rough sound of rusted metal colliding against itself coming from the gate.

Ominous winds started to blow in the air, with the cries of the raven black crows that floated in the air resounded in the area. Han Xiao looked inside and saw the stone platform created on the floor but it was covered in the grass from different places.

"What a creepy place..." Liang Li muttered under her breath. She had an uncomfortable look on her face as she observed her surroundings.

"You are right about this..." Jessie agreed while nodding her head.

Han Xiao continued to walk while the others walked beside him or behind him, with all of them observing the building. There were tall buildings of around 5 to 6 floors all around them with dust covering all of them.

While walking, they reached the central area of the University where an open area was made. From there, they could see many buildings all around them, and they could also hear the voice of windows slamming against the walls, or doors opening and closing on their own due to the strong wind that was flowing all around them in a wild manner.

Han Xiao and others' hairs and clothes fluttered along with the wind. A smile morphed on Han Xiao's face as he looked around, with his gaze wandering on the creepy building. He was happy with this place as this could be the best base for him.

"This place is perfect." Han Xiao spoke with a look of satisfaction on his face. To him, it was much better than the supermarket he was planning on buying before.

Liang Li, Yao Ji, and Jiang Li stared at Han Xiao with their eyes wide open, while the last one was straight up trembling, and Yao Ji too had her legs quivering. Liang Li just looked uncomfortable with the darkness that was prevailing as there was not an ounce of sunlight falling around them which could lighten this place.

"Bocchan...what is the thing that you want to build in this place?" Jessie asked as she saw Han Xiao smiling in satisfaction.

Others too focused on him. Han Xiao shook his head with a light smile.

"You will know in a week."

Hearing his answer, a confused look formed on James' face, "Young Master, you are planning to have this place ready in a week?"

Han Xiao simply nodded.

"Yes, I have the perfect people to do this work, while people from the main house will look after them." Han Xiao answered and turned towards others and asked, "So, do you all want to see the underground floors too?"

This time, everyone shook their head except Jessie and James.

"S-Sir Han! Could w-we please not...!?" Jiang Li asked with her legs quivering in fear. She was regretting coming inside the building way too much right now.

"Yes, let's just go back now. We could visit it once it is renovated or rebuilt." Yao Ji also followed her words behind Jiang Li. She was taught different skills, but not about how to fight the fear that was creeping in her from this place.

Liang Li also nodded, which surprised Han Xiao as he never expected her to be scared from the behavior she had shown.

"Then, let's cancel it. We will visit it later on." Han Xiao agreed to them. He had no problem as he had already seen the map and knew the general layout of the building including the underground floors. He just wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

A long sigh of relief left the three girls and women's mouths. Han Xiao started to walk toward the path they came from but spotted Jessie showing a confused expression on her face.

"What happened?" Han Xiao asked in a low tone. He didn't like that confused expression because Jessie's eyes were showing way too much cautiousness right now.

Jessie turned toward Han Xiao and shook her head, "Nothing Bocchan, I was just thinking about something."

"Please tell me, what it is, Jessie..." Han Xiao asked again. If there was one thing he believed, then it was instincts of both Jessie and James the most as it had saved his life in the past many times.

Jessie nodded with a complex look forming on her face, "Young Master, I have been feeling several eyes focusing on us, but ...some gazes felt real....and some don't..."

A look of terror formed on Han Xiao's face as he looked around, above him was a ceiling as they were below a pathway between two buildings.

"What happened, Young Master?!" Liang Li asked with a worried look on her face.

"Ready your guns! Damn it!!" Han Xiao screamed as he ordered.

James, Jessie, and Liang Li took their guns out of the place where they had them. While Yao Ji and Jiang Li looked confused and scared.

"Come out right this instant!!" Han Xiao screamed with his gaze wandering all around him.

James' expression turned serious. His demeanor changed completely like a sword ready to butcher its enemy.