Information No. 006

The offices were on the intact southside of the building. I walked into the office and searched around.

I found a nice surprise a, Makarov pistol with 2 full clips of ammunition.

Certainly would be helpful next time I see one of those dammed rats.

I looked at the logs, it appears that the current date was September 30. I had woken up on the 28th, so the world had stopped on the 27th. I paced around the office, there was only information on the logs of the schedules and who was going where, and you could tell they were all headed to Murmansk.

Murmansk, Murmansk, MURMANSK!!!

I'm headed to that city and they were evacuating to that city so I guess I got to continue going to said city.

*** Two Hours Later ***

I left the office after having some food and loading the Makarov. I stuck the extra clip in my pocket so I could load it if I need to. I left the offices and walked onto the tracks, I had found a small compas that attached to your breast pocket and had kept it. It would take around 3 days to realistically get there. So I walked south, only looking back every so often to check if I was being followed.

*** 24 hours later ***

I approached a small station that must have been for a small town that met an unfortunate fate. It was quiet so I kept my pistol in my right hand and the axe in the left. I swung the axe into the hinges and the door flew to the ground. The axe fell as I grabbed the pistol with two hands and scanned the room.

Nothing, only one floor, desk to the left, couch straight ahead, wall on the right side. I started to creep in.


I heard some wood bend under pressure. I looked forward and towards the ceiling. There wasn't a layer between the roof and the crossbeams.

I jumped back and fired three shots into the wall above the doorway.

A wildcat fell down and started to jump at me before I fired 2 more shots into it. The cat fell dead and I chopped it's head clean off. I continued inside, checking the beams, finding no more furry friends.

I checked the room and found some stale bread and some water that I kept. There was also another Makarov, but sadly this one had no handle, so I just took the loose 5 rounds. I left the checked the couch and decided to pull the desk over closer to the couch and set my stuff on top, I fell asleep in my own little hut.


I woke up and checked the room, it was still empty so that was a blessing. I left my little house and set off I still had around 24 more hours to go.

*** 7 hours later ***

There was a train in the river, I guess something happened to the bridge and the train de-railed. I walked down the bank and checked the luggage car. There wasn't anything good only some canned ground beef. I left the luggage cabin and walked over to the passenger cars. There would either be a bunch of corpses or nothing, I made sure I had all 12 rounds loaded before I went in, in case there were no corpses left.