Smog No. 007

I walked over to the first passenger car, pistol loaded in my right hand, hand on the door. I threw the door open and brought both hands to my pistol. There were around 40 half-submerged bodies in this car. The smell hit me; the water had made the bodies decay faster than if they were on dry land. I quickly went through the car and went to the next one. It was the same, except for the fact that this one was dry.

There was not such a foul odor as the last car, but the bodies were still decomposing, I searched around and only found 50 rubles, and a watch. I pocketed both and walked my way to the last car.


There were wolfs howling as the sun was setting, I grabbed a man's black coat and ran from the train car, they couldn't be that far off, and I wasn't ready to face any wolves yet.

The river bank was an easy run I checked my compas for which direction was south and

hurried down the track.

*** 5 hours later ***

I didn't stop until there was another obstacle on the track.

It appeared to be a body that was covered in a hazmat suit.

I didn't want to take any risks, so I stealthily walked up. At around 10 feet away I lunged and sent a single shot into the body's head.

I immediately regretted the decision as I saw a beautiful gas mask that now had a bullet hole in it.

Saddened by this I checked the body for anything good and found nothing.

By now adrenaline had fadded and I heard a raspy ticking sound.

It appeared that it was coming from that body and I took another look and found something that sent chills down my spine.

A Geiger counter, with a reading that was in the triple digits, resting under the body. I grabbed the device and immediately began checking myself.

It was saying that I had around 120-140 rads. Best not to worry about it there was still plenty of gauge left though.

I'll check when I get to Murmansk.

I left the unfortunate body and continued on.

*** Two Hours Later ***

There was no city insight, I guess I was about 30 or so kilometers short. The sun was setting so I would have to go and sleep. I left the tracks and went just inside the trees. I found a nice little area and grabbed my axe.

I chopped down a tree and leaned the trunk against a nice tree that made a short Y and set the log along the bottom of the Y. The rest of the thicker branches were used to make a foundation for my little hut. I set the rest of the sticks across the hut. It was a nice place to rest in the woods I grabbed some more leafy branches and covered the top areas that weren't covered and went inside placing a stick and covering my entrance.

I had a small bed made of leaves and soft sticks ready and went to bed.

I woke up, checked my surroundings, and left. I had that short walk ahead of me to my destination.

*** 1 hour later ***

A light layer of smog or fog had covered the area bringing down the visibility a little, but it wasn't too bad.

*** 2 hours later ***

What I decided is now smog has become thicker I can only see about 2 or 300 yards ahead of me. I saw a small house that had caved in and I walked around it and I could see it.

Murmansk, I had arrived.