Municipal Papers No. 016

The desk was covered in papers which all seemed to have the same title:

Manchegorsk Municipal Order No. 168

September 30th, 1987

Virus Order No. 002

Radiation Exposure

Citizens of Manchegorsk, due to the attacks on our country please remain indoors to avoid exposure to radiation and the virus mentioned in Virus Order No. 001, Order No. 167. Wait until further information is provided, basic gas masks will be provided to all citizens as soon as possible. Try to stay inside as much as possible, repeat, as, much, as, possible. For your safety please avoid as much time outside as possible.

Dang, the city must have been lucky to have not needed to worry about anything. I remember that the buildings all around had remained intact. So there must have been no attacks on the city.

The municipal building must have been serving as a town hall as well. I walked past the reception desk and up some stairs, there was three floors that made up the building.

I crept upstairs and peeked around the corner of the building peeking around the corner, I saw nothing interesting except for a bottle of red wine which I pocketed.

I continued up to the next floor and it was just cubicles on the third floor and the fourth floor was just more offices and the mayor's office. In the mayor's office I found a nice little book.

Manchegorsk Municipal Order History

This would be helpful for sure.

Flipping through the book I got to September 27, 1987, Order No. 165:

People of Manchegorsk please assist any passengers of trains that depart with food and water, be careful because they may carry the disease. Doctors have informed us that sun exposure increases the symptoms of the disease from our contact in Petrovadosk. Stay safe and make sure to stay inside as much as you can.

September 28, 1987, Order No. 166:

Be calm, we do not know the extent of the damage be calm, we are strong.

September 29, 1987, Order No. 167, Virus Order No. 001:

The virus has come to our great city of Manchegorsk, please stay indoors and avoid any unnecessary radiation exposure. Stay calm and inside radiation appears to make the virus worse and it will kill you make sure to avoid taking any unnecessary medication, good luck citizens of Manchegorsk.

Then it went to order No. 168 that was in these stacks and stacks of paper that never got sent out.

I guess I would need to take some quick readings of the air to get a good estimate for rads.

The Geiger counter was reading at about the halfway mark. I need to figure out how to read this thing! Goddammit why am I stupid, whoever decided I should live should check their IQ because it seems pretty damn low!

I left the building with this information and decided on checking out the next few buildings left, there was a grocery store and a few residential buildings that I had decided weren't worth my time.

The grocery store seemed pretty large, but most likely it would have been picked clean by scavengers and other survivors so my chances were pretty low of finding anything worth while in there.

The doors were smashed and the front area was covered in glass. Walking down the aisles there was nothing left that hadn't rotten or wasn't even edible.

As I walked I did find something interesting, a not so little friend.

Two, not so little friends.

Two wolves that looked pretty hungry and felt like I would be the perfect meal. Well let's see if three clips of 12 9mm rounds can change their minds.

The first wolf lunged at me and I fired 2 shots into it's body, one hit it's leg and by leaping back I could avoid the furry projectile.

With a third round I got one if it's hind legs and could focus on the other wol-


The other wolf got me on my left shoulder, but luckily my clothes were the only thing damaged.

Leaping to the left I fired 3 shots at my other opponent, only one hit him in his right shoulder. I quickly ran at him firing as I ran, one, two, three, and finally the fourth shot hit him in the mouth, killing him instantly.

Walking over to the other wolf, it glared with a look that could kill. It gave one final lunge at me, which a little movement to the right a final shot through it's head and that was two pesky little guys down and out.

With the fun little adrenaline rush that came with the fight I decided to head back to the municipal building as the sun was setting.

Reaching the office as the sun was dipping below the horizon, I walked grabbed some water and some ammo to refill the clip I had just spent and crash on the lounge that was on the third floor.

On the third floor I found the couches and table, I had used the desk to block the doors downstairs, but to be safe I shoved the coffee table against the stairwell and it would take some considerable strength to move it.

There were two couches I chose the second couch as this one had cloth on it and wasn't made out of uncomfortable leather. I guess tomorrow would be the perfect time to leave as there was nothing left for me in this city. I needed to get to Petrovadosk and it was around a 9 hour car ride, so it would take around 36 hours of biking to get there. With the dreadful thought of the long journey ahead I let myself fall asleep into the next day.