The Road to Petrovadosk No. 021

I woke up from my rest to a white, frosty morning.

It felt nerve wracking. I would have to drive on a potentially icy high way, and the Volga didn't have a lot of clearance so any car crashes I would need to plan carefully.

My first problem would have been my black car in a winter wonderland, but I had that covered, I had grabbed a box of nails from the thieves cabin and glued/taped them onto the cars fender.

I was planning on strengthening the corners where the nails would be going through. That's why I had put the sheets in the car and wrapped the bike. I put on an extra shirt, some socks and grabbed my gloves and headed out. I took the sheets and connected them, I put two sheets on the right side of the car and I used three sheets on the left side so the driverside door wouldn't be obstructed. I taped the areas around the nails and made sure the sheets wouldn't fly off. After an half hour I left the cabin and drove out of the trees.

I turned onto the highway and I was happy with the math, getting this car and taking an extra day I turned 25 hours of travel into 3 or 4, depending on the speed and with a full tank I shouldn't have any problems.

I found a few empty 5 gallon gas cans that I kept so I could hold on to any extra gas I found or siphoned.

I drove down the highway it should be a nice little trip. I drove into Kem around an hour and a half before Petrovadosk.

I parked the car outside of the city and approached with an AK in my hands and my pistol on my hip. I brought four clips of AK and loaded my three pistol magazines. I slowly approached the cities edge with my rifle drawn and steady. I ducked into the first building and went up a floor. I positioned myself on a window overlooking mainstream and was checking the buildings from a distance. I came to the conclusion that no one would be in this city pulling out the Geiger counter I saw that I was getting some rads and I would definitely need to learn how to read it so I wouldn't die, as I left I could hear some talking and I got down on my gut.

"No one is in this city, I don't know why he even sent us out here"

"We have to check for survivors in every new place we go and if they are friendly or not, after Filip went a month over his check-in boss has been anxious and wants him to check"

"I hope Filip is ok for our sakes, I don't know how he can do this"

"With a car, a bunch of gas, and weapons, that's how now let's go check some more buildings then head home"

I heard this and wasn't sure if they would shoot me on the spot, or we could talk, they hadn't reached my building, but it would be the next one they checked so I had to decide,

Good or Bad guys?

If they were good I could just sit in the road and wait for them to come out, but that would give them an advantage.

If I trated them as if they were bad, I would shoot them, but from the sounds of it, there was some sort of town, so it would be a little wierd if I came into town and they never came back.

I decided on option C the are Goad guys, I'll wait for them to come out, announce my presence, if they try and shoot me, I have the advantage, if they don't and talk, I ask some questions, can't be that bad right? I've had some good luck, so why not push it?