People No. 022

Let's test some luck.

I crouched down against the Western wall of the room and peeked out.

I waited a minute or two before I could hear their conversation,

"No one, we are just wasting our time let's go back and make a report to boss"

"Our LEADER wouldn't be happy with that, losing Filip will be bad news for the Camps"

I decided it was now or never,

"Stop! Don't move! I don't want to fight!"

The pair immediately hid in the building,

"Who the hell are you?! Show yourself goddammit!"

"Listen I don't know anything about you, how do I know you won't try and blast my brains out?"

"We could say the same 'bout you, bratan"

"How about this, I go down to the first floor and throw out my AK-47, I'm keeping my pistol in my back pocket, you will then throw out your rifles, we both stick our hands out and have a conversation, sound good?"

"Gimme a sec!"

"What do you think, we found someone, let's hear him out"


"Alright Bratan, we will come out don't be stupid"

I heard them throw out two guns I set mine out down and walked out with my hands up, I could see the two of them with their hands up.

"Alright I'm gonna drop my pistol it's in on my right side"

I showed them the pistol on my hip and they nodded in response. I pulled it out and set it down. The two men in front of me were both slim, not fat or skinny and seemed to be in shape, obviously a result of the apocalypse.

Now I need to get some answers, mostly just what the hell is going on.

"Alright so let's get some basic introductions out of the way, I woke up about 60 kms north of Murmansk with no memories, no name, and nothing to survive, what are your names?"

The man on the left side replied:

"Mine name is Yaromir and my friend here is Borislav, we are scouts for the Camps group. We are currently on a mission to recover our head reconnaissance leader, Filip Sokalo. I have to ask how did you manage to get to Kem from North of Murmansk, no one has come from that area for almost a year now"

"What do you mean a year, I thought it was December of 1987?"

I saw the two men look at each other in a mix of shock,

"No, it's January of 1990, 1989 ended a few days ago. The disaster happened on September 27th 1987, during a epidemic, we now have some understanding of the epidemic, but those damn Coalition cities refuse to speak with anyone."

"What are you talking about? Coalition? Camps? Do they mean something, and for my transportation, I walked along a railroad track to Murmansk where I was able to fix up a bike. I then biked through Kola where I attached a cart to try and carry some more stuff, I traveled to Manchegorsk where I learned about some details from the beginning of the disaster."

I felt it was best to omit information about the military base so I wouldn't have to tell them about the journal and the manuals.

"And then you traveled to Kem by bike? That must have been a long journey."

"No, I only traveled for a morning until I saw a man made road block made by some thieves, I saw it and approached through the forest and killed the thieves, a Demitry and a Kirov or Kidran, I forgot. I went to their house and slept their and that's when I found a car yard, even though it was more like a graveyard. I walked around trying to find a good car to fix up I fo-."

"What cars were there!?!? Our head scout drove a ZAZ that was a red color!"

I froze and felt bad for them, that was the only car that was relatively intact that I decided I wouldn't even try to repair, because the seats and dash were covered in blood. I would have to tell them this news.

"First before I say anything else, I'm sorry for, what I think is, your loss. I found a red ZAZ, actually two red ones, but both of the driver windows were broken and the doors were full of bullet holes, one of the windshields were missing, but one interior was covered in dried blood and the other only had a few stains. Again I'm sorry for your loss."

I finished with that apology and I could see it in their faces, then I saw Borislav get in his hands and knees and set his head on the ground. Yaromir went and held him and wasn't looking to good.

"If it means anything, I could take you to the yard. It is around 3 hours away from here. I can grab my car and escort you to the graveyard, but I think you should first report this to your leader, so he knows."

"Y-Yes we will need to do this, so how did you get here, you could hop in the back of our car if you are still traveling by bike"

I saw the strain on his face as he made his offer.

"Thank you Yaromir, but I have my own car, thats why I was there, I fixed up a Black Volga that I will bring around, and I have something that might interest you. So can you give me a minute."

"Sure bring your car around and follow us"

I picked up my guns and ran back to the car, poor guys, Filip meant a lot to them and now he's gone. I got into the Volga a few minutes later and drove down the street. I saw a new car, another bright red ZAZ.

I pulled up and put the car in park and grabbed the piston from the ZAZ.

"I know it doesn't mean much, I was going to keep it as a spare, but I'm pretty sure it's from his car."

As I handed Yaromir the piston I saw a tear roll down his face.

"Thank you Bratan, I will escort you back to our town."

As I heard this I was stunned and excited, people, it would be nice to talk to some.

I said ok and got into the car. Yaromir drove the red ZAZ and I drove my white/black Volga 20 yards behind him on my way back to civilization.