Petrozavadosk City No. 023

I followed them for an hour, maintaining a strict distance and never losing sight of them. They were traveling on the highway to Petrozavodsk and I was ecstatic as maybe I could learn some more about what is going on.

They began to slow down before the forest ended and stopped completely and hopped out. I stopped and got out and walked towards them.

"Alright Bratan, we are about to enter the viewing range of our guard towers stay close behind us, within 10 yards. I will explain you are an individual we picked up and will be showing you to the town boss. He is in charge of running the place. Hopefully he approves a salvage mission with our KamAz truck and some spare tires."

"So what do I have to do once I get in through the gate?"

"You will follow us to a garage and take Filips spot and I will leave Borislav to guard your vehicle. No one will be allowed near it."

"Alright thanks Yaromir"

"Also tell them about the AK, everyone in town owns a pistol, so you with an AK on your back and being new, even with me, if the front guards hear that you own it and didn't tell them it will be a problem. So let them know, it won't stop interior patrols, but boss will at least know you are trustworthy, or at least not stupid."

"Alright let's do this"

I jogged back to my Volga and followed him out of the forest, I matched their speed, and followed them in.

As I turned a bend, I could see a ruined town and then I saw what I had to imagine was a town wall. It was around 15 feet tall and seemed to be made out of a metal on the lower half and wood the upper half.

We approached and I could see there were two guard towers on each side of the entrance gates, and I guess one on each corner.

The Yaromir approached the front gate and idled, and I went in close behind him maybe 2 or 3 yards back.

We waited about 30 seconds before the gate swung open and two people were on each door and two others approached Yaromir's car.

I saw him roll down his window and speak to them, they then pointed at me, and one started to walk over I began rolling down my window, but then I heard Yaromir yell,

"Hey, he's with us, so don't mess with him or it's your head!"

With that I was startled and finished rolling down the window and the guard walked over.

"Name, weapons in your possession"

It seemed incredibly professional. So I quickly replied;

"Don't know my name, I have a Makarov and a AK-47."

The guard looked at me and seemed a little pissed before he walked back and whispered to his friend about what I said, I couldn't make anything out as the guard asked Yaromir what my name was, I could faintly hear,

"He says he didn't remember it when he woke up, I believe him because he thought it was December of 1987 and not 1990, I called him Bratan and he seems ok with that, hopefully the amnesia goes away and we can learn his real name, he's a real interesting and great guy!"

I could hear Yaromir's praises and was touched.

The guard turned to me and gave me a thumbs up and they both promptly walked inside and we were allowed in.

I was so excited to see civilization again and I saw the city it had a main road down to a large building, there were 2 streets that broke off each side and many footpaths to individual houses, there was a small farm immediately to my left and a row of houses to my right, It seemed that there were houses behind the farm and mostly houses on the left until there was another farm actually near the back. There was also a slightly larger house east of the large building and it seemed like we were heading to the second western road.

Yaromir turned left onto that road, and I followed and saw that the south side were garages, and north side were houses as well. At the end of the road there was a larger building.

These houses weren't built that badly actually. They had a post in each corner and then a wall made out of mostly wood and some other materials. They even had windows!

Yaromir turned into one garage, and I waited, he ran out and guided me to the fourth garage and the closest one to the larger building.

I turned off the car and Borislav sat at the entrance on a stool and Yaromir came to me and shook my hand.

"I can be the first to welcome you to Petrozavodsk City, Boss is probably excited to see you, but first I can give you a little tour."

I will finally be able to start to get some answers.