Money Problems No. 027

I pulled out my assault rifle and pointed it at then and yelled,

"Back the fluck up or you're dead!"

They turned around and were shocked to see me back so soon.

"Hey, hey what do you mean man, we just want to take a look at some scavengers car."

"Don't Bullhit me. That's my car and my stuff so back off, and if I see you near my baby again I don't care about any damn guards."

"OK, ok geeze"

The two backed off and went to the main building, I could see people watching and also working aswell.

"Yaromir I'm sorry, I just got mad, and I worked hard to get her running, I, I. I just want to make sure her engines fine, who where those two?"

Yaromir looked at me and smiled,

"I understand Bratan, you have been through a lot, those two were subordinates, I will ask of an engineer will take a day off to come check your car, it won't be today because they need to eat. You know-"

I simply cut him off, " How much?, How much to make this a higher priority?"

Yaromir stopped and thought about it for a few seconds,

"About 20 Rubles, they get paid for the job, and I know your engine won't need much work, with my help, 20 rubles easy, but do you have anything to sell, it's a bit of money, most families barely live of of 50 a day."

"Where is a market or trader of some sort, I want to see the prices."

Yaromir chuckled, "I'll take you to Darya. Let's go."

I followed him down the road and 5 minutes later we were infront of a large building behind some houses.

"This is a staple in each base of the Camps, we always keep someone who will buy stuff off you and sell you some harder to find items."

We walked in and I saw a woman sitting in a chair reading.

"Hello Darya! I have brought a friend who is looking to see some of your prices!"

She looked up and hoped up,

"High my names Darya, what're ya lookin' for?"

I was startled by her upfrontness,

"Oh hi, my name is I guess Bratan, I needed some money and was looking to sell it."

"Well let me see what you have? I pay 3 for a round of pistol ammo, 5 for assault ammo, also I pay 10 for an pound of salt. I also take equipment for 1 ruble since it could be an expensive repair. I also buy car parts for varying prices. Also if you have an unopened bottle of vodka I will pay 40 rubles for it if it is smaller and 60 if it is larger."

"Give me a minute how much for a 80 ounce bottle?"

She stared at me, and smiled "Since you have just came back to the new world, I'll give you a deal, 70 rubles."

Yaromir looked shocked amd whispered to me "Do you actually have a bottle that big?"

I wasn't trying to hide it so I simply said "Yeah, I do. Yaromir hold this deal here while I go and grab the bottle."

I quickly jogged out as he stared at me.

A minute later I had a 80oz bottle of Solytchnaya Vodka and she was ecstatic, Yaromir talked to me,

"Bratan, why are you selling that here, I would buy it off you for 90 rubles, good liquor like that is hard to come by these days."

I stared at him and whispered "If you give me a hundred and five rubles, I'll take you to a liquor store back where I came from that was intact and unlooted."

I set it down on the counter,

"This is an 80oz bottle of Solytchnaya vodka, it's good stuff 75 rubles."

She thought for a minute and looked at the bottle, probably thinking of the price I had just offered.

She finally replied "Fine here's your Rubles"

She pulled out a 50 ruble, two 10s and a 5.

I grabbed them and left.

Now we would need to get a mechanic to look her over, and then some fuel and food.