Mechanic No. 028

Yaromir and Borislav led me out and Yaromir turned around and looked at me,

"Bratan, you are telling me you passed an liquor store, that wasn't looted, and intact?"

"Why, does everyone in this city have a drinking problem? Ha ha h-"


I stared at him,

"W-what do you mean?"

"Our base was unfortunately near an intact liquor store and some residents are addicted and are going through therapy for it, really any alcohol found is used to disinfect wounds or use as fuel for fires.

So Kira tries to regulate how much is distributed in a day. It's sad but it is what is necessary, that is why we have been so slow in completing our objectives, only three people, Borislav, Filip, and I were allowed to leave."

I could only just continue to walk in shock it was crazy, alcoholism in the apocalypse could be expected, but the fact they are still alive and thriving, I could only Fathom the thought if it was possible. Alcoholics generally die off because they loose their edge and that ends up killing them.

"So if you brought back all that alcohol you would be rich, basically"

"Bratan, yes, but more importantly, it would save you a lot of money because if you promise an mechanic a bottle, you could save yourself some solid money. So I think I know someone who would be willing to look at your car."

I nodded and followed them back to the car row I saw those scumbags from earlier trying to look at her from a distance, if they really wanted a look I might let them when I have some time to 'watch' them.

Yaromir stopped and turned to me "You remember the two guys you threatened earlier?"

I understood what he was implying, "You have to be fu-"

"Yemelyan, Venedikt, get over here! I need you guys!"

Before I was even able to tell him off they had covered the ten meters or so between us.

The taller one immediately stood straight and spoke, "Yaromir! How can I help you!"

He spoke with a stern tone, one of a man talking to his superior.

Yaromir calmly replied, "Yemelyan, I need you to take a look at Bratan's car", he pointed at me, "you have any other work going on? If no, then lets head over to bay one and take a look."

He was surprised, but he was able to stutter out a quick, "But he said I wasn't allowed near his car, and that is the car in bay one."

Yaromir looked frustrated, but seemed to understand their concern, "HE is paying YOU GUYS to fix his car so I think as long as you don't screw anything up, he would be glad to let you work under it's hood."

The man who Yaromir called 'Yemelyan' looked at me and I just gave him a nod and his face lit up and he ran to my car.

"See Bratan they aren't bad men, just curious" then Yaromir jogged over and went into bay one with Yemelyan and his friend, while Borislav and I jogged over.