Survival No. 033

I woke up to the piter patter of the rain bouncing off the entrance of my rocky abode. I looked around and did a quick check of my inventory. Luckily the rain hadn't leaked too far into my crevice and my Mosin and AK were dry as well as their ammo. My pistol was outside so I would be surprised if the thing would fire, who knows, it might be a fifty fifty chance. I found the pistol ammo and luckily it was still dry so that was a blessing.

Looking outside I saw a gruesome sight. A deers upper half was hanging from a tree. It's intestines were hanging out of it and there was a pool of blood below. I froze and my eyes darted around and watched the tree line.

No one would leave that behind. It was left there as a message. I grabbed my AK and moved closer to the entrance. I took off my jacket and put the Mosin through the sleeve.

I stuck it out a little like I was looking at the dear and nothing happened.

Either whatever or whoever this was was smart or I was just being paranoid. Brought the jacket back into the cave and put it back on. I clutched the AK and did a quick scan of the tree line again. I was a hundred percent sure I had been discovered by the Bukavec and I needed to be careful.

I couldn't see anything deep in the tree line. Visibility was awful thanks to the rain and dawn conditions. After my visual sweep of the forest I check my pistol and it seemed to be un changed. But then I saw a reflection on the water of the light grey barrel. I could see a few small specks of blood on it and in the reflection was the demon of the hour.

My first look at the Bukavec was a chilling experience. It was covered in a dark red or maroon color on it's skin and it had the head of an buck. It's antlers were sublime with the storm coming in the background. It was unmoving and latched to the edge of the rock.

I remembered what Venedikt told me, I could only kill it with fire. The demon and I both knew that. One of us was using that to their advantage and the other was stuck dead in the water. I went back into the cave and leaned on the wall and was staring at the pistols barrel. I then took a look at what I had in the cave, 2 Molotov's and my Mosin.

The Mosin would be suicidal from such a close range so I was stuck with the Molotov's, but the rain would make an attack with them useless, so I would need to use a Mosin. My best approach would be to wait in the cave but I had a time frame that I needed to stick too. I grabbed the Mosin and started a small fire with what little wood I had.

I started it on a small patch of dry ground near the entrance and waited for it to make some smoke.

The air became thick and my chest felt heavy and my lungs were begging me to cough to try and get the smoky air out of my lungs. I covered my mouth with a small piece of cloth and waited, staring at the gun and at the Bukavec above.

I saw the demon flinch when the smoke started to pour out of my hole. I could see the creature begin to slowly back away from where he was located.

He slowly disappeared from my view and a sense of calm came over me. I waited and scanned the area to see if I could see him. After about 20 minutes I didn't see anything. I slowly checked the sides using the pistols barrel and everything seemed clear. I had a feeling that the Bukavec would be hiding above my shelter. I went and grabbed one of the Molotov's. I also grabbed a rock as I lit the cocktail. I went to the entrance and lobbed the rock about four feet away from the entrance. At the same time I threw the Molotov cocktail as hard as I could so it would land on top of my rocky hill. I watched the Molotov fly up and begin to slow down. I glanced at the rock and it was about to hit the ground as I saw the cocktail go above the crest of the hill.

I went and fell on the top of the hill after the rock hit the water. A deafening explosion rang out across the area and I could see a large fire begin to burn. And then I saw something jump off the top of the hill. I lunged back into the cave as I grabbed the Mosin and ran back to see what was going on. The reflection on the barrel had done me no favors in describing the size of this thing. It was thrashing itself into the water, desperately trying to extinguish the flames. I could see an 8 foot tall beast. It's horns went farther from its head than my AK was in length. Its arms were four feet long and it's legs were skinny, yet they looked like they could out run anyone who tried to race them. I began to shoot at it's legs and arms hoping to have them break the bone and I could see the creature look at me with hatred as flames began to continue to catch on its body even though the rain hadn't stopped its drizzle I fired the rest of the clip and grabbed the AK and lit the other cocktail.

I looked back outside and I could see the Bukavec throwing itself at the wall. The cave shook as I yelp and started spraying the creature. It was moving back to try and force it's way in again as my bullets began to hit it like the rain covering it in a small amount of water. It stumbled and fell as my bullets seemed to hurt its right leg.