Finishing the Bukavec No. 034

The Bukavec fell onto it's left leg. It's right knee seemed to be completely shattered and it was stumbling. The creature seemed to be falling and flailing like a plane with dead engines. I reloaded and fired another clip into it's shoulder. I could see the fibers keeping it in place begin to snap. I could see the labrum and fired my last round into it. I could see it tear as the bullet ripped through it and the arm came flying towards me as the Bukavec was stumbling and now struggling. I could see the flames beginning to smolder as the rain slowly began to pick up.

It had only been 30 seconds and the Bukavec was a smoking and smoldering corpse, except it was still trying to get me.

I raised the second cocktail and threw it at the creature 10 feet in front of me.

It was hit square in the head and engulfed in a small explosion of fire and glass shards.

It was so close to me that I was thrown back into the cave and landed on my butt.

I scrambled up and grabbed my knife from its sheath on my belt and walked towards the door.

I looked outside with a ghast. I could see the creatures legs and arms, but almost the entire torso was missing. The smoke was pouring out of the body as I got closer to inspect. I quickly dashed inside so I could grab my axe that I brought, the rain was beginning to pour so I had to act fast or else the swamp water would be too deep for me to walk.

I chopped down two large branches and many smaller sticks and support cross sections.

I grabbed the legs and arms and whatever was left of the Bukavec and piled it up by the entrance to the cave.

Using the two long sticks, my jacket, and the rest if the sticks, I made a gurney that could carry what was left of him. I was about half a mile from the outpost. Half of the journey would be deeper swamp water while the rest would be a mix of mud and shallow ankle deep water.

My biggest worry would be the creatures body drifting off and I would lose a part of him and that could be catastrophic as I don't know much about the creature.

I loaded the long arms and legs into the gurney. As I grabbed them skin would peel off as I grabbed it and the weight would separate the two. After 15 minutes I had finished loading it up, but the rain had gotten exponentially worse. I went inside and grabbed all of my things and picked up my pistol on the way out and holstered it.

I grabbed the two branches and began my treck to the base.

I had a relative sense of where the base had been. I had left west of the base and ran in that direction so if I traveled straight from my rock I would be able to get there. The difficulty came from having to drag the dismembered parts of the body.

I began the treck towards my temporary home. It had been a few days and if I wasn't back in time I would lose my car probably because they would think that I was dead. I was traveling at a crawl, the pace was painstakingly slow as I walked in a slow zig-zag pattern to see if I could spot a road or the walls.

I continued on this path for half an hour scanning the swamp around me as I tracked through the mud and grime. I then found a road through the mud. There was a small hill and ditch that I would have to cross if I wanted to get on the highway.

I grabbed the gurney and got it across the ditch. As I walked through the ditch my foot sunk into the mud a few inches.

I was tugging and pulling but it just wouldn't budge.

I began to twist my foot and it flew out of the mud and I flew up onto the road. The gurney rested on the road with the rest of the body.

I took a look to the left and to the right.