The shop owner raised an eyebrow, looked at his desk, and his eyes fell on the blackish-red urn. Reaching out to take it. Hesitating before answering:

"It's not for sale." The shop owner pointed to the small bottle he held and immediately answered with certainty.

"This red urn is a relic from my family as an antiques seller." The shop owner felt his voice choke in his throat when he saw Fayanna Li with her beautiful black eyes slightly curved weakly, looking pitiful. And with a heavy heart, the shop owner continued.

"But if this little sister really wants it and has the intention of buying it. I will sell for 2000 Yuan, how about it?"

Hearing that, Fayanna Li smiled happily. The corners of the mouth rose, forming the magnificent carving of a beautiful painting. The bell-like voice sounded melodious.

"Fine, I'll take it."

Fayanna Li glanced at Yan Lou beside her, letting her pay for this thing. Seeing the shop owner giving the goods, Fayanna Li took it by looking at every corner.

Very good, but she was not satisfied with this thing alone. It's a shame, and the antique market here doesn't have enough objects to interest her.

Fayanna Li was too lazy to wander around the antique market. She suddenly remembered that Yan Lou could sense the frequency of the spiritual aura emanating from the antique.

- Every antique that has been around for a long time usually has a spiritual aura. The longer the antique can last, the thicker the spiritual aura.

Fayanna Li stretched out her hand, allowing Yan Lou to lower her head and speak in her ear in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Yan Lou, I want you to tour this entire antique market, and buy something that has a spiritual aura. It doesn't have to be too big, even if it's a little, buy them all." Fayanna Li's eyes scanned the surrounding space with one glance, looked at the chair in front of her, and said.

"You go, I will wait here, understand?"

Yan Lou nodded in agreement. When she was about to turn around, Fayanna Li suddenly shouted not so loudly.

"Oh wait, wait, wait. My cell phone. How could we possibly forget that?" Fayanna Li said excitedly, took out a cell phone from her small bag, and handed it to Yan Lou.

Looking at the shop's layout, Fayanna Li smiled, looking at the shop owner quickly. "Can I take a photo in this place?"

The shop owner was slightly confused, nodded in agreement quickly. After all, taking pictures did not harm himself and this shop.

"Yan Lou, quickly take a photo of me. Ah, must look beautiful, remember that!" Fayanna Li handed the cell phone to Yan Lou walked over to a pretty good chair with a bronze cabinet filled with antiques in the background.

Yan Lou just smiled, nodded, and waited for Fayanna Li to finish the pose she wanted to use.

Adjusting herself, Fayanna Li sat down gracefully and took the blackish-red Urn she had just bought. Deliberately focusing attention on himself and the antique.

Yan Lou easily adjusts the shooting angle. She has photographed Fayanna Li with a faint smile on her lips.

The shop owner saw Fayanna Li smiling beautifully in the photo, unable to say anything. If she weren't actively following social media, she thought that Fayanna Li was a model.

This woman's face looked so beautiful, and she admitted it the first time she saw it. Now seeing how Fayanna Li looks so relaxed and relaxed in the photo, elegant and not over the top, is amazing.

On the other hand, Yan Lou had taken pictures of some of the poses that Fayanna Li had applied. Nodding to signal that she was done, Yan Lou handed the phone back to Fayanna Li.

Fayanna Li immediately greeted the phone, saying that Yan Lou could go. And opened some of the photos she had taken.

Thankfully Fayanna Li has a phone with a camera with an extra-large resolution, 60 Megapixel. Of course, the results of the existing images will be perfect for the standards of a mobile phone.

Yan Lou had left, and Fayanna Li picked out some pretty good-looking photos. Open her social media account. She was smiling a little sad when she saw the number of followers.

One hundred followers

Looking at accounts with absolutely no photo uploads looks cleaner than an empty wallet. Yes, she blames herself for not having any interest in social media in her first life.

Luckily, Fayanna Li realized that social media could also bring in money besides showing off her beauty.

Like posting stuff, you want to sell and see if someone is interested? Make it a promotional medium and make yourself famous.

Yes, Fayanna Li, you are so smart~

Seeing that all the photos taken were excellent, Fayanna Li gave up on choosing. Let's grab them all and post!

Taking one of the best photos and setting it as a profile photo, Fayanna Li suddenly received a notification on her cellphone.

This is a notification that someone has sent her a message.

Fayanna Li raised her eyebrows. She opened it and read the message.

Fayanna Li opened it and read it.

[Henry Cutting: Fayanna, I didn't know that you started playing social media!?"]

Henry Cutting? Who's that?

Oh, how could she forget! Henry was one of her few close friends while still in the United States in her first life!

Fayanna Li immediately smiled happily. Even though she was a tranquil person in her first life and didn't care about her surroundings, she still had several people as close friends. One of them is him, Henry Cutting.

This man is into the world of fashion, and they met when she and Henry were at the same university. This man's personality was quite good, and Fayanna Li befriended him.

[Fayanna Li: Is it wrong if I do that?]

[Henry Cutting: Can you think positively? I was just surprised when I saw your social media posted a photo, and it's still a photo of you]

[Henry Cutting: Hey, did I haven't seen your face in a long time or whatever, don't you look even more beautiful?]

[Henry Cutting: Honey! Your fashion sense is perfect! God, don't you intend to be a model? I can help him!]

[Fayanna Li: No need. I'm not interested in modeling. After all, I'm currently pregnant.]

[Henry Cutting: "…!?"]


Our nerdy lady is pregnant!? Can you joke!?