Inside the shop is an old Chinese design, made of wood painted brownish-red. There are dozens of wooden shelves lined every crevice of the shop. I was grouping each type of dozens of antiques on each wooden shelf.

Standing in front of a wooden shelf, a grown man in a white shirt and grey trousers had a handsome face, with his eyes fixed on everything on the wooden shelf.

Walking from behind, a man who looked to be in his 50s smiled, greeting the man in a friendly manner.

"Young Master Mu, is there anything you like in each of these shelves?" The older man smiled. The expression on his face was very calm and peaceful. "Quality antiques are currently quite difficult to find. I have a hard time finding them myself."

The older man took a deep breath before continuing to speak again. "There's a lot of stuff, and there's accessories, equipment, pictures of writing." Pointing to some wooden shelves while mentioning the group. "But I am not sure, whether these items can satisfy Young Master Mu."

Mu Qinzi remained silent at first, looking at the entire contents of the wooden shelf regretfully before turning around and politely saying:

"I just looked carelessly, boss Qian doesn't need to specially serve me." Mu Qinzi smiled, continuing her speech.

"A few days later is old man Mu's birthday, and he is very fond of antiques, I just hope to see something interesting to give as a gift."

Boss Qian put on a sad face, "I really didn't know it, if only I had known, I would have bought some quality enough items for Young Master Mu to see."

Mu Qinzi smiled, not saying anything. He also didn't expect such a good item in this antique market. At first, Mu Qinzi remembered Boss Qian's antique shop, but unfortunately, this man also had a hard time finding good items.

"The tea is ready, does your master want to taste a little or not?" Boss Qian turned around, putting together a very ancient-looking tea set.

Mu Qinzi smiled. Before he could agree, his ears heard the faint melodious clanking of ceramics. Mu Qinzi's smile was very kind.

Turning to look at boss Qian, Mu Qinzi said, "I think I heard the clatter of ceramics, could it be?"

Boss Qian also heard it, with a smile on his face and nodded, looked at his apprentice who was arranging antiques and said:

"I'm going away for a while, help me look after this shop, understand?"

The apprentice nodded in agreement quickly. Boss Qian was satisfied and left with Mu Qinzi after.

On the other hand, three shops away from boss Qian's shop, Fayanna Li smiled cutely, looking at her cell phone.

[Henry Cutting: Aren't you lying to me!? Fayanna Li, you are pregnant!?]

Wow, look at his surprised reaction. If only she could see it in person

With a smile, Fayanna Li typed a message

[Fayanna Li: Well, let's continue the conversation tonight. I have business here. See you, baby~ ]

Turning off her cell phone, Fayanna Li looked back at the item she had just bought. Hearing the sound of crickets inside, Fayanna Li was pleased.

No one knows if Fayanna Li likes to hear something that seems soft and beautiful when heard. Whether it's the sound of the bamboo flute, Guqin's voice, even the clinking of ceramic tiles, if it sounds soft to his ears, he likes it!

- Guqin or qin is a traditional seven-stringed Chinese musical instrument with a long history in China of about 5,000 years. The Guqin musical instrument has a slender shape and is convex upwards. The curved surface of the board represents Heaven, while the flat bottom represents Earth. Guqin music is a profound milestone in Chinese art history and culture.

She stretched out her hand, lightly injected spiritual energy into her fingertip and tapped the blackish-red Urn with precise precision. Immediately after that, it emitted a louder, melodic, and shrill sound.

Hmmm, so beautiful to listen to~

Crossing her legs, she leaned her body against the chair and supported her small chin with her right hand. Both eyes were closed, let out a faint low hum, along with the tapping of her existing fingers, looked beautiful.

Opening her eyes again, Fayanna Li saw the shop owner, who was also casually listening to the sound of her finger tapping on the blackish-red urn. Smiling slightly, Fayanna Li said:

"Can I ask you to prepare some tea? I have green tea here, I'll pay for it." Said Fayanna Li.

The shopkeeper immediately nodded in agreement when he heard the words of payment. I just made tea, and it's still the customer's thing. He needs to heat the water, and the money reaches his wallet, so good!

Fayanna Li opened her small white bag, pretending to take things from the bag so that the eternal chaos space was not discovered. Handing over the small cloth bag containing the spiritual tea, Fayanna Li continued her laziness again.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps that were different from the footsteps of ordinary people. Is it a cultivator? Hmmm seems right

Mu Qinzi stood in front of the antique shop door, glancing at the shop before making her way inside.

Reaching the inside, Mu Qinzi stopped, looking at a young woman who closed her eyes comfortably when she heard the sound of crickets.

This woman was a rare pure beauty.

Fayanna Li felt those eyes, smiled faintly in her heart, very proud of this beautiful face.

Maintaining an elegant and luxurious style, she opened her eyes slowly. Turning her gaze towards the entrance, she saw a handsome man standing in the doorway. I didn't realize that an older man was also standing beside the handsome man.

Come on, something handsome completely covers up something ordinary~

Their eyes met. Fayanna Li looked at Mu Qinzi with a peaceful expression without waves, with a calm posture filled with laziness. The piercing black eyes, filled with supremacy that looked on with endless oppression.

The shop owner was surprised when he saw boss Qian standing in front of his shop door. A little flattered and welcomed him.

"Boss Qian! Is there anything I can help you with?" The shop owner said those words with a happy smile on his face.

Boss Qian laughed lowly, very friendly, no special pride in it. He shook his head lightly and said, "No and most importantly, I was only attracted by the sound of the clinking of the ceramics."

The shop owner smiled, looked at the sitting Fayanna Li and said honestly. "When it comes to this, I can't help, because the red Urn I have sold to the young lady. Excuse me."

Boss Qian didn't say anything, smiling at Fayanna Li, who sat listening to the clatter of ceramic tiles from Fayanna Li's fingers.