"Do you have a way out for this pure Xiantian Dao body?"

The black eye beauty that had long been cold and expressionless, Mo Yanyue asked with those sparkling eyes. Fayanna Li, who was squatting in front of him with Mo Yanyue sitting in a wheelchair, lifted his head.

Their eyes met.

Fayanna Li saw the faint hope in Mo Yanyue's heart, and she smiled very gently. A tenderness that was like a small claw scratched in her heart.

It seemed that this man did not know the meaning of a pure Xiantian Dao body. What if he finds out? Is it possible to be this calm?

Xiantian Dao Body: A divine body constitution allows one to learn faster than the average cultivator. Cultivators who possessed this constitution were considered geniuses among geniuses.

"Of course I can do anything, even if someone is at his last breath."

When he saw the proud expression on Fayanna Li's face, seeing those black Phoenix eyes shining so brightly, Mo Yanyue felt his heart warm.

A burst of emotion welled up within him, making him feel like the sun's long lost light had suddenly re-illuminated him.

For years, he couldn't feel his own feet, and there was finally hope to be able to walk again!

A smile escaped his lips. Form a beautiful corner filled with happy emotions. His calm had long since disappeared. The cold heart that was like dark ice was slowly melting.

"But you must know, every action must have a price. This process is very difficult. The pain you will experience, is not the pain you normally experience."

Fayanna Li's voice was low, and those black eyes looked at Mo Yanyue seriously. "Every step is not easy. If you can't endure the pain, you will die."

Every action must have a price. If Mo Yanyue didn't want to feel the pain, it was better to live under the pressure of being paralyzed.

It would be a waste if he gave up while the treatment was in progress. While it was going on, he gasped and chose to give up on changing his body. That would be the real ending: fall, even death.

Mo Yanyue was very calm. Those eyes didn't even bear a trace of doubt in them. As if talking about death, open up to death. His gaze was firm, and no shock could break him.

"Miss Fayanna, don't worry. I will not lose to that pain. I know my own abilities."

Mo Yanyue's voice was low, slightly hoarse and magnetic. The man's face was still the same, like unruly steel. But the look in his sharp eyes, filled with confidence in himself, reflected his personality.

Those black eyes looked at Fayanna Li, allowing her to see her reflection in it.

Fayanna Li saw it, a faint smile at the corner of her lips, full of beauty. "Alright, since you've decided to go ahead, and believe in my treatment, I won't let my patients down."

Mo Yanyue looked at Fayanna Li, "If you help me, will it have a bad effect on you?"

Fayanna Li smiled, didn't look at him, just moved her hand between all kinds of acupuncture needles lightly and beautifully.

Look at one by one, and take a suitable acupuncture needle. "It will have no effect on me. It's just a job a doctor should do."

Mo Yanyue heard it. Even if Fayanna Li said that it was a simple thing, he was still afraid. Fayanna Li is a young woman, and she is still pregnant. What if, because of him, the baby became unstable?

"Before changing your body constitution, the paralysis of your legs must be treated first."

Fayanna Li was getting ready to perform acupuncture on Mo Yanyue when she suddenly saw a hand holding her hand—holding gently as if afraid of getting hurt in the next second.

Fayanna Li raised her eyebrows looked at Mo Yanyue's face with a look of incomprehension and a little surprise. She didn't know why Mo Yanyue was tightly gripping the wrist, even though this man didn't have the expression to stop the medication.

Mo Yanyue carefully grasped Fayanna Li's white hand. Looking at the woman's beautiful face in front of him with serious eyes.

"Is there no reaction for the baby? After all, you are currently pregnant."

They initially couldn't figure out why a young woman like Fayanna Li, who was so beautiful and talented, got pregnant without a husband by her side.

They thought that her husband might be travelling, but she slowly came to her senses. Fayanna Li is a single mother.

Fayanna Li was not depressed because of her pregnancy but was very happy when he touched her flat stomach. The light of very soft warmth made him know that Fayanna Li loved the baby in her womb.

If something happened to the baby because of saving her, Mo Yanyue wouldn't bear to see Fayanna Li sad.

He also thought that he wouldn't feel anything even if he had to wait a year later for treatment. He had gotten used to his crippled physique, but he couldn't bear to see Fayanna Li fall into her sorrow.

The smile on Fayanna Li's face grew softer, and those eyes were indeed Mo Yanyue carefully. Unknowingly, Fayanna Li began to instil more trust in him.

"I know my own limits. I am also aware that what I am doing now will not harm my baby."

Seeing that smiling face, Mo Yanyue became very gentle.

"If it was a problem, I would have said it wouldn't have had a major effect on my baby." Fayanna Li changed her voice to serious. "Changing your body requires some rare materials. But believe me, I am very rich here. Those rare materials are now in these hands."

"After healing, your cultivation speed and talent will greatly increase. So don't worry."

Mo Yanyue nodded. He knew Fayanna Li was trying to convince him.

Fayanna Li lowered her gaze. Acupuncture needles that shone like crystals were carefully inserted into Mo Yanyue's acupoints. Fayanna Li's black eyes are very serious. Every time the needle goes in, it is full of extremely accurate calculations without any error.

The rooms have glass windows that let in sunlight. Shining in, directly hit Fayanna Li's body. It makes him look like a man of high wisdom.

After all the needles were inserted at a certain acupoint, with great accuracy, Fayanna Li spoke, "The next step will be very painful. If you can't help it, there's no need to hide and scream. Besides, this part really hurts a lot."

Mo Yanyue nodded. He couldn't possibly scream in front of Fayanna Li. "I'll be fine. You don't have to think about me here. Go ahead."

Hearing those words, Fayanna Li smiled faintly. Concentrates the inner Qi within her body and makes that inner Qi very strong and explodes.

Her right hand, like dancing beautifully with sharp acupuncture needles. Waving her hand very quickly, Mo Yanyue's acupoints pierced, which made the embedded acupuncture needles vibrate and lighten.