Mo Yanyue could feel that his legs were tingling at first, which slowly spread from the toes to the entire paralyzed part of the foot. Feeling that tingling feeling, it was as if countless insects were crawling up.

That tingling feeling was slowly replaced with a feeling as if being stabbed with thousands of blunt needles. Very unbearable at first.

Mo Yanyue had no other expression on his face than excited. A faint smile formed at the corners of his lips, a rare trace of happiness appearing in his deep black eyes.

So many years! This leg he never again felt its existence. When he woke up from his sleep, feeling that he had lost control of his legs, no one knew how he felt at that moment.

He almost gave up. But Fayanna Li with a smile that made her harden up again. Now, he can feel his feet!

Even if it was a harrowing feeling, he could still feel his legs!

Because the tingling and itching feeling slowly turned into pain, which at first was just like being stabbed with thousands of needles. But right now, the feeling that came was beyond that.

A thousand knives stabbed him! It was a feeling that made Mo Yanyue furrow his brows tightly. This was the most painful feeling he had experienced in his many years of life.

Mo Yanyue felt a fierce pain in his leg. The expression on the man's face on the surface was normal, cold as usual. Only those two eyebrows, showing faint markings.

Small beads of sweat appeared continuously on his forehead, and his brows were furrowed. Let people know how he is feeling. Hurtful.

Fayanna Li looked at Mo Yanyue couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration welling up in her eyes. After all, Mo Yanyue was just an ordinary human in the first place. Never felt anything more painful than this. But Mo Yanyue remained steady, not screaming as loud as she had hoped.

Refocusing her attention on Mo Yanyue's feet, Fayanna Li started to sweat. Drops of sweat appeared around her forehead, slowly making the woman Fayanna Li look a little pale white.

The treatment she did was also a bit strenuous for her, who was still at the late stage of Foundation Establishment {Zhuji}.

Mo Yanyue's heart was moved, releasing various feelings he couldn't decipher.

In his life, apart from the mother who took care of him, he had never felt any other care from someone of the female gender. Because of this, Fayanna Li became the only woman who had touched him for a very long time.

More and more time passed. Thirty minutes later, the pain was getting worse. Mo Yanyue's fists became tighter and tighter, his brows furrowed even deeper, and cold sweat soaked all over his clothes.

"If you want to scream, shout, I won't laugh." Fayanna Li said softly.

A faint smile formed on the corners of Mo Yanyue's lips. He just shook his head, answering her.

Fayanna Li held onto Mo Yanyue's leg. Pressed a few acupoints, and immediately, slightly faint looking blue veins appeared on Mo Yanyue's layer of bronze skin.

The blood vessels that were not functioning normally slowly diverted the faint flow of blood. It flowed steadily towards several points from it, reaching the soles of Mo Yanyue's feet.

Normalize the blood vessels that have been damaged for a long time, related to healing the paralysis of Mo Yanyue's legs. The smoother the blood flow, the better the treatment, allowing Mo Yanyue's legs to move again.

Fayanna Li felt her vision become more blurry. Cold sweat began to soak all over her pure white dress.

If only she weren't very skilled in medicine, she wasn't sure if she could help Mo Yanyue with these increasingly blurry eyes. Luckily, even if she was blind, she could still perform this operation very smoothly.

Fayanna Li also realized the reason why her eyes became so blurry. This was because her current cultivation was not strong enough to continue.

Acupuncture techniques erode not only the mental but also the inner Qi in the body. Right now, she was still too weak, barely able to handle it.

It was fortunate that she currently had the Eternal Chaos Space. Please help her to increase the inner Qi in her body.

Fayanna Li thought she should speed up this healing process. Rank something that can be shortened!

A few minutes passed quickly.

Fayanna Li smiled with a slightly pale face. The red lips looked chapped, and the skin also lacked blood flow.

Licking the corners of her lips, Fayanna Li packed her acupuncture needles, those red lips showing a smile filled with victory.

"Try to stand up."

Mo Yanyue was slightly shocked in his heart. Hesitating before lowering his legs, holding the wheelchair arm and lifting his body

Feeling that his feet touched the floor, Mo Yanyue's hands trembled slightly. A beautiful smile painted on his face broke out strongly to describe his current happiness.

For many years, he was finally able to get back on his feet once again!

Mo Yanyue stepped a little slowly, feeling that his feet were quite stable, his gaze fixed on the garden behind the Li residence.

Fayanna Li saw that "I don't mind if you jump the fence and run to the park to try your feet. Really."

Mo Yanyue smiled happily at Fayanna Li. He nodded quickly and ran to the balcony of the room. Jumping fences that are only waist-high with great skill, running happily around the backyard with a smile.

Fayanna Li smiled faintly, shifted her gaze to the pill inside the small porcelain and ate it. This body must be upgraded quickly.

Gathering her things, Fayanna Li came out of the room. Her long hair was drenched in sweat, but her face had returned to its normal appearance. The red lips are back, and her skin is getting better too. Not pale.

Coming out of the room, Fayanna Li saw that Mo Yunqi and Mo Jinran were still busy with their respective laptops. I didn't know that Mo Yanyue had recovered and was able to walk again.

Lifting his head, Mo Yunqi immediately stood up. He coughed gently, seeing that Fayanna Li's condition was slightly beyond her expectations.

The young man's face turned slightly red, "Hmmm I've been looking for the owner of this mountain. I have also received the information."

Mo Yunqi turned his laptop around, showing Fayanna Li. "The owner of this mountain is Feng Tian Yu. 47 years old man. A long-lost real estate entrepreneur. Now work as is to treat his wife's illness."

"Recently Feng Tian Yu also sold that mountain for a very cheap price. Hope someone buys it."

Fayanna Li just nodded lightly, and the white hand pointed out the glass window overlooking the villa's backyard.

Mo Yunqi and Mo Jinran followed the indicated direction, watching with round eyes filled with emotions.

"Brother can stand back up!!?"