Huo Fei, who had not shown his face for a long time, was now full of smiles when he heard his body condition had gotten better!

At first, Huo Fei had argued with the rest of the Huo family for taking careless drugs. But Huo Fei didn't care, refuting all the older men with a stern facial expression!

Even though Huo Fei knew they were all really worried about him, he still didn't want to waste his only chance!

Because if Fayanna Li was able to cure his illness, Huo Fei was very grateful! Even more so, with the words that Fayanna Li can also reopen the meridians in his body that have been blocked for a long time. He subconsciously believed in Fayanna Li!

Walking out of the bathroom, Huo Fei had cleaned up all the Dirt (zázhì) that covered his entire body in a dark black colour that was extremely sticky and smelly!

Impurities (zázhì) - are impurities that appear on a cultivator's skin when faced with certain situations due to purifying the body and removing impurities. It could be due to having consumed a special medicinal Pill or having successfully reached a new naming stage in cultivation.

Huo Fei could feel that his body was extremely strong and refreshed! Thinking about the black excrement oozing out of his body and the intense smell, Huo Fei thought of a legendary Pill he had lost for a long time.

It had the same effect as the special medicinal Pill that Fayanna Li had given her. The pill can also wash the meridians and bone marrow. Making a cultivator feel the sensation of his meridians opening wider and absorbing better and richer spiritual essence!

This legendary pill was a bone marrow washing pill! Pills were auctioned a few years ago and brought in over seven hundred million Yuan in a single pill!

Huo Fei thought about a small porcelain bottle containing seven Pills, and Fayanna Li only charged him with a very cheap white jade hairpin!?

Huo Fei felt a tingling sensation in his heart. Not wanting to linger any longer, Huo Fei immediately took out his cell phone and called someone very important to him!

"…Hello, Grandpa!"

When connected to the phone cell, Huo Fei immediately smiled faintly. In this world, apart from his grandfather, Huo Fei didn't have any other family that truly cherished him so much!

Old man Huo who was having a headache taking care of all the Huo family's business matters due to Huo Fei's sudden absence was surprised to see a phone call from his grandson.

This damn kid doesn't want to listen to himself not to get too desperate! Old man Huo found out that Huo Fei took special medicinal Pills from just anyone.

Thinking that Huo Fei had completely given up on his illness, he had summoned all the geniuses in medicine to cure Huo Fei. But it's a shame that his illness really can't be helped.

Master Huo Fei felt very sick. Knowing that his grandson's lifespan is even lower than the average lifespan of a cultivator that can reach hundreds of years

Suppressing the sadness in his heart, older man Huo picked up the phone. At first, he thought he heard his grandson's low voice, hiding a bit of despair.

Old man Huo was immediately taken aback by Huo Fei's familiar greeting, which contained high happiness levels.

There were several points of light in his heart. Old man Huo moved his lips gently. "Son, are you all right?"

Huo Fei narrowed his eyes, and a slight touch of tenderness in his heart, his lips hooked and formed a faint smile, "Grandpa! I want to say that I have completely recovered from the disease."

Old man Huo felt that these ears were too old to hear clearly, "What! What did you say just now!? Repeat one more time!"

Huo Fei chuckled lightly, and he knew that his grandfather had been in a very healthy condition long ago. He couldn't believe that his grandfather didn't hear that.

"I say once again, and I have recovered from that illness, grandpa!" Huo Fei said with beautiful curved eyes. Smile.

Old man Huo widened his eyes in surprise, hesitating before asking Huo Fei, "Kid… Is what you're saying true? You… have you recovered? Not lying to grandpa, right?"

Huo Fei lifted his lips and laughed lowly, "Hehehe, how could I do that! Grandpa, what I said is the truth! I recovered from this disease!"

Huo Fei didn't want to play with old man Huo's curiosity. Because he knew that if this older man were curious, older man Huo would fly straight to this N city to seek answers to his heart's questions directly.

Thus, Huo Fei said that the doctor who healed him was called Fayanna Li. Including one of the genius young doctors of China and the world.

Old man Huo had never heard of Fayanna Li's name, and he was also very confused. But Huo Fei immediately said that Fayanna Li had a slightly different special character.

Old man Huo was immediately taken aback and responded with a small nod. Sometimes someone good at something has a slightly different character from most people.

"Then, were there any obstacles in the whole process? Can you handle the cost with all your money Huo Fei?" asked old man Huo quickly. Over the past few years, old man Huo had spent quite a bit of money on it to treat Huo Fei's illness.

Huo Fei answered the question quickly, "No need, and I haven't spent too much money." Huo Fei said.

Old man Huo was slightly surprised but said nothing more. Just saying that if Huo Fei needed his help and company, old man Huo would immediately give it to him.


Yan Lou knocked on Fayanna Li's study door, seeing that Fayanna Li wanted to leave the room with Long Yueli. "Master, I have good news for you." Yan Lou said still with a faint smile.

Fayanna Li narrowed her eyes slightly, "Good news, huh? I'm very curious about this" Folding her arms, Fayanna Li raised her eyebrows slightly, guessing what Yan Lou would say.

Long Yueli looked at the two of them. After hearing the words from the two, Long Yueli said he would go down first. Fayanna Li nodded, and when Long Yueli left. Seeing Long Yueli leave, Fayanna Li looked at Yan Lou,

Yan Lou currently had a very strict facial expression, very serious, "The seed of the heavenly tree has grown successfully!!"

Fayanna Li: "!!!" Her eyes widen in surprise!