Fayanna Li was so surprised that her mouth opened slightly, her black eyes shining brightly with a beautiful water reflection. Having remained silent for not too long, Fayanna Li immediately smiled happily as she entered the Eternal Chaos Space.

Passing the bright light for a few seconds, Fayanna Li was almost shocked to see the Eternal Chaos Space in front of her.

Fayanna Li widened her eyes in shock, almost screaming, "What the hell happened!?"

The room of eternal chaos that used to be just a large field planted with medicinal herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Blinking her eyes a few times to check the authenticity of her vision, Fayanna Li almost ran with fast footsteps.

Go straight up the stairs where the spiritual spring and the Heavenly Tree are planted. Fayanna Li couldn't help but look back from the top of a rocky hill.

There were rows of various types of plants, but Phoenix Fayanna Li's black eyes fell on the soft white expanse scattered in front of her from a distance.

Fayanna Li knew that it was thousands of white flowers. The room had a huge area, surpassing Qiyun Mountain and the surrounding area, namely the small Shengshi City. The plant seeds he possessed of all kinds of medicinal herbs, fruits, and vegetables only sufficed to fill six percent of the ten total areas of ​​the Eternal Chaos Room.

The rest is vacant land overgrown with grass. At first, Fayanna Li wanted to use it to plant more new medicinal plants and several types of genetically modified plants.

But Fayanna Li did not forget about her desire to have a field of beautiful white flowers. Soft white lilies and various other types are just as white.

Wen Renchen only glanced at Fayanna Li for a moment, seeing the pure white dress swaying beautifully in the wind.

The woman was still the same, straining a white dress as white as the signature silver lily embroidery and standing at a height with his back to her, allowing her to see the long black hair falling beautifully and gleaming.

Her small body was in stark contrast to the white dress and long black hair. Wen Renchen just saw her standing there silently, doing nothing. But Wen Renchen was clear about such a graceful posture. Although it looked relaxed, it looked like the emperor was looking at his realm.

He was standing still, staring intently. Whether it's her beauty, elegance, or casual impression of hers. Looking up at the sky was as if it were in the palm of his hand, but there was no sense of pride capable of making him look down on people.

Wen Renchen hooked her thin lips, her slightly pale jade green eyes curved involuntarily. Lifting his hand with a gentle smack, a certain amount of spiritual energy rushed out.

Fayanna Li felt the wind gently blow around her ears. The pampering tenderness made her eyes involuntarily narrow beautifully.

When clearing her eyes once again from the comfort of the oncoming wind, Fayanna Li trembled gently at sight in front of her. Her heart was beating fast.

They have planted thousands of flowers beautifully and fertile, suddenly released from their stems and flew in all directions, reaching high into the sky.

The scent of fresh flowers, with the view of flower petals falling from the sky like snow in winter. It was so beautiful that it could make Fayanna Li feel her heartbeat fast.

Raising her hand to cover her mouth, Fayanna Li trembled lowly. The corner of her red lips smiled very beautifully and beautifully, her eyes curved and slightly glazed, reflecting a white light that could penetrate the heart of anyone who saw it.

Fayanna Li heard someone's footsteps. Turning her body gently, Fayanna Li saw Wen Renchen smiling faintly with many lilies in her hands.

This man had a very handsome face, those faded jade green eyes of his, with black clothes embroidered in gold that displayed the beauty of his long golden hair.

Wen Renchen walked in front of Fayanna Li, smiled faintly and said, "Are you here, my wife?" He said in a pleasant tone and seemed to have been used to it for a long time.

Staring at Fayanna Li, who was transfixed, Wen Renchen handed a bunch of lilies in his hand to Fayanna Li. Taking Fayanna Li's white hand and making her hold the flower.

After a while, Fayanna Li heard the man's cold but gentle voice, "I saw that his wife had a lot of white flower seeds. I thought you would like it if I planted it for you, so I planted it around the empty field. Do you like it?"

Fayanna Li looked at the lily in her hand and the sky still covered with white petals of thousands of flowers. Fayanna Li never said anything different from her heartfelt and could only smile.

Lifting her head slightly, Fayanna Li looked at Wen Renchen, "I like him. Ah, no, I like it very much" Pinching her lips, smiling happily, "Thank you, Wen Renchen."

Wen Renchen looked at Fayanna Li, and this was the first time Fayanna Li had called his name. And in the thousands of years of his life, This was the first time someone had said his name with a happy smile instead of trembling with fear.

Looking more meaningfully at Fayanna Li, Wen Renchen tilted her body slightly, "I'm pleased to hear you like him, but you should also thank Yuan'er and Yuhan'er. They also helped me grow it for you, my wife."

"Is that true? Then where are the two of them? How come there is no sound?" Ask Fayanna Li.

Sighing softly, Wen Renchen couldn't help but shake his head lightly, "Those two kids were too excited for a long time, running around and playing while helping me. Now they are fast asleep in the room."

"Ah," Fayanna Li chuckled as she imagined the two children running around, looked at Wen Renchen with a faint sigh, and said, "They like you."

Wen Renchen tilted his head slightly and didn't say anything, but his eyes revealed a light tenderness.

"Did you come to see the Heavenly Tree?" Wen Renchen asked quickly, glancing at Fayanna Li.

Fayanna Li quickly nodded and said, "Yes, I came because of this."

Wen Renchen glanced at Fayanna Li for a while and lifted his lips, those faint green jade eyes full of a mysterious play, "Then prepare yourselves, my wife. I have a surprise for you."