
"Oi! Anyone alive here?" shouted a fireman, desperate to find any survivors.

The sounds of the mansion falling apart, the crackling of the flames... The smell of singed bodies of the hundred occupants of the house. I could hear help but I couldn't move anything. Why couldn't I? I opened my eyes to see that a piece of the ceiling was on top of me.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Soon, my vision started to blur. It was then I heard an unknown voice in my head. But it didn't sound like anyone I knew of. Nor did it sound like it was helping me.

"Fire Element has been determined. Unlocking all Fire Elemental Spells," said the voice.

My eyes began to water as the thought of dying began to creep up to me.

"Water Element has been determined. Unlocking all Water Elemental Spells. Upgrading to Twin Elemental Usage."

The voice continued but I was still crying. I didn't care about what the voice had to say. I was suddenly afraid for my life but after a few more deep breaths, I began to calm down and accepted my fate.

"Wind Element has been determined. Unlocking all Wind Elemental Spells. Upgrading to Triple Element Usage. Unlocked Ulitmate Spell: Holy Trinity."

Regrets and memories flashed by my vision. Though I was born into a wealthy family, I never did like to flaunt my status as a Countess. I was to be married to a person who I have not seen before. And I detested that fact. The fact that I was a noble. I don't want to be one.

"The Offensive Skill; Hate, has been determined. Upgrading to Animus due to high presence of hatred."

I want a normal, peaceful life. I don't need jewels or money or fancy dresses. I just wanted to live my own life without having to use my family's name. I just wished that I had run away earlier. If I had done that, I wouldn't be dying in a fire right now.

"The Defensive Skill; Escape, has been determined."

That's right... If my parents hadn't been dealing with the dark part of the world, I wouldn't suffer so much right now. Moreover, they are not here! They went on some business trip again. They knew that the mansion would be destroyed by those gangsters, so they left this place.

They never cared to ask what I wanted. What I wished for. They forced me into dresses, into classes that I hate. I hate dancing. I hate them. Why was I forced to endure this pain when they were the ones that they were after? And the countless lives lost here...

I despise them. I loathe them. Just because they were rich doesn't give them the right to govern our lives!

"Emotion Overhaul. Offensive Skill; Animus has been upgraded. Darkness Element has been determined. Unlocking all Darkness Elemental Spells. Upgrading to Quadruplet Element Usage."

I am no ordinary rich girl. I hate wearing dresses. I hate going to tea parties or shopping. I am a person of my own will. And I will not let anyone control me anymore. I am a combatant! I'm not just a pretty girl!

"Class; Fighter has been determined. Halting process, analyzing other knowledge of fighting styles. Upgrading to Glorybringer. Enhanced Sight, Hearing, Smell, Strength, Defence, Endurance and Dexterity has been determined."

"Weapon of choice has been determined from background checks. Sword has been chosen and confirmed."

The fires are burning me... It hurts... I wish it didn't hurt.

"Pain has been nullified."

I thought back to the one thing I treasured in my life. My little garden of flowers. I loved the orchids. Especially the purple ones. I wish I could be in a field of flowers, it would be so peaceful.

"Earth Element has been determined. Unlocking all Earth Elemental Spells. Upgrading to Quintuple Elemental Usage. Ultimate Skill unlocked: Arcane."

Ah... Perhaps when I finally die, I would end up in a field of flowers. But I guess I would have to close my eyes and allow the flames to take over first. And that voice is still going on.

"The Offensive Skill; Tranquil has been determined. Unlocked Ulitmate Skill: Euphoria."

I closed my eyes and exhaled my last breath. My name was Elizabeth Einzfield. And I was to be Countess in my hometown but I died due to a fire created by my parent's enemies. And now, I was being reborn as someone else.

As darkness enveloped me, I felt nothing. No pain, nothing. Until I opened my eyes. I thought my life was over until I found myself lying on a grassy plane. I stood up slowly and looked around. There were no buildings in sight. I glanced down and saw what was I holding.