
A sword with a Pentagram as a hilt and a green handle with a spherical pommel. And my clothes weren't the same as what I remembered wearing, I was wearing a black shirt with matching pants. Now, I was wearing some form of armor dress with the clothing underneath to be a blue dress.

Back to the weapon, the blade was similar to a longsword but I can't be so sure. I held it upwards, only realizing that the sky wasn't what I was used to. Sure, it still had the same blue but something seemed off about it...

But then it hit me. There was a ring of clouds within the blue sky. My world never had this in the sky... Which means that this is another world. The grass floor underneath me seemed to vibrant for what I can recall in my old place. Perhaps my place wasn't very good for nature but still.

After stumbling upon that revelation, my eyes scanned the weapon. It was then I realise my vision was different as well. Like... My eyes were a monitor screen. As my eyes singled out the blade within my vision, window pop-outs sprang with lines connecting to certain parts of the blade.

"Analysis complete. The weapon that you are holding is Your Main Weapon, a Longsword. The blade is made out of a substance called 'Devourer'. The skill attached would be 'Gluttony', a skill that allows the user to absorb whichever being that has been wounded by it," rang a voice.

My eyes widened. It was the same voice I heard during the fire. I turned around in a panic, hoping to see the source of the voice, but I was met with nothing. On the other hand, that information about the weapon and that Gluttony Skill seemed impressive and freaky.

Impressive because that meant that I could use the powers of my enemies even if they had fallen. Freaky because it sounds like the sword was going to eat whatever it cuts.

"That is accurate. Potential to upgrade to Avarice has been detected, requirements are to slay a Hostile-level monster."

"Who are you?" I asked, changing my grip on the weapon to ready an attack.

"I am no one."

"Don't mess with me!"

"High levels of anger detected."

I sighed, slumping my shoulders and lowering the blade. Let's see... If this voice is truly like a Computer or Artificial Intelligence, then I have to give it commands that it understands, so I could get the information that I need.

"Alright then. Identify yourself," I commanded.

"I am known as the Words Of The World. But this version of me is suited to your mind. I have no name. I do not exist physically and other beings cannot access me, even with your permission. I exist to only help you understand your powers and surroundings."

"So you act as my guide?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Affirmative. Would you like me to show you the powers that you have gained?"

I jumped as my vision got blocked by a window pop out. It was to open the list of all the power I possessed. And below were two buttons, a 'yes' and a 'no'. Hang on a minute... Why would there be a list when I just got reincarnated? I haven't done anything yet!

"Notice. The current power you hold was created using the previous remnants of your old life. All details of your experience of a combatant has been transported into this realm with your body. Would you like to see what do you have?"

I took in a deep breath and nodded. My vision exploded with symbolic icons as well as little texts, naming the Skills, Elements, and Spells that I could use. There were small icons that hinted that I have Enhanced Sight and other things needed for battles.

A map popped out in front of me, with holes everywhere and only five being filled in. Each hole seemed connected. There was an icon representing 'Fire', indicating that I could use Fire Spells. An icon of waves meant that I could use Water Spells as well.

I saw more icons popping out and found out that I was known as a Quintuple Mage Holder, a being that can freely use five Elements from its arsenal. Looks like this world is revolving around the use of Elements and Magecraft. I dug deeper by looking into the specific spells I could use.

Back in my old world, I particularly liked a book that uses the same premise that I am in right now. Each Element had a set of Spells specific to it. And my favorite was the Spells tied to the Water Element. And lo and behold, this world's Spells were the same as that book's.