
My eyes widened as the being revealed her face to me. Those bright, golden eyes with chestnut locks of hair. Pale skin and a serious expression. I could feel my soul try to exit my body as I was met with those powerful eyes.

Her Aura was shining bright, it was huge and domineering. Her grip may not be crushing but it could be if I do not choose my words properly. I glanced at her appearance once more and tried to draw a connection with any of the characters in the book.

It was only then I realized... She was the main character of the book. The Last Valkyrie of Valokia. One hand was firmly holding onto my poor arm and the other arm holding onto the legendary Ancient Relic of the Seas. It was in its physical form, with aquamarine hues lining its shape.

She was holding it up with one hand as if it didn't weigh anything. One wrong move and she could decapitate me in an instant. Even though it looks like a normal shield, I read the novel far enough to know that it could rival tsunamis like it was nothing.

"Where are you going? Are you hungry?" asked the being, breaking the serious expression and into a puzzled look.

I was too stunned to speak. If you were in my boots, how would you have reacted? I could only muster myself to open my mouth but no words came out. I was petrified.

"It's okay, I'm not going to eat you but you were about to harm one of my best friends... So I had to stop you. And you were standing right above the area of the spell, so I had to get you outta there quick... Sorry 'bout the kick though..." explained the being.

"But... Why... Save me?" I asked, still gasping for air.

"That's easy, since you flipped the spell upside-down, the waves will end up going upwards. You were in the air, above the Full Moon. You were bound to get struck by your spell. Now it's my turn, why are you fighting with my best friend?" she asked.

"He attacked first..." I replied, pouting at the accusation of hurting her friend.

She then blinked a few times before letting go of my hand. She turned to the other Mage and gestured for the Time Mage to come closer. As he did, I saw that he was truly the Time Mage that was in the novel.

Short black hair, pimply tanned face. His eyes were black and had an Asian look. He donned clothes that were more suited to my previous world. Hang on a minute... Why does he look so familiar? I just couldn't figure out who he resembled but I've definitely crossed paths with him before.

He had his iconic twin daggers clutched in his palms. They were the weapons I clashed with, no doubt about it. And... They were quite beautiful to look at. Sure, the shield was majestic but the daggers were screaming with nostalgia at me.

The daggers appeared right in the first few chapters of the novel. And it reminded me of my younger times. Back when I got sucked into the book. Back when I was unaware of the atrocities my parents were doing.

Back when my baby brother was still crawling around the place and eating my toes. Made me miss my old life for a few seconds. The daggers were the symbols of the pilot years while the shield was the sign for the near future and to move forward.

And looking at the two together made me realize why the author wanted the two of them to end up together. Move on without forgetting how you end up in the position in the first place. To hold you down to the mark.

And as the daughter of my country's most powerful mafia, I have to remember that as well. As the Time Mage was in close range, the Valkyrie quickly pushed his head down into a bow.

"Apologise at once!" commanded the Valkyrie, angrily looking at him.

"Ow... Mav... I was just having a friendly fight..." complained the Time Mage, wanting to get the Valkyrie's hand away.

The palm of her hand that was on his head started to glow. This started to freak him and I out.

"Warning. A large increase of Elemental Energy Level has been detected, ten times the amount you have. Do not engage and retreat to safe space immediately," commanded the voice.

Whoa there! That went from zero to a hundred way too quickly! If that simple action can be the base of a spell, then I don't think running away would be the best option now. I'd rather take cover and hope for the best.