My eyes diverted from Bryan and onto the soup. The information given was strange, and there's another hiccup in the story... Because in the novel, Bryan and Ashley don't meet until Ashley comes back from the place called Euphoria. But I guess both ways ended the same.
Bryan receiving Minwoo's letter to find Mavislin was still the same, and the fact Ashley was dead was also constant. As Bryan described more about Ashley's return, I glanced at the warning symbol at the side of my vision.
It was like an unfinished quest needed to proceed to the next level. I opened it, and it stated that I would have to challenge one of the Founders of the Arks to break my level cap. Breaking my level cap would mean using more spells than now.
The recommended one would be Baldwin Noble since he was the leader of the Knights, and my title of Glorybringer would suffice. But it doesn't mean I can only fight him.
"Affirmative. You can choose any of the Founders to battle if you'd like. However, do note that you don't need to win in some cases. If the Founder passes their emblem onto you, you are guaranteed to go up the next level."
Ah...I get it now. I can either march up to them and ask to duel them or have a civil conversation with them. I like the latter better, but I do have some things I'd like to know more about before making my decision. Another warning symbol popped out, and I enlarged it.
It was another side quest, so it wasn't mandatory to complete it. But the title was 'Friendly Match with Verna.' I don't know if he would agree to it. However, I will be awarded more Elemental Energy to store my weapon if I complete the task.
And more Bond Points, a feature I have not seen until talking to Bryan for such a long while. Perhaps it was because the rest of the Mages had chosen to fight mew instead of talking to me. Mavislin's conversation was too short of gaining many Bond Points.
"Notice. Bond Points measure how much you have bonded with the individual. There's a maximum of Five Levels. A quest will appear on your interface if you complete the Fifth Bond Level. Finishing the quest will lift the level cap for another five levels."
"At the tenth level, there will be a choice to do a quest for one last time or to leave it at ten. If you do the quest and complete, the Bond Level Cap is released without any limit."
Yea, but what's the point of having Bond Levels? Are they going to help me with the survival of this place?
"If you reach a certain Bond Level with a Mage, that Mage can give you their Element. Using Avarice may work but only for certain Elements. For instance, Bryan's Element cannot be absorbed by Avarice. The same goes for Mavislin's Element."
"But if you take power using the Bond Level as a key, then you can have access to those locked Elements. And if you were to gain high Bond Points for Mages that are connected to the Founders..."
The chances are that the Founders would accept me under their wing. I just need to get them to like me. But, hmm... It looks like my plans have changed, and I would need to duel someone first thing tomorrow
. I won't say morning because there's no way I'm waking up early after this late-night talk. But listening to Bryan rambling on reminded me of the late nights I used to have with my baby brother. Granted, he was just a baby and could barely say any words.
But that made it memorable. I'd pour out my day and feelings to him, and he'd listen. Sometimes, if he finds my voice angered, he'd laugh. But when I was crying or felt emotionally drained, he'd comfort me by taking his mountain of blankies and shoving it to me.
He would then pat me on the back, like how I pat him to sleep. Gentle and comforting. I didn't need anyone's words, and I was tired of listening to advice or empty words. I just needed someone to be there for me when I truly needed it.
To know that someone still cares for me. And that was what my baby brother always did. I sincerely missed him.
"Well, I think I've enough of sharing of stories... It's your turn now. You've only been here for a day, could you tell me about it? I recall you go into a fight with Raiyen, right? And fended him off, and Mavislin came to his rescue... What happened next?" asked Bryan, quickly shifting the light to me.