Upcoming Plans

"There is. I'm not offering you this job just like that. But, like how I recruited Ashley, my first Marksman Pillar, I will do the same to you. Meet me at the Old Chapel the day after tomorrow. The time will be when the First Chime of the afternoon occurs."

Well, that was a letdown. I spent two hours talking about the job offer only to find that I still had to fight her. I hope that I don't have to win against her. That'll be impossible.

"You can choose to accept the duel with me, or you can go and find the other Founders to fight against. But take note, my conditions are simple. Just last long enough for me to determine how good you are."

"After that, you can try to hurt me, and if you get one slash, the duel is over, and you win."

Either last for the whole ordeal without dying or get a single cut on her... That sounds quite alright. I've been training with people for most of my previous life so that I can take this duel as a super long sparring contest. With most of my aspects enhanced, I should perform better.

But her strength and tactics are still unknown to me. The Words Of World showed me her stats on her Elemental Energy, Aura, and spells she is known for, but it isn't enough for me. If I wanted to see them, I had to fight her. And it might cost me my life.

However, I'm not going to let that happen. The moment things get rough for me, I'm getting out there. But I still want to have a friendly match with Bryan. So I nodded, and the Valkyrie disappeared, leaving me all alone.

I sighed, wondering what I would do for the next day besides having a friendly duel with the Slayer. The more I thought about it, the more restless I got.

"Notice. Shall I create a list of things to do for you? Your mind seems to be in a scramble right now..."

How'd you guess? I'm having an information overload and a mountain of things that I want to do. I want to live a simple life in this new world, but with my powers as a Mage, I highly doubt so.

"You can choose to if you'd like. But is that truly what you want?"

The voice was right. I've always said I didn't want any drama in my life, that I hated my job in the shadows but, part of me still wants to have an adventurous life. I want to go and meet new people. See the sights and beautiful things this world has to offer.

And to use the powers I have within my arsenal. Reading about Magecraft was the most I could do back in my old world. Now, I can see with my very own eyes. And I want to continue to be a Mage as well, without needing to hurt anyone. But me being in the Pillars would scream hypocritical.

Though I didn't want to be the attacking ace, I also didn't want to be in any other division. Mavislin seemed like a very trustworthy girl to me. I just have a weird feeling about it, like I could rely on her to watch my back.

I took a deep breath and requested to have my day planned out with the help of the voice.

"Notice. You have created a list of things to do for the day ahead. First, you'll be getting breakfast with Bryan. During that, you are to discuss the quest you will take part in. Second, you'll be touring around the human village."

"Third, you'll be either having lunch first or having a friendly match with Bryan. Lastly, you will be having dinner either in the village or somewhere else, depending on if you are still staying with Bryan or in town. Unforeseen changes may apply."

That sounds alright, and I can manage that. Most likely, I will stay with Bryan again. I stood up, only to have the sun flash into my eyes. I looked out and saw dawn breaking. I gently pushed the front door open and witnessed the beautiful start of a new day.

The ring of clouds was still in the sky, something that I had not questioned. It doesn't seem to affect me, but it's still odd to see that. I guess I haven't fully adapted to this realm yet. But since the voice doesn't say, I won't press on.

And with the sun coming up, the Slayer finally woke up from his slumber. He staggered into the living room like a drunkard and tried to greet me by waving his hand.

"You look like death... Go wash up," I replied after waving back.