About Vania

"Yes, but you don't always call me for advice all the time. Gil, Ysabeau, Baldwin, and I take turns in answering your little questions. As for you, Elizabeth, the most I can do is fix some bugs if you encounter some glitches in your System. But other than, you're alone."

"Glitches? What sort of glitches might happen in the matrix?" I asked worriedly.

"Nice reference. But back to your question, there were some reports of the System being down, or the Mage couldn't use their skills or Elements momentarily. For instance, let's say you tried to use your Water Element, but it doesn't work. Then I can try to help you fix it."

"Think of the System as your home computer. And I am that poor technician that ends up fixing that particular computer because no one else knows how to. But, of course, because the AI is so complex, I might overlook some problems or bugs."

"But, I can't change too much for the programming. Without access to the foundation, there's no way I can tweak her core functions. I've read her base code, but it's in such a whack that I don't even want to look at it. It was like seeing C sharp code in runes."

"It gave me a headache, and I wanted to give two taps to the fellow that created the code. That is why I can't add new things or change old ones."

Ah, there goes my slimmer of hope to go back to my previous world. I thought that if I knew how to control the System, I could find a way to reverse the reincarnation and go back to my home. Or I could've asked Z to make Vania revert to base form and try to get back home.

Part of me felt sad, but the other part jumped for joy. Sad, because that meant I could not watch my baby brother grow up anymore. Happy; because I don't have to do any more dirty work for people I do not care about for the sake of something called money. I prefer to have freedom.

"Notice. There is no way you can control me. And even if I wanted to, I cannot bring you back to your old life. I exist as a System here in this realm, guiding you in the life you live right now. Z is correct. I may exist in other forms, but I will only be true to my partner, which is you."

"No one else can see or control me. If I happen to shut down, you will shut down alongside me. And if I'm hacked or bugged, then you can't access any Magecraft you've cultivated. You're my companion of sorts, and I will be your guide for the rest of this life."

Okay, that sounded quite threatening and scary. I have a feeling that Vania was once someone that roamed a world and was forced to be a guide for this realm. Her warning sent chills down my spine. I sighed and felt another wave of disappointment of not seeing my baby brother again.

However, it felt better now that I've got a name for you, Vania. Always calling you the 'voice' or 'Word Of the World' was getting rude. After all, even if I'm not with others, I still have you to keep me company. I won't go insane that soon. I've learned to be alone most of the time.

"I'm curious about Vania. Is there a way I can see her as a real person?" I asked, remembering an anime that had a floating guide.

Or was it a game? I'd forgotten, I don't indulge in too much of these cultivation or system genres. But I remember that some world exploring games gave you a mini-guide that would hold quests and knowledge. Sometimes they would be pretty annoying, and sometimes they're cute.

"Well, I'm not sure about what Elements you've got... The Element Of Illusion, a branch of the Light Element, should make that come true. Or if you got my skill, Void's Emergence, you can conjure up a mascot to represent the System. You can check with Vania if she's got something for you."

"What's Void Emergence?"

"In short terms, it's a skill that allows a Mage to conjure up any physical object without the use of any Element. Like say, a weapon," explained Z, holding out his right palm.

A sword appeared in the man's grasp, and he stabbed it into the ground.

"As you can see, the sword I've summoned isn't made out of any Element, like a Water Blade or Fire Sword. Nothing but solid metal and craftsmanship. The Emerging of the Void. I can pull out any object from the Void by activating this skill, a dimension between worlds and time itself."