Fake Masks, Real Intentions

Wait, hang the f-

"Being a Time Mage has its advantages since you could skillfully cover up your kills by sending the man a few minutes back in time before the kill not to raise any suspicion. But mostly, you used your powers to be invisible in most cases. That's why it's so hard to track you down."

"And why would you track me down if we were in the same job? I don't recall you being any better than me. Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. After all, you were the head of the training department and the Enhanced Fighters Project."

"Because I had a limit to killing innocent people. The Enhanced Fighters Project was Mages volunteering to be on the front lines in wartime and wanted to go past their limits in Magecraft. So don't you dare compare yourself to my projects, Time Mage," growled Z.

I don't think this was about if the lives you took were volunteered or not, but I'm guessing I should keep my thoughts to myself. But if I had a say, I would label these two as killers and get on with the day. Raiyen is right about that quote; not everyone leads a good and fulfilling life.

If so, then either the person is lying or is a mindless puppet. But, of course, there is no such thing as a good life without making a small mistake here and there. But I am sure that some sins weigh heavier than others, so the two have a valid argument.

I thought back at how many lives I had taken in the facade of 'doing what was right'. To me, it was good. To others, it's murder. And I cannot refute that fact.

I backed away from Raiyen as he mentioned that particular quote from Oscar Wilde. At that point, I realized the Raiyen that we were speaking with wasn't the one present in our time. Unless he was known to take random trips, he isn't a future version of the Time Mage.

In any case, I was wary of the man. By this time, I had ordered Vania to return to my head and could see the interface within my vision again. Again, however, I was wary of Raiyen, so Vania opted to do a full scan on the Time Mage within my sight.

Luckily, Raiyen didn't seem to have raised Elemental Energy levels. This indication meant that he wouldn't use his powers against us, but it did not mean that we were in the clear. The guy is an assassin with a similar fighting style as Bryan during his job as a member of the Five Kings group.

So the Time Mage didn't need to use his Magecraft to go for the kill. I wanted to summon my sword but thought better of it since Z and Mavislin were in the room. And I didn't want any more unwanted trouble since the whole room would soon break out in a fight.

No point stirring up beef in an empty pot.

"And in those innocent people, do you remember someone called Ronald Knox?" asked Bryan, finally saying something after being quiet for so long.

Oh great, as if an angry Mage wasn't enough for the room. When the Time Mage failed to answer, the Slayer tilted his head back and chuckled terrifyingly. The sound reminded me of those old horror flicks where the killer would laugh manically before hunting down their victims.

"I thought so. The man's name means nothing to you since you've got so many lives on your back. So, allow me to enlighten you. Ronald Knox was my partner back when I lived with my adopted Mother. You could say he was the brother I never got to have with my original family."

"When I came back home one day to see his lifeless body lying in the middle of the living room floor, I vowed to find the one responsible for taking him out. Because, unlike me, that guy had a future ahead of him. He wasn't my partner in crime and had no idea about the Congregation."

"He was a shopkeeper for a cafe within the middle districts in Briton. Though he had an odd obsession with gardening and an unhealthy addiction to coffee, he was never a target for anyone to hate. You killed him in cold blood. But your kill was flawless and left no noticeable traces."

"No one could tell that it was your doing, and they blamed me for doing so since I had a knack for my combat skills. And during that time, I was the only one who could sense Elemental Energy levels and noticed the use of Magecraft in the room. So you got away scot-free..."