Seven Mysteries Of Storms

"So, how did Fujimaru Raijin die the first time?" I asked.

"He was the group leader, and the rest of the members worshiped him like some god. He then decided to challenge me, and I promptly killed him using my Electric Element. How ironic to be killed by a derivative Element of your main one. It was a fast match, only three moves to win."

Seriously?! Did three simple moves only do the guy while I had to deal with this Time Mage's endless onslaught of attacks? How unfair is that? What were those three moves? Mountain Range-Shaking Firewood of Venus?! The Bellows of Kur that Tramples upon Ekur?! Enuma Elish?!

"After that, the rest of the cult were taken in as prisoners. Then, I recalled after a year, the Wave of Husks came bout, starting with Rajin rising from the grave. And to think the lowly Mages still thought of him as a god that got resurrected from the grave. The looks of betrayal satisfy my needs."

I stared at Raiyen with disgust as Mavislin transformed into a child form to hop into my arms. I shuffled away from the mad Time Mage while cuddling the Valkyrie. Even Bryan looked at Raiyen questionably.

"Long story short, the guy came back to life, and I had to put him down again. So thus, this will be my fourth time meeting this kid. And quite frankly, I am sick and tired of killing a guy who should be wiped off the face of this place. So when I do get him, I'm making sure he is staying dead."

"Anything that changed since he became part of the undead?" I asked, figuring that coming back from the dead with the Corruption Element would result in new spells or power.

"Now that you've mentioned that, I recall sparring off with him for the second time to be more difficult than the first try. Another notable thing was his Lightning. It was yellow but became black the second time. His moves were more erratic and uncalculated."

"At least for the first round, he went for the defensive after figuring out that he couldn't throw an attack against me without his spells being negated. Raijin's Original Spell uses a Fraction Spell Structure. Which means that he needs to perform all the forms correctly."

"After doing so, Raijin can unlock the Final Form of his Orignal Spell. It's called the 'Seven Mysteries of Storms', and each Mystery can be used as an attack by itself. However, the attacks were similar to a novice's level even after being Corrupted. Then came the worrying part."

"The Corruption Element had enhanced his physical strength in trade for his sanity. So he was quicker and didn't care if he was losing a limb. It's like... Raijin was fighting me for the sake of battle. So he didn't care if he would lose his head if it meant killing me," replied Raiyen.

"Well, that's the result of coming to life using the Corruption Element. So that's not too much of a surprise for that. So what's the odds of winning against him again?" asked Bryan, now calm enough to hold a conversation again.

"Winning that kid is one thing, but making sure he stays dead is another. So now, I believe you've made a mistake about Raijin resurfacing for the fourth time. Because, from what I had done to him a few months ago, I can safely say he should have been dead," replied a voice.

I turned to look at the opened window with a shocked look. The windows were now unlocked instead of being shut with the curtains drawn. The mysterious voice came from a man sitting on the windowsill with a fan. Raiyen instantly glitched in front of me.

"So I'm guessing you are here to apologize to Lizzie about what you said during lunch?" asked Raiyen, angrily looking at Tomoe.

The Kitsune hopped down from the windowsill and walked over to the floating screens.

"Not quite, but I do feel that I owe the girl some form of apology for my mistaken words. However, the topic of interest in this room has my blood boiling as I detest the name 'Fujimaru Raijin,'" answered Tomoe, brushing by me.

I had no qualms about him helping out, but he sure does like to make an uncalled-for entrance. And from the faces of everyone in the room, it would seem that this was his forte. Nevertheless, I was willing to accept his help since I did need an extra pair of hands to help.

It didn't matter if I was angry earlier because feelings don't last very long for me.

"So, what did you mean by after what you did to him? Did you fight him as well?" I asked, still carrying Mavislin in my arms.