Temple Of Anubis

The Slayer lowered his shoulders as if he was disappointed that he didn't get to see explosive poisons or whatever damage the Element of Sand could do to the battlefield. I'm starting to wonder if joining the Arks was a good idea after seeing how Bryan's head works.

The Slayer enlarged the page with a detailed analysis of Vastra's Orginal Spell. And Bryan was right about the Orginal Spell being quite conflicting. However, Vastra had quite an arsenal of defensive maneuvers in her Original Spell for a Mage with her fighting style.

"The Endless Dunes Of Unwavering Motherhood... That's a long name for a Spell. There are nine states, and they are shields of some kind. But I think the last one has a hint of offensive ability as an aftereffect," said Z, pointing to the last stage of the spell.

It was dubbed 'Temple Of Anubis.' Hmm... So an Egyptian-inspired Fortress spell? Her Original Spell's stages were based on anything Egypt-related, so most likely, we would be dealing with curses or something of the undead criteria. This could be interesting to face.

However, I've never heard of defensive measures using curses within a battle. Maybe I should think along the lines of a cursed weapon? Or perhaps there's an ailment called Cursed within this world's system. So I tapped into Vania for more information.

"Notice. There is no result of 'Curses' that fits your thoughts. However, some skills are likened to your search request. All of the skills mentioned are derivatives of the Element Of Darkness, which includes Corruption and Necrosis."

That was a shame... If the skill 'Curses' had existed, it would have been so easy to take on other enemies from afar without any evidence to prove that it was my doing... But, wait, why am I thinking along the lines of a serial killer?!

Never mind that I need to know what kind of aftereffects this spell could inflict on me that could potentially turn into past tense. So, Vania, get me the notes on that.

"Notice. I have analyzed the spell of the Temple Of Anubis. The aftereffects include; disorientation of the battlefield and opponent, deflection of spells aimed at the shield, and Poison and Demise's status effects. All of which you are not susceptible to die from."

I heaved a sigh of relief that I had been transferred into this world as an overpowered Mage. But, hold on, what was the last thing?!

"Notice. The ailment of Demise is a status effect that is ranked hostile and used by Mages that have passed the halfway point of their lifespans. By having Demise on your body, Elemental Aura and Energy bar will be locked and deplete gradually over time."

"But for low-ranking Mages, this ailment is deadly as it depletes their Elemental Energy instantly, causing their bodies to shut down for good. For Mages and the Founders' standards, Demise would make them unable to regenerate their lost limbs."

"However, this status lasts for only a few minutes before it gets worn off. And for the Headmaster, he could easily negate such ailments."

Ah, so it seems that Demise was another way of inflicting Death on a target. But, of course, they stand no chance against such a potent status effect for weaker targets. But strong Mages can shake it off like another Tuesday morning.

"Notice. The Temple Of Anubis requires a massive amount of Elemental Energy to activate and be of use against another attack. It is unlikely your opponent to resort to such last-minute measures. If so, using this spell would deplete the Mage's Elemental Energy bar."

"Of course, this renders the attacking Mage useless to defend herself from another attack, but her defense would still be as per normal. Thus, the only way to defeat her is to prepare an attack that destroys her defense and has enough offensive power to take her down."

In other terms, if Vastra uses the Temple Of Anubis and I survived the spell, she would be left at her most vulnerable? My... My... Talk about such crazy measures to ensure her survival. So when Vania gave her advice to counter Vastra's spell, I could not help but laugh inwardly.

Vania was offended at my actions, but I quickly stopped after a single laugh. And then I had to explain myself to the girl before she permanently put me to sleep. I carefully explained to Vania that the follow-up attack didn't need to use Magecraft. I could use a weapon instead.

However, there's still an underlying problem with forcing Vastra to use such a last-resort tactic, I'd have to make sure I could survive the first eight states. Since the spell can only activate after Vastra uses up the rest of the stages. Then, of course, using shields would mean deflecting attacks as well.