Sand And Poison Mage

Mavislin shrugged her tiny shoulders, and Bryan went back to reading with his eyes glued to the screen. I gently pulled the Slayer away from the screen, which confused him.

"If you continue to read the screens like this, you will go blind very soon. Anyways, Sand Element? I'd thought she'd be more suited to create Gems out of thin air with a get-up like that. Or maybe she could be telling futures with a crystal ball?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, unlike most pop cultures, the telling of futures using a crystal ball is nothing but a fraud. In truth, Mages who can see the end do not require such a cheap thing. They can see the others' destinies, but it depends on their power levels. For instance, Ashley Von Dalles."

"He used to be a normal lad until he borrowed powers from an unknown Mage. After that, the guy developed a Clairvoyance Element. When in battle, he could see the enemy's attack a few seconds before it could do damage. But for good Mages who can see the future, their visions are different."

"Sometimes, small moments of the near future could flash by their eyes. Other times, if it's a long foretelling of a distant future, it would appear in the Mage's dreams. That is the Element of Foretelling. And the Gem Element is rarer than you think," explained Z, slumping on his chair.

Ah, so there is a difference in telling multiple types of future within this realm. I've always thought it was standard since I read quite a few books about prophecy.

And yes, I did remember reading that Ashley was called the Human Hawkeye because he could seemingly predict his enemy's shots before the gun even moved into position.

"Only the famous Bahamuts can use the Gem Elements since they are guardians of the Upper Skies, a realm beyond Earth. And for this Sand Mage, there's the only thing I know about her. In official documents, she wasn't truly part of the Unknown Children Program," continued Z.

"Then why did she pop up here?" I questioned, puzzled at Z's claim.

"Within the reports, I didn't state her name, but I did state her appearance and whereabouts. It was enough for Old Man Pond to go after her. Vastra had lived in Briton for most of her life, but she was born in the desert dunes. That is a place beyond the Five Domains."

"And Ysabeau was the one who went over to them to destroy their village and recruit them into the ranks of the Congregation. However, that plan went wrong, and Vastra was the only one who got out of the village alive. It's the cliche way of stowaways," replied the Galaxian Mage.

"So she joined the circus?"

"No, she was hiding in a goods crate and carried into the Briton Domain by a paid human. Ever since then, Vastra has been very quiet with the occasional suspicion. But because she wasn't stirring up any trouble, we never had a reason to go after her."

Z and I turned to Bryan to await his explanation on Vastra. The Slayer was still reading the profile when Tomoe nudged him in the side. Also. The more I thought of the kid's name, the more it felt familiar to me. Was it from a show or a game? Especially that last name.

"Oh, that's right! Vastra and I did fight each other, but it wasn't a dire thing. I wasn't going to walk home with her head or anything like that. I guess you can say it was for fun? Anyways, her power was beyond amazing. I think Vastra was a Twin Holder."

"She could manipulate two Elements, Poison, and Sand, to create spells during our battle. But her Orginal Spell wasn't as flashy as I thought," said Bryan, enlarging the part about Vastra's powers.

Bingo! Now I knew why Vastra's last name was so familiar to me; it was from an old game my father and I used to play. If my memories aren't wrong, Arakaali was the boss's name in the game. More specifically, she was a goddess in the form of a giant spider.

Her other name was Spinner of Shadows. But hearing that name did not ring any alarm bells for me since the boss was relatively easy to take down compared to the other bosses. I'm lucky Malanchai wasn't in the archives in this world, or else I'm going to die first.

"Define 'flashy' for an Original Spell," asked Raiyen, raising an eyebrow.

"Since Vastra presented herself as a Sand and Poison Mage, I would expect her Orginal Spell to be comprised of attacking spells. Those that could rip the landscape apart or a huge explosion of poison. Something along those lines. But it wasn't the case," replied Bryan.