
And from what was a large group of Mages seeking shelter turned into five children forced into doing dirty work such as killing and kidnapping others to duel Fabian's fantasies. I clenched my fist as I saw the popout windows of the facts about the entire matter.

But what's the point of doing all this? We will die in the end, so what's the point of making enemies with the only ones who genuinely understand your kind? Was it madness? Or was it something that the children or the other Mages made him go off the far end?

As for Vastra's reason for kidnapping children for Fabian, it was truly tragic. Raijin didn't bother, so long as he had a chance to fight strong opponents. Astria encases children in her Crystals to get food from Fabian and make sure she stays hidden.

The other two had lost their sanity and were doing it for the fun of killing innocent lives. Only Vastra had a slim chance of being the most normal out of our targets since her baby brother would die if she didn't kidnap a certain number of victims.

Fabian held Vastra's toddler brother within the house as leverage over her to do Fabian's dirty deeds. It was a very similar situation during the Infinite Experiments Mission when Rina was the enemy of the Arks. I'm sensing a running pattern within these Missions.

But then again, I could've wrong information.

"I thought the motives of all these Mages are to supply Fabian Brookes with the children he needs? So why do we need to detail these further?" asked Tomoe.

"Yes, but these Mages aren't mindless puppets judging from how they kidnap the kids. They are doing so for different reasons, and Vastra does it against her will. As if she was being held at gunpoint if she doesn't deliver to Fabian," replied Z, scanning the descriptions.

"So we should give her mercy and not fight her? Then what happens if you are wrong?" asked Bryan, suddenly agitated at such a point.

"I never said that we shouldn't fight her. After all, Vastra is still guilty of kidnapping children, but I think we've got a better chance of talking our way out of fighting her. One less than five is better than nothing," argued Z.

Indeed, a few reports stated that though she was running a shop within the other District of Briton, Vastra was primarily seen away from the leading group. But I shook my head. It didn't matter if she was reluctant or against her will to do such crimes.

It was still wrong either way. But then again, should I be the judge of such things when I was guilty of doing the same? As a killer, a person who answers to any job I could get my hands on... Was I not the same as Vastra in the same situation? I could empathize with her on some level...

"If we can deduce the reasons behind all these kids working for Fabian, then we can find other ways to deal with these lost kids. The same way you console a temper throwing child by lying to them with candy," continued Mavislin with an overlay of death across her eyes.

I swore I could've felt a shiver run through my soul as Mavislin dropped that ball of truth. I realized that Valkyrie was a race of beings known as harbingers of war and destruction. The Valkyries are built to seek blood and chaos to their very root.

And Mavislin was no different from the others before her. This brutal fact would allow her to sniff out every being's weakness to find the easiest way of annihilating their foes. They are the only ones that can turn a Healing Element into attacking spells enough to destroy worlds.

And by psychologically harming these kids, we might even stand a chance to make them play into our hands instead of using brute force. The Valkyrie honestly scares me with the way she thinks about these missions.

"If push comes to shove, I do not doubt that I could kill every one of them on site. However, I prefer not to waste such precious resources on a minor terrorist group like this. So how about this? We will find out what we can about the children's weakness."

"And use whatever tactics we've got against them before dealing with Fabian himself. However, I feel that I would be up against the final enemy of this Major Mission. However, I want everyone to know that if you could, please ask the Mages if they'd like to join the Arks," announced Mavislin.

Ah, scratch that whole thing about Valkyries being bloodthirsty killers. Mavislin still has an innocent heart of a child who wants to give others a second chance.