Using The King's Cannons

Whenever I've been given a foreign object, Vania uses my eyes to analyze the item to see if it's dangerous to me. She then labels the object under Hostile, Neutral, and Passive ranks. So, for example, a Hostile item would be something like a bomb that actively hurts me.

For instance, an object that depletes my Elemental Energy or sucks the life out of me. Passive objects would be the Signal Crystal in my hand. Things that will never pose harm to me. Lastly, Neutral items are things like weaponry. Something that poses a threat when it's being used.

An example would be facing a foe in combat. When I first met Bryan in the forest, his scythes appeared 'Neutral' to me. But when we had our first duel, the weapons were labeled as 'Hostile.'

"Crush this when the Left Wing members corner you with their numbers. It'll send a kingdom-wide signal to the rest of the Mages in the area to come over to quell the numbers. Having this is a priority, so my Glorybringers would be the first to rush to the scene."

"Rest assured. Despite their appearance, the Knights are friendly to all Mages despite the armor they lunge around. I have a small post on the West Coast of the Domain so the team may rest there before facing the disaster. The Knight in charge of the post would be Sir Velvet," replied Baldwin.

The more I thought about it, the more thrilling it sounded. I was never given a chance to fight without restraint before and was secretly hoping for the Left Wing to come and fight me in my spare time, but my sanity hasn't run away yet, so I'm still concerned.

If we have to expand resources and energy on these extra foes, we might not survive the main boss. But, unless I take the risk and use an Order against the Left Wing members and then eat a buffet's worth of food, we could still pull the Mission off.

"Notice. You may use the Seventh Order, Gilgamesh's Firestorm Of Uruk. It is an offensive attack that draws the weapons of the Epic of Gilgamesh. The spell uses the weaponry that the King Of Uruk gave to the people from the Gate Of Babylon's vault to protect the kingdom."

Yes... I am well aware of that fact. The cannons of Uruk loaded up with both the weaponry of Gilgamesh and the power of the people during the Age of Gods. Each weapon can deal damage as high as another Original Spell from a second-rate Mage.

Judging by my spell structure, the Seventh Order would be the final one in the mix and more potent than the previous one, discounting the hidden Order. That particular Order would be unlocked when I perform all Seven Orders back-to-back without missing a beat.

But using that would mean I would be put out of commission for a while, right? When I used the Utopian Fortress against Duncan, my Elemental Energy hung in the balance and tilted to the lower side. I can't imagine an offensive attack.

"Affirmative. Your Elemental Energy will be depleted depending on how many weapons you release. However, food and drinks can replenish the dwindled supply of Elemental Energy."

Ah, that's nice to know. Another free pass to enjoy the lovely food in this world. As I glanced around the table, the children left the table while Duncan remained. As the number of people dwindled, the Old Chapel shrunk the table.

Clement had left and brought out a tray of desserts called Stick Date Cake with Whiskey Butterscotch Sauce with Caramel Sauce for Duncan. There was another metal pot filled to the brim with classic Vanilla Ice Cream to go along with the cake.

Pure heaven for someone who relies on sugar to get by the day. Tomoe shifted his seat to sit beside me as we dug into desserts, which I found odd. I had presumed he wanted to continue talking to his master, but I saw Raiyen had vanished.

"Why'd the Time Mage leave? This dessert is phenomenally delicious! He's truly missing out on this chance..." I said as I took more of the diabetes-inducing cake.

Do the people over here suffer from diabetes as well? But I quickly brushed that thought away since my body was no longer human anymore. But I couldn't brush away the nosy white fox and the gaze of a Slayer. I don't know what the fox is thinking, but he gives off creep vibes.

Lady Roydon... I'd love to ask you to help me, but you are as engrossed as a small child given a lifetime of candies. I'm seriously impressed that Mavislin wasn't kidnapped years ago by some candyman with a chocolate fountain on his front lawn.