Fifth Day's Breakfast

Tomoe transformed into his fox form, and Bryan tossed me onto the fluffy white back while following the Knight. Duncan seemed to be still controlled by the Ankou since the green eyes were still there. Raiyen was beside Sir Velvet, glitching through the run.

After a few Tocks, we reached the next entrance and hopped down into the darkness again. Or so, I thought as I was nearly blinded by the torches set up along the walls of the deep caverns.

"Sorry, this opening is connected to my living room, and I've got a problem with the dark, so I apologize for the blinding lights. Tomoe, you may place Lizzie on the couch over here while I get you guys breakfast. Today it would be toast with berry jam and eggs if you don't mind."

"Do you have bacon? I like bacon..." whimpered Duncan, who had seemed to gain complete control of his body.

"I can fry a batch, but it'll take some time. So have the toast and eggs while waiting," suggested Sir Velvet.

I'd kill for some toast and eggs now, but I hardly got the strength to do anything else. It was hard to see, but I could tell the area was a living plus dining room. It gave off a cozy feel similar to Bryan's log cabin.

"Hey... Lizzie... Are you feeling alright?" asked the Slayer, turning to look at me.

The room started to spin, and the corners of my vision began to fade in and out of existence. Then, finally, Bryan's voice was all I could hear as my body began to shut down...

When I woke up, I was greeted by the smell of eggs and coffee, something I never thought I would wake up to after defeating a fearsome foe.

"You must be starving after sleeping for a few Chimes... So here, I've reserved a share of food for you," said Bryan, shoving a plate towards my half-awake face.

"Thanks," I said, getting up.

As I consumed the toast and runny eggs, Vania booted up my system functions. Then, when I was asleep, Vania took the time to analyze the new Elements and skills from the Storm Beast.

"Notice. You have acquired two new skills, 'Familiar' and 'Serpent.' The Familiar Skill allows you to summon the Jörmungandr at will and command it to fit your battle situation. For the Serpent Skill, it has been fully equipped to your arsenal as another set of armor," explained Vania.

Alright... What does the armor do?

"Notice. The Serpent Armor will allow you to regulate your body heat to adapt to your surroundings. Deep diving into oceans would also be a viable choice now as the protection from the Serpent Skill will allow you to breathe for long periods underwater."

"On another note, the Poison Element has increased to Rank 2."

Ah... I see. I continued eating as Bryan looked at me with worry. ON another delicious note, if I happened to be in the Teuton Domain, I am finding Sir Velvet to host my stay because this place feels so warm, and his cooking is superb! Either that or a starving stomach is easy to please.

"Are you feeling better? We didn't expect you to knock out..." Bryan asked, tilting his head like a puppy.

"I used two Orders of my Original Spell consecutively. I was bound to KO either way. I am up to full bar since I was blacked out. Are you all ready for the next stage?" I asked, looking at the group.

"If you mean we are ready to fight the Five Ducklings. Then we are primed to go, Lady Lizzie. We were just worried about your sudden collapse to continue. And I dare say that Sir Velvet's cooking was too good to leave behind, so we were resting here for a bit."

After Tomoe's explanation and the excellent breakfast, I quickly summoned my armor to get a move on the Mission, much to everyone's surprise.

"I'm fully healed and ready to go. Besides, if we delay any longer, we won't be able to meet up with Mavislin on time. Thank you for your hospitality and hard work, Sir Velvet. I'll be sure to tell words of praise to the Head Knight," I said, walking up to the door with the rest of the gang following.

"It was nice working with you, Swordsman Lizzie. I wish you and your group all the best for the current Mission. And hopefully, you can locate the missing Twin of Midfords," said Sir Velvet, waving goodbye.

"By the way, Sir Velvet, the next time I'm coming here, I'm going to crash at your place for the whole duration of my stay. Your cooking and cavern are amazing," I said, with a bright grin and thumbs-up.