Duncan Vs Astria

"Did you think I would allow you to join the Arks? Dream on... Because what you've done disgusts me! No matter how many excuses you'll spit from that mouth of yours, it won't be enough to justify the number of atrocities you've committed!"

The child shook his head as he plowed through three thick walls of crystals that Astria had conjured up with a single swing and had a backup attack to deliver a decisive blow towards the girl's abdomen.

"Make no mistakes about me, Astria. I may have commented that your appearance is as youthful and beautiful as other girls', but I will not say the same for your combat skills. Against me, you are not worthy of thinking of joining us!" shouted Duncan, placing more power into his fist.

The poor girl flew across the room, smashing her back on the crystal walls, creating a large crater. As she slumped down, the Crystal Princess' Elemental Aura flared up, hinting to Duncan that she wasn't backing down.

"You still haven't learned your lesson, huh? I guess you aren't making things easy for me today, Princess, " Duncan said as his films surrounded him again.

"Royal Crystal: Harpoon Rain!" yelled Astria, punching the ground.

Rows of crystal spikes appeared around Duncan's position, forcing him into a tight spot where if he moved an inch, he would be skewered by the crystals. The crystal spikes around the small boy were growing, threatening to stab into the boy's body.

But did it matter to the small boy of the Barren Pillars? No, not one bit, as Duncan was about to prove his title and worth of being the First Seat Dementor Pillar of the Arks.

With a smile that makes bunnies commit suicide, Duncan extended out his scythe and spun in a single circle, effectively shattering the growing spikes with little to no effort.

"I told you... Small tricks like these can't begin to scratch me, let alone scare me!" shouted Duncan, cocking his head to the side as he strolled towards Astria.

The Crystal Princess feared for her life as she saw the Grim Reaper walking toward her, ready to snatch her soul. Out of stress, Astria activated her Royal Crystal Spell, causing a slight pain in Duncan's head.

"What did you do... Little girl?!" asked Duncan, stopping his advance.

"Did you think I would look into your past and not do anything about it? Hah! You've underestimated me, demented child! Prepare to feel my wrath, and you'll learn to respect those older than you! Activate!"

"Second Shard, Dawn Of Mystic Memoir!" yelled Astria as Duncan felt thousands of spikes stabbing into his brain.

The child howled in pain as he fell to his knees, cradling his head with his fingers. The Crystal Princess' laughter rang through the area as she proudly walked over to the poor boy. Astria then gently ruffled the boy's hair while chuckling and giving him an option...

"Bite your tongue and apologize for disrespecting me. And perhaps, I'll free you from this power of mine. But, after that, to escape, you must let me join the Arks as a fully-fledged Mage," demanded Astria, with a crazed smile.

Now it was Duncan's turn to start laughing as he threw his head back. Astria stepped back in fear as Duncan slowly stood up and brushed the dirt away from his clothing. The boy swayed his head before twirling his scythe around and throwing it into the air.

The child caught it with one hand and pointed the blade at the Crystal Princess.

"Did you seriously think I would let you peek into my true past that easily? Especially with that Fifth rate Spell? Don't be a clown if you aren't in a circus, little girl. Learn some strong spells before you try to pry into my memories."

"Now then, I shall show you what it means to be a First Seat Pillar in the Arks!" announced Duncan as the Ankou's appearance reappeared on his figure.

The only difference now is that his eyes were fully green, and his Elemental Energy was off the charts. Duncan felt blood coursing through his body at lightning speeds, making him slightly giddy, but the Ankou divided the burden with the boy, lessening the pressure.

"Thank you... Now then, what shall Frame shall we use against this little brat to teach her a lesson?" asked Duncan as he smiled at the Crystal Princess.

Without a doubt, Astria trembled upon witnessing such an intimidating stance and summoned an endless supply of large, bulky crystals to shield herself from any oncoming attack. At first, Duncan thought it would be cumbersome to bash through so many crystals.

The kid's attack would have to reach Astria before she conjured up more again, but the Reaper's simple instruction ceased the boy's worries.