
"You are still too slow," said the Valkyrie as she appeared again in midair, next to her blade.

Mavislin grabbed her sword, spun around, and hurled the weapon toward the Knight of Rebellion. The Valkyrie's throw was so powerful that it created a shockwave in the air as it made a beeline to Mordred. The Knight was about to deflect the weapon away, but Mavislin had other plans.

The Valkyrie appeared before Mordred and grabbed her weapon before the Knight could clash with the weapon. Mordred quickly switched her strategy and held her position while Mavislin delivered an almighty strike at her opponent, causing the ground beneath to shatter.

The Knight of Rebellion gathered up her Elemental Energy and forced into a powerful knockback to make Mavislin disengage from the clash. It worked, but it didn't affect the Valkyrie as much as the few other attacks on Mordred. Mavislin calmly landed on the floor while Mordred was livid.

"I've never... Forgotten about us... It was you who forgot about me!" protested Mordred as she started losing control of her thoughts and emotions.

The Valkyrie didn't say anything as Mordred's shouts echoed through the barren wasteland.

"You abandoned me... You left me to die and fight in a war. I thought you gave me this blade to fight alongside me against my father. But you never joined me. I woke up that morning to find that you've left with no word or letter warning me about it. So I incited the rebellion with anger..."

"Hurt and betrayed, knowing my only friend left me when I needed her the most. All I wanted was to be seen by the King and even in the end... I couldn't make that request happen! Do you know how much it hurts to see someone you adore ignore you?!"

"No, I don't. And I don't want to know about it either. But, because it doesn't concern me or this fight, I couldn't be bothered with the past anymore."

"What the hell did you say?!" shouted the Knight, slamming her foot into the ground in a fury.

"What do you want me to do? I can't turn back time and try to change the King's feelings towards you. What's done was already past, and you are still here? Unless you want me to feel pity for you? You are licking a random tree and hoping for maple syrup..."

"Don't be so absurd to ask for the impossible when you know that it was your fault, to begin with... Remember what I told you? Your judgment is flawed and you are using emotions to govern your actions. You never could be King with that stubborn head of yours!"

Mavislin's abrupt reply caught the Knight of Rebellion off guard. Mordred stood there in disbelief that the Valkyrie could be ignorant of her feelings. While at a loss for words, Mavislin sighed and stepped forward with her sword still in hand. Mordred backed away in fear.

"Like I've said or hinted, I am not the real Mavislin. I'm merely in this form, so I can taunt you and use her power against you. Thus, I am not concerned about your feelings or that Mavislin abandoned you. She had a reason to, and it was a valid one. You saw and heard it just now."

"And I speak to you while having the memories of Mavislin since she shared some of her stories to me about the Knights of the Round Table. This isn't the first instance of the Round Table Knights walking around and creating havoc," explained Mavislin, with Bryan's voice peeking through again.

"What? There are more of us around?" questioned Mordred as she was starting to feel fear overwhelm her being.

"Why do you look so shocked? Did you think that you are the only one worth reviving? There are many rising Mages with the powers to bring the dead back, so you are merely a straw in a haystack now. I have fought against a shadow of the Knight Of The Sun with Galatine."

"No... That's not impressive enough to make you realize... Let's see, you've known about the Arks and the Pillars, right?" asked Mavislin, tilting her head.

The Knight of Rebellion nodded, unable to conjure up any words for the Valkyrie.'

"Well, that makes things easier. You've heard about the incident with Albion, so you've heard about the Five Orphaned Kids as the next generation of the Barren Pillars. All five children represent a legend from ancient times, with two of them having real Spirits mixed into their souls."

"The three others use the legends of the famed Ziz, Behemoth, and Leviathan. The three Primordial Beasts of Jewish legends, these three kids are the future Spearman, Marksman, and Traveler Pillars, respectively. Meanwhile, the two others are twins and the eldest of the five."