The World I Left Behind

"I see... It looks like you haven't changed from the last time I saw you, always hiding in the shadows..."

"Sometimes, it's better to stay quiet and not mess around with other people's lives. Especially it's with people whom you've just met. Unfortunately, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows, so I live a cynical way of life. Humans are spiteful creatures; they can turn against in no time."

"You've got to learn to see the good in people, you know? You can't always be talking down about humans as if you didn't live your life as one before..."

"That's precisely why I have such a bad impression of humans... It was because I was one of those scum. Life as a human was so self-loathing that I wanted to report my mother for spawning at such a bad location..."

"I don't get it... Why do you resent being a human so much? What happened to the world I left behind? And what happened to you, for you to say so many bad things about the human race? Because from the memories I've got left, I know you had a baby brother. Do you hate him too?"

I froze in my tracks before glaring at Vincent with fire in my eyes. The man stood his ground, continued to look into my eyes as a challenge, and demanded I answer his questions. Alright then! If you want answers, I'll pour you the entire barrel!

"The world fell into chaos a year ago. With the widespread pandemic rocking the planet, the humans back home have turned against each other. Racism was rampaging throughout the countries as people were dying left, right, and center from the virus."

"The police from the other side was more corrupted than ever as they mercilessly killed anyone that wasn't of their color. People were more selfish than ever as the economy crashed, suddenly taking things they didn't need to 'follow the trend'."

"Masks were being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts to extort those who couldn't get the supply because of the lockdowns. It was so bad that even the hospitals didn't have enough masks and reused them because they couldn't get more in time."

"And I haven't even begun tearing into our little the medical staff earns. They were being overworked tirelessly while airheads kept saying the virus was all a fake and part of a conspiracy. Not to mention the amount of hate people in the medical field gets from the public."

"There was an incident where the neighbors splashed a nurse's front door with soapy water and disinfectant, even to the point of hitting her daughter's face. Instead of cheering for them, the humans stooped so low and blamed the virus on the ones helping them."

"Speaking of hospitals, beds weren't enough to cope with the overflowing number of patients, resulting in a pile of dead bodies. They were burning dead bodies in a pit, similar to how the prisoners of the Auschwitz Camp were treated when they died from the disease."

"Shootings were sprouting out everywhere, most of which was happening in schools. With guns being allowed in the area, schools have become the new firing range for aspiring 'shooters'. Of all which a law could prevent... But no... Freedom for all, you know? Shoot first, talk later."

"The kids were no longer safe, and many parents had to bury their kids right after they kissed them goodbye to enjoy their day. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! I haven't even mentioned the number of stopped attempted shooting attacks!"

"And while we are tearing down the laws and speaking about freedom, the abortion law was being passed, and now, women can't get abortions! Even if the baby is stillborn or the MOTHER"S LIFE IS IN DANGER, she still can't get the abortion. Fun, isn't it? To have lost the right to your body."

"Even if you were assaulted, you still have to keep the baby! Because 'all life matters.' What a joke... It's so funny that I forgot to laugh. So, with the world turning into a circus of misbehaving apes, by the time I left, I was much better being dead than alive."

"And my brother had already died before me, so at least he doesn't have to see any more horrors..."

As I ranted on, Vincent stopped having that fierce glare and was thrown into a world of turmoil as I described the events that transpired years before my death. I was so angry that I failed to see that I was crying as Vincent reached out to wipe away a tear from my left cheek.

But I wasn't having any of it as I smacked his arm away, shocking the man.

"Alright... I get it now... You don't have to say anymore, and I'm sorry-"