The White Tiger; Baihu

I could use one of the Grand Orders, but there is still one problem...

"How do we get by this thing? Or are you planning to kill that Beast right out of the gate?" I questioned.

"Well, we could ambush it in the nearby forests, but there's a lone person within those woodlands. I don't intend to disturb that hermit, so we must move the fight to another area. Here would be fine," instructed Vincent, pushing the stone mark further down.

"We might have some personnel there to help, but I don't think they can do much damage. But, they can get you a place to stay for the Mission. And I've heard that some whack jobs over there worship the White Tiger, so that they might be a problem," advised VK, circling the stone marker.

"Hmm... Do you know anything about those people? They might be followers of the Baihu, so if we take them down, the Beast's powers might take a toll because this thing needs followers and prayers to keep their strength up," I said, reading through the Baihu's description.

"I guess we have files about them; I'm going to go around and check. But are you sure you want to deal with them? I heard they are a pain to fight since they've got the Skill of Paws of the White Tiger. But, if you insist, I'm not stopping you," said VK.

Vania, what is that Skill that VK said?

"Notice. The Skill; Paws of the White Tiger is a support Aura, allowing users to have special healing abilities and small enhancements to their physical strengths. But they are noted to be lower stats than you and Vincent," answered Vania.

Ah~ I see now... So these people have extra benefits from worshipping the White Tiger. Okay, other than finding out who and what we need to kill, we need to find the Baihu's weaknesses.

"Vincent, what do you propose we do?" I asked, looking up at the man.

"Well, we could go with your suggestion and take down the followers before the main event. But is there a way to not kill the people? I mean, they are innocent, and the Baihu isn't exactly killing anyone around the area... So it's just chilling," reasoned Vincent.

"Oh, so now you've become passive? What happened to, 'I must get the weapons no matter what?" I challenged, getting annoyed.

"I've got nothing against the people in Albion nor that Beast, so killing them might cause me to go on a guilt trip... Perhaps we could knock out White Tiger and the followers instead?"

"Then how will you get your weapon or the item you need? Do you have specifications on what you are supposed to gather for that spell you intend to use on Gorgon?"

"The Elemental Cores of Four Symbols..."

"So you do have to kill them?! Then why are you such a wuss about it?! In our prime, we didn't question our bosses about the tasks given to us. Killing things is nothing to us anymore, so why are you so uptight about it now?"

"I kinda feel bad because it's an animal... And it is a cat..."

I groaned before pulling on Vincent's left ear.

"Ow... Ow! Okay! I'm sorry!"

"Good. So, for the Baihu, we shall head over to Albion to eradicate the Beast, and we could knock out the followers... Also, how many of them are there? If it's one or two, I don't mind locking them up for a while, but if it's an entire army, I might kill them all at once," I stated.

"Uhm... Did you have a bad run-in with the people from Albion? Why are you so intent on killing them?" asked VK, back with a few pieces of paper.

"No, I hate to see people worshipping a monster. No matter how many stories or lies you've placed into human minds, you can't change the fact the Four Symbols are monsters. People who blindly follow faith are unworthy to keep breathing in this world," I replied.

I thanked the Mafia Head as I grabbed the papers and laid them on the table to read everything at once. And what I've come to realize is that these followers aren't volunteers... They could not have done this of their own will and reason because there were only seven followers.

"It seems that they are representing the Seven Mansions from the sky," mentioned Vincent, grabbing out a night sky map.

How could I forget?! Each of the Four Symbols Beasts is Chinese Constellations in the sky so that it would be made out of stars, explicitly having seven of them. The Ancient ones called them Mansions.

They are named as follows, Legs, Bond, Somach, Hairy Head, Net, Turtle Beak, and Three Stars.