Using the Forbidden Element

Ah, you go ahead then... But this girl seems awfully familiar... Like someone I've met before, and I couldn't recall. Was my memory failing as well? I stared at the paper and darted my eyes back to Vania's records on the Net.

This girl was a Mage, but I don't know why I felt so much connection to her. She doesn't resemble anyone I had met in my previous life, so...

"Notice. I have figured out the Seal on the Net's eye. It is not a Seal; it is her special ability. This girl possesses the Arcane Eyes of Seals, which means that she can conjure up any Seal toward items or people by activating her left eye."

Ah! So that's why you couldn't read her eye... No worries, since you've figured out the problem for me, I've got the best way to defeat this girl... And, of course, the last two targets I had yapping about. I want to use different ways to go about defeating these foes.

Otherwise, what kind of adventurer would I be if I didn't experiment a little? I've got so much of Elements, Skills, and techniques dancing upon my fingertips... Begging to be used. This quest was the best opportunity to test everything out!

"Notice. You can choose whatever Elements to use against the three enemies you have chosen, but the Net can Seal this list of Elements and Skills in your arsenal," notified Vania as a long list of my powers appeared in my vision.

Great... All the more to use the one thing I've always used against my foes... My physical strength and hard head. That was when I realized one Element was cut off from that list. The most dangerous thing within this Universe...

The Element of Corruption, something I forced Vania to lock so I wouldn't accidentally use it and harm the surrounding people. I took a deep breath and realized that I would need to start using that forbidden Element with the formidable foes I would face in the future.

Alright, Vania... I need to revoke an earlier command I gave you when I first got the Element of Corruption.

"Notice. You are fully breaking the lock on the Element of Corruption. This cannot be undone nor sealed again."

Eh? Why is that so? You were able to do it right off that bat when I got the Element... So why would resealing it be impossible?

"Notice. When you first absorb an Element, you can always choose to include it in your main Elements or sub Elements. However, if you refuse to use the Element, I have no choice but to seal the Element away."

"Since you haven't used its special Spells yet, it would be possible for me to lock the Element. However, I can no longer lock it after you've used one instance of the power. It's the same concept as opening a bottle of wine or liquor. I can't reseal those items," explained Vania.

No... You've got the point, but when you use that analogy, you forget something. I was part Bartender because I was a Service Crew, so I knew that most alcoholic drinks couldn't be sealed once opened. But that doesn't mean it can't be contained in another way.

The same thing for the forbidden Element, I might not be able to reseal the item again, but I could devise another method not to use the Element again. Or, my 1000 IQ brain tells me to avoid using the Element altogether and stuff it at the far ends of my library. That much could be possible, right?

"Notice. Yes, it would be possible to have that arrangement. Now then, would you like to break the lock on the Element of Corruption?" prompted Vania as a massive padlock on the words 'Corruption' appeared in my vision.

I could feel my heart thumping in my ears as I thought hard about using this Element. On one hand, learning the special Spells of this Universe's most feared Element would be the most overpowered thing to happen to me.

On the other, I might end up hurting other innocent lives if I use it recklessly or without reason. I shook my head frantically and clenched my fists. No, I have to do this! Else I would lose against beings such as the Gorgon or the Net! Vania, this is an order. I command you to break that Seal!

"Notice. You have chosen to use the Corruption Element. This action cannot be undone. Notice. Your Rank and Elemental Energy are enough to unlock the first few forms of the Corruption Element. Adding the Corruption Element into your library..."

"Finished activity. The Element of Corruption has been successfully added into your power sets. You may view it and prepare your strategy."