One Hell Of An Apology

I smiled inwardly as I politely declined Vania's request and closed my eyes to concentrate on the room's exits. A loose floorboard behind Vincent. Okay... How about this? I walked over to VK's back and took his daggers while talking to him. He was too pissed off to notice me.

"I don't mind killing it for you... But I'll do it as Vincent's partner and won't ask for anything in return if you promise not to rage at the Arks," I said, unfazed about VK's temper tantrum.

"You don't want to get paid for this Mission?" asked Vincent, with his eyes the size of saucers.

"Not if it can save the Arks some trouble with the Mafia. Besides..."

I smirked and went over to VK, stuck out my arm, and gently gripped his chin, tilting it upwards. I closed into VK's fearful face, still holding that smile. I then used my free hand to point my index finger at VK's face, much to the worry of both men.

"You owe me one hell of an apology after insulting me earlier. And for the record, Vincent... Your Nullification spell is too weak," I threatened, with my eyes changing color to crimson red.

The finger pointed at VK had an orb of Darkness forming at its tip, growing ever so slightly to fire at the Mafia Head's face.

"You... You aren't here to help Vincent as a friend or for money... You are here as an advocate and spy for the Arks!" yelled VK, slowly reaching for his daggers, only for him to find nothing there.

"Where are my daggers?" yelled VK, trying his best not to trigger me so I wouldn't launch the Spell in his face.

"Right here," I said, letting go of VK's chin to hold his twin daggers.

"What are you planning to do, Elizabeth?" asked Vincent, as he was very cautious of me.

"Nothing in particular... I just thought it was funny that VK would badmouth and threaten the Arks when one of its members is here. Besides, if you launched an attack against them, you would have been defeated even before you could face the Founders."

"Or the Headmaster because Mavislin might swoop in to blast all you people into heaven for convenience's sake. Only mercy and respect allowed the Mafia to survive this long. With every way to Sunday, you will never rise against the Arks or the Founders."

"The band of clowns in that supernatural house is strong enough to kick back to your mother's womb, so I wouldn't start a war when you haven't crawled," I growled, wanting to smack VK into another realm.

Vincent swallowed his saliva while VK was starting to panic since I had the upper hand. A single drop of sweat rolled down VK's cheek. When it touched the ground, I moved and decided to slice VK's neck with the dagger but was stopped by a familiar bow from Vincent.

I smiled as I turned to look at my partner, who didn't have my back.

"Using the gift I gave you to stop my attacks... How noble of you, Spitfire."

"I'm only doing the right thing here... Protecting my boss. It doesn't matter if we were buddies in the past life. I am now allied with the Mafia and will continue doing so until my morals tell me otherwise. And right now, this is a one-sided battle."

"Hmph. Whatever you say, Spitfire. But the next time you stop my attack, it will not be pretty."

"Likewise. You know I won't be going easy on you when I'm angry."

A deadly silence blanketed the room before VK cleared his throat. I sighed one more time before focusing back on the Qinglong. The followers of this Dragon differed slightly from the Baihu since they shared one common thing... The experience in Chinese Martial Arts.

The Baihu's followers all had somewhat different fighting styles but used the same Element while the Qinglong's followers functioned similarly to a Hivemind. One glance was enough to see these followers share the same head because the crimes committed were identical.

The only difference would be the places the crimes took place. But as I pinpointed the crimes onto Albion's map and took a step back. And after drawing the lines, I knew what the Azure Dragon was planning to do. A nice trick for those who can trace dots. And I'm not too fond of it one bit.

The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon were called the Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Room. I thought of splitting the task up again, but my gut told me otherwise.

These people were Rogue Mages, not random humans pulled out from the streets, so I must tread carefully when handling them. They could be as powerful as the Founders. Let's see...